Juiced (Again?)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, but within reason. I've stumbled across this article. The latest news from E3 (Not really, it's dated the 7th of May). From reading it, i've come to the conclusion that if this game holds up to the theory, it will wipe the floor with any other racer, ever. Yeah you can flash your GT's or your PGR'S, or even your SRS's if you're so inclined. But the fact of the matter is, the potential scale of this game is astounding. From the sounds of it, Acclaim have done their homework. To me, they've covered just about everything you can do in the current generation of consoles for a racing game.

Of particular interest to me was:

There are approximately 7.2 trillion styling combinations to play with, and this number gets crazy when you add the performance modifications.

By crazy, i assume something in the region of a quadrillion? :)

It's got the money management and depth of GT, the speed and aesthetics of NFS:U, and the intensity of Burnout. In my eyes, it cannot fail.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sir Frizz said:
Yeah, but within reason. I've stumbled across this article. The latest news from E3 (Not really, it's dated the 7th of May). From reading it, i've come to the conclusion that if this game holds up to the theory, it will wipe the floor with any other racer, ever. Yeah you can flash your GT's or your PGR'S, or even your SRS's if you're so inclined. But the fact of the matter is, the potential scale of this game is astounding. From the sounds of it, Acclaim have done their homework. To me, they've covered just about everything you can do in the current generation of consoles for a racing game.

Of particular interest to me was:

By crazy, i assume something in the region of a quadrillion? :)

It's got the money management and depth of GT, the speed and aesthetics of NFS:U, and the intensity of Burnout. In my eyes, it cannot fail.



Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
From the sound of things Gran Turismo has nothing to worry about. Prologue out on May 28th remember folks!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
In my eyes, it's a heap of shit which belongs in the same bin as NFS:U, TFATF & 2F2F...

Sorry but that game just seems like an NFS:U clone and considering NFS:U was completely fucking awful I don't think this game will be any good at all....

I very much doubt it will have highly detailed precision physics... certainly not to the degree of the GT series... the graphics don't look great and I just fail to see the appeal. Too many people brush the GT series away for almost no reason at all. No one seems to realise the sheer brilliance of it and the attention to detail that PD go to in order to produce that game... and to think, GT4 is actually going to demolish GT3 in terms of physics and detail... so definitely as Bodhi said... screw Juiced and go get GT4P... hell go and buy PS2's just for it because it's the best driving game series ever.

The thing which I think says it all... GT4P is a DEMO and it beats the likes of NFS:U, Juiced, and many more hands down...

I will mention the racing game GTR though which appears to be poised to become the best PC based Racing game ever given the quality of the demo, cba to find a url but googling for gtr demo should find you what you need... it's about 120mb and it's a quality little game based around the FIA GT Racing series... well worth a try ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Apparently heading out for xbox too. GHR that is. Comparring GT4 to something like juiced (which is more comparable to Burnout) is like comapring roastdinners to a bowl of cereal, they can both be very nice but they do different things :eek7:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Forza Motorsport looks like it may have more to interest GT freaks.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Skyler said:
Too many people brush the GT series away for almost no reason at all. No one seems to realise the sheer brilliance of it and the attention to detail that PD go to in order to produce that game.

Well, of course i'll never look down on GT4, as i've been a fan from the beginning. And i am aware of the work that's gone into the games. I have done some digging on GT4 y'know. :)

I dunno, i suppose i'm quite biased towards modding. In GT3, there was no way to change the look of your car, and as a feature which appeared in the first game, i was a little let down.

Seeing as though i said "if the theory holds up", meaning it'll have a degree of realism (plus a damage model), then in my eyes it'll be top-quality.

Fact is, i'm going to be very poor when all these racing games come out. I think the list atm stands at about 5 or 6. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
GT4 wont have physical damage because the manufacturers will not support it... not all of them anyway. The other reason it wont have physical damage is that the PS2 only has 32MB memory for graphics/sound/data etc.. all at once... PD max it out totally and use every last bit to get the look and quality of GT3/4. KY has said he wants to add damage many times but that manufacturers and hardware restrictions prevent him from doing so currently. Plus the fact that if PD did damage they'd do it so damn realistic that it would take them a year to do it. Having each part break off in a perfect fragment etc... that's what they are like..

Damage would be nice but it doesn't have to be visual for me... I'd like a bit of non visual damage... crashing into a wall too hard = damaged car in a certain way etc... they can do that... just can't physically crumple the car totally. A game like Burnout 2 may well have damage but how boring does it get seeing the same crash sequence over and over cause they have limited sequences available... it's silly... GT is about driving not crashing.

As for mods... GT has all the relevant mods you need... internal mods are most important. It's not a game for rice gimps... it's not trying to be some underground street racer fast and the furious piece of crap.. it's a simulation. If you want to Max Power your cars which also I must add gets very boring then go ahead in another game.

Once again if PD actually did modding on a wider scale they would again be spot on perfect about it and have each part affect the downforce of the car in the right way etc.

GT4 will be a stunner and Juiced wont even be remembered for 3months.. if that... The only reason people talk about NFS:U is to use it as a shit comparison for racing games to compete against :p


Loyal Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
I really like GT series and GT4 will defo be on my shopping list, having said that i'm keepin an eye on Forza Motorsport having seen the vid on ign.com.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I'm fairly sure Gran Turismo would suck with a damage model tbh. We'll have to see how this new cheat prevention idea whey've put in works (limiting you to 50kph if you clout the walls). It's far too easy to use little nudges off other cars/walls on street circuits to go even faster - and there is a skill to it, get it wrong you can stop completely. The second turn before the tunnel on Tiral Mountain comes to mind, to rock on the outside can clip some impressive fishtail moments whilst not losing any of the speed you gaine dwhilst fish-tailing. It's a hard knack to describe, but I'm sure you've also used it before Skyler. Clearly I'm not talking about using the barriers as brakes (lamest of the lame imo), just those helpful little nudges that get you back on line if you miss the apex ever so slightly (easy enough to do in a 1000bhp Viper).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Damage model would be great but it wont be seen until GT5 at least... the anti cheat measures should be good but I've yet to test them... I hope the AI is improved sufficiently so that they don't ram you always and give you the rev limit penalty.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
It hardly runs on my archaic machine.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I just tried it today, I'm sorry to say but it's really pretty crap. Any racer that's easier to control from outside the vehicle than from bumper view has some seriously rubbish car physics.

I hope they fix the final release, but I'm no longer holding my breath. Pity.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
I suppose its dependant on whatever floats your boat, personally i fucking hate having to tweak things and such. I wanna jump in a car and race god damnit.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I don't like having to tweak engine specs etc, ala Gran Turismo, but I at least expect the driving physics to be decent. As of this demo, they're not.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah but you thought NFS:U was shit and, quite frankly, it wasn't.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Yes it was.

The AI sucked, the tracks sucked, the rice sucked, the music sucked, the graphics sucked, the physics sucked and in short, the game sucked.

If you want a fun arcadey game like that, Burnout 2 does most of the job, if you want realistic cars then GT does the job more than well... if you want rice go and watch the fast and the furious and then buy NFSU and add shit looking crap to your car and pretend you're in the film.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Burnout 2 is fun, but when you still want fun but with slightly more realistic physics (hey, they're not gunna win an award but lets face it - they're better than burnouts') then NFS:U is good.

Oh and another thing, it's one of the very few racing games out there that's able to convey a real sense of speed. Burnout 2 managest it, but not a whole lot else. Not even (in my experience) the GT series. Golly gosh!


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Gran Turismo's sense of speed doesn't really kick in until you get to the proper rapid machinery in the game (F1 cars, Group C cars, etc). Until then you only really seem to notice it when you're barreling into a 2nd gear corner in 4th and you're extremely concerned about making it out the other side.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
NFS has it because of the locations, it's street racing and there's a lot of detail flying past you at breakneck speed, that's what does it. With more traditional racing games, they're based on proper racing tracks which have less detail.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I didn't see a great sense of speed in NFS:U really... no games sense of speed is that great because you can't feel how fast you are going you only see.. and that makes them feel much much slower...

On a brighter note... I shall have my new Logitech Driving Force Pro wheel for GTage soon :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Actually, you can never "feel" constant speed, just acceleration. Granted, that helps, but a huge amount of the feeling of speed is what's flying past you. Notice how driving on a dual carriage way at 50mph feels a lot slower than doing 50 in a residential area?* Also, notice how having a lower car gets you closer to the road and makes driving seem faster. It's a visual thing. Some games recreate it better than others, NFS:U did it very well.

*WARNING: Driving recklessly can endanger lives! Do not drive this fast in residential areas. You tit.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Just thought I'd add that the DFP is excellent.. although very difficult to get to grips with.. it's gonna be like relearning everything again.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Is the DFP still £100? Is it also compatible with any other (non GT4: P) games?


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I've got the non-pro version, which is excellent. Is the Pro version the one that rotates 900 degrees? If it is, stick with the non-pro one - it's just as realistic. I don't know of a car that actually has a full 900 degrees from lock to lock, so it isn't actually any more realistic than the standard 180 (which is pretty close to what F1 cars do, which is what I drive most of the time, both in Gran Turismo and F1 2003). It's also worked in every game I've tried it.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
nath said:
NFS has it because of the locations, it's street racing and there's a lot of detail flying past you at breakneck speed, that's what does it. With more traditional racing games, they're based on proper racing tracks which have less detail.
Yes, and have you also noticed how you get a far greater sensation of speed on the road down a narrow lane than you do on a motorway?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I believe I covered that with the dual carriage way vs residential area thing.

Pay attention, mong :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
DFP can be found for around £80 at www.consoleplus.co.uk got mine from there, seems ok...

I don't recommend getting the old DF simply because it's not as up to date and the DFP has superoir build quality and look and is likely to last longer. The 900 degree steering simulates what a lot of real cars have and it does it very well.. I much prefer 900 to 200... the 200 mode is basically like a pad... it's ok to use on F1 cars cause that's what it's meant for... but 900 on a standard road car feels 10x better than 200 degree mode... 900 degrees gives far more possible control and precision... I think it's great :p

The wheels are always good anyway, I do recommend one.. and yes they work fully on the PC with 900 degree mode if you choose to use that mode. 900 degree mode is also possible in pretty much every recent racing title on the PS2, and 200 degree mode in all the rest. It's the best wheel ever made really.. aside from the ones that cost like 2 grand :p

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