Jumping ship (Bit late though).


Loyal Freddie
Aug 14, 2006
Right, after not having played DAoC for a good half a year or so due to the population hitting rock bottom I've started to itch. So, today I re-installed the copies and created an account on the US servers. However I'm lonely and I've been looking for a guild all day, without any luck. :-(.

My main plan was to stick to the classic servers, hib side and skip getting a second account as I'm a bit low on funds these days, but despite that I'm pretty much open for anything, aslong as I'm given a cozy home. Heh.

So, I'ma just cross my fingers now and hope for a reply, takecare. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
My tip for you m8 is DONT reroll just yet.

Not sure if you know, but mythic is rerolling daoc and will bring up an orgigins server very shortly with the gameplay/looks as daoc did the years 2001/2002 NO toa,artis,ml's,champ levels old frontiers Odins,emain and all other stuff you liked around then.

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