Jubk food ad ban


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
They are talking about banning 'junk' food adverts after 9 and making companies produce smaller chocolate bars in the UK.

Chocolate is the bane of my life, I'm always a 1/2 stone overweight because of it.

Got a great system now, many people find it weird, I buy a Mars bar take 1 bite and throw the rest in the bin.
All I get is 'starving kids in Africa', and I'm like 'will it help them if I eat it?'

Everything gets eaten eventually.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Cadburys started this a month ago, by scrapping the 'king size' Crunchie bar.
Apparently as a leading producer of chocolate bars, they care about obesity oO

Anyway it's not about how much you eat, but how much you workout. Whoever is pushing this campaign should consult someone with sense, before wasting taxpayers money on idiotic whims.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Escape said:
Cadburys started this a month ago, by scrapping the 'king size' Crunchie bar.
Apparently as a leading producer of chocolate bars, they care about obesity oO

Anyway it's not about how much you eat, but how much you workout. Whoever is pushing this campaign should consult someone with sense, before wasting taxpayers money on idiotic whims.
beg to differ - a fat yank **** eating 10 happy meals a day would be far better off not eating them


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not fat, so I don't really care either way.

If they make chocolate bars smaller, I'll just buy two to compensate. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Just heard it on the news and it was mostly about young children, saying how commercials have such huge impact on them. I don't know how young they are talking about but it's the parents responsibility to keep their kids at normal weight, I mean it makes me sick seeing all the little tubbies munching hamburgers like candy when I rarely visit a hamburger restaurant. (not McDonald's!!)

Of course children will get overweight if their parents let them eat anything they want and I don't see how commercials can be blamed in any way.

It's these gutless parents that are the problem, in my humble opinion.


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
Well as someone who works in public health its time to put my 2p in.

Imo the 9pm watershead for junk food ads is a damn good idea. What it will actually achieve is 2 things - it will help to remove the idea that burger bars are normal and acceptable, hopefully it will work in the same way as when cigarrette advertising was banned. Secondly it will also remove the hook that gets kids there in the first place. From the experience of my 2 boys (age 6 and 4) and careful watching of the ads its actually the toys that are advertised with the happy meals that's the incentive for them to go (not that the go often I hasten to add :))
The problem of childhood obesity is a hugely complex one - parents are getting fatter and so are their kids cos their getting fed the same things. Parents arn't letting their kids out to play at night (in the UK towns and cities at least) so they stay in to play on their ps2 all night. Schools are selling off their playing fields and downgrading their priorities for PE because of the national cirriculum, and thanks the the UK supermarket cartel we are all being fed the shittiest food it Europe.
And that's just the ones off the top of my head..

So as a result we are getting kids with type 2 diabetes, adults with diabetes are being diagnosed in shockingly high numbers. Heart disease and hypertension are all on the increase. Attitudes have to change and so do eating habits and that aint gonna happen overnight. The ad ban is a start but it has to go further. It took 40years to get where we are with smoking (from whenthe 1st lot of research came out) and eating habits will take much longer to change.


<gets off soapbox>


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Its just the next bandwagon for the health facists.
They have virtualy nail smoking to the cross so over-weight people gonna be next.
Wont be long before we start to see figures published about how much over-weight people cost the NHS a year, a long list of illneses caused by over eating/eating the wrong stuff, the dangers of secondary ingestion from someone over-eating in the same room as you, a ban on over-eating in public places......
Smoking was just the tip of the iceberg guys.
Soon ALL lifestyle choices will be removed from you.
But we will be better off for it. Wont we?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Indis said:
Well as someone who works in public health its time to put my 2p in.


Just becaue you work in PH mainly.

Speaking as someone "in the know" if the Government spent more on building up the UKs Public Health services and workforce, the NHS wouldn't be such a mess.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
beg to differ - a fat yank **** eating 10 happy meals a day would be far better off not eating them
thats not what the fatkins diet says :p

Its just the next bandwagon for the health facists.
They have virtualy nail smoking to the cross so over-weight people gonna be next.
But we will be better off for it. Wont we?
If there was a clause where smokers and obese people who refuse to change had to pay for their own medical treatment when their body cant take anymore.
id be happy to let the fo and die in a pit of their own filth. But they dont, i have to contribute to fixing their problems.
Yes its selfish, yes its heartless.. but making the rest of us pay for disgusting habits isnt?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Rookiescot said:
a ban on over-eating in public places.....

Soon ALL lifestyle choices will be removed from you.
But we will be better off for it. Wont we?

How do you harm the other people in those public places by eating too much ?

You can not compare smoking and that so called "over eating".

Smoking is harmful towards everyone in the same area as you. If someone gets fat, it's his problem, you don't have to breathe his fatness.

I don't call smoking a lifestyle choice either, it is a mistake many people make while they are teenagers, and by the time they realise they should stop, they are addicted for 8+ years at least, from that point giving up smoking is damn hard.

I don't know the percentage of 14+ old children getting "hooked up" on cigarettes in the UK, but in hungary the majority of teens smoke. How does it spread? Kind of sad, when kids go to secondary school at the age of 14, it is not a cool thing not to smoke, you get picked on more or less for being a non-smoker. I got picked on too, but being the nocare person I am, I just said no. This has happened 6 years ago, and I still don't regret not finishing a single cigarette.

Most of them admit it that they wanted to be cool and regret it now, some say "oh my life was way too stressful".


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
Speaking as someone "in the know" if the Government spent more on building up the UKs Public Health services and workforce, the NHS wouldn't be such a mess.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Primary prevention is the way to save the NHS an awful lot of money by stopping people getting admitted to hospital in the first place. Unfortunately because a lot of the stuff that gets you into hospital is basically quite pleasurable :) the only way most people are gonna stay healthy is if goverment enshrines some of it in law (ads, smoking bans) and if you have sufficient staff in public health/primary care (ie GPs and Practice Nurses) to continue to carry the messages across.

As far as I'm concerned the people who then start whining about the nanny state can fuck off. You're told about the risks, you know the dangers of the lifestyle you have, just don't sit and whine when you're sitting on your hospital bed starting your chemotherapy. :touch:

Ahem - tough morning at work - cant you tell? ;)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Charge smoker and fat people for treatment

There's a novel idea.

As will all such ideas, there's a failure to think it through.

How about cyclists, car drivers, mountain climbers, bungee jumpers ,parachutists, runners, swimmers, hikers, dancers, in fact every activity with any risk whatsoever, should they pay for injuries?
The only people to get treatment free are the one's who take no personal risk whatsoever in their lives, then it's your genetic makeup.
'I'm sorry MrBillybob, you were clearly identified as having a genetic malfunction during gestation, your parents failed to have you terminated, we can't be responsible for the resultant problems'

Watch Gattica!!!!!
It is exactly how it will go.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2003
Indis said:
As far as I'm concerned the people who then start whining about the nanny state can fuck off. You're told about the risks, you know the dangers of the lifestyle you have, just don't sit and whine when you're sitting on your hospital bed starting your chemotherapy. :touch:
I wish it could be like that (inform people about the risks and let them make their own choises). But no we have to get another TOTC(think of the children) law because half of todays parents are to stupid/lazy to bring their children up them self.

oh well, they took away the smoke, now the fast food, but if they touch the beer I'll be front line in the revolution


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2003
Job said:
Charge smoker and fat people for treatment

There's a novel idea.
except the smoker already pays for his care and part of yours aswell, thats why smokes are so expensive


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Indis said:
As far as I'm concerned the people who then start whining about the nanny state can fuck off. You're told about the risks, you know the dangers of the lifestyle you have, just don't sit and whine when you're sitting on your hospital bed starting your chemotherapy. :touch:

Thats the problem though, and it does cripple some of the effectiveness of any Public Health strategy, is if people are seen to be being told by the state/NHS what they can and can't do. I think the ban on advertising junk food before 9pm is a good idea, much in the same way I thought the ban on smoking advertisements was a good thing too.

But the ban on smoking in bars, no, I don't like this. Partly because its a half-assed approach and partly because it is the nanny state. Bars are not public property, it should be up to the owner of their privately run establishment to decide what legal activities to allow in their establishment. Proper legislation in this area, rather than this stupid ban, would create less of an adverse public reaction and make people more understanding of the issues involved.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Just make a seperate counter like they do for ciggys, only instead of having to prove your age you've got to get on a set of scales. Problem solved, now can we please move onto a new FoTM before the seering hatred I have for fat people who blame their problems on other people boils to the surface and I kill sombody?


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Charge smoker and fat people for treatment

There's a novel idea.

As will all such ideas, there's a failure to think it through.

How about cyclists, car drivers, mountain climbers, bungee jumpers ,parachutists, runners, swimmers, hikers, dancers, in fact every activity with any risk whatsoever, should they pay for injuries?
The only people to get treatment free are the one's who take no personal risk whatsoever in their lives, then it's your genetic makeup.
'I'm sorry MrBillybob, you were clearly identified as having a genetic malfunction during gestation, your parents failed to have you terminated, we can't be responsible for the resultant problems'

Watch Gattica!!!!!
It is exactly how it will go.
Actually all they have to do is say xx, xx and xx treatment is not covered under the NHS like cosmetic surgery.
And you didnt read my post very carefully, i said they should be charged if they refuse to look at their diet. Fat people are fat because they eat too much and exercise too little, if they want to live past 30 without a heart attack they should change


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Chronictank said:
Fat people are fat because they eat too much and exercise too little, if they want to live past 30 without a heart attack they should change

Nope, not all fat people are fat because they eat too much and exercise too little.

Charging people extra money, because of their lifestyle, while sounding good on paper, breaks the basic principle under which the NHS was established. Which is provide healthcare, to the individual, without fear of the cost, on the basis of their clinical need.

Believe me, you start chaging fat people, then you need to charge the smokers. Then you need to charge those who take part in dangerous activities. Then the people who work in offices. The people who want IVF and so on and so on. Practically every lifestyle carries its inherent risks which will require certain types of healthcare.

That fundamental principle of the NHS is not something which should be eroded under any circumstance.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Remember kids, its not junk food if you make it your self!!!!! :-O

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
To be honest, I have mixed feelings about this issue.

First off, not all "fat" people are unhealthy. I have a few friends who everyone considers the "fat men" until your asked to hold there arms tightly whilst they flex. They have weight, yes, and it's mostly muscle under a thin layer of fatty tissue. Hell, there in better shape than I am, for fucks sake.

Secondly, my mum is considered my most to be "fat", but with her it is retained water and fluids in the body. For the last 2 years she's been sent in for fat and cholesterol counts are in the "very health" levels, which has pissed her doctor off no end (Little prick has to do some work now). For years she's been told by doctors to "loose weight" and "fight that flab" only to find out it's a natural condition of her body. Yeah, 12 years of nagging and heart ache all for nothing. If I ever find her last doctor, he's getting a steel tip up his backside.

The problem with my many people like my mother is that no-one investigates things until there either forced to, or someone else does it for them. The latter happened with my mother, when an Oriental doctor was assigned to her case, and he ended up sending her in for all the tests, twice to confirm it all. Sice the news (and the new treatments), she's improved a lot, and feels fantastic, but her case is rare though which leads to the mixed part.

I have met people since returning from ireland 18 months ago, who use there wieght as a crutch, blaming all there problems on it. "Oh, i feel so unatractive" or "No one will give me a job becasue i'm fat"........These are the people who I silently wish would be hit by traffic (Provided the vehicle weighted more than they did). And it does not stop there, fat people wearing REALY inappropriate gear, I fortunately don't have pictures to show you (can you blame me) but there are descriptions I can give.

a) A twenty stone woman (lotta woman beleive me) wearing skin TIGHT leather miniskirt (the size of a tent), skin tight purple top with (plenty of) cleavage on display, leather boots with what I presumed were once high heels and a bag so small you could loose it in her palm. And whats worse, she was acting like some dappy 15 year old tart, flashing her boobs at passing motorists (poor bastards). Thats just realy annoys me.

So, do I agree with the whole "get fit and get health" thing? Well, yeah I do. However, we have the other side of the coin that says "you can do whatever you want to your bodies" which I also agree with, so as you can see, it's vicious circle for Binkers here. But, we do have a get out clause.......however, it's a rather unpopulare view, and it is a rather extreme view. I would like to note now that it is offensive to some peoples beleifs, and not many would agree with it on moral principle......just thought i'd warn you.

If they don't want the help, advice or the way to a healthy life......let them fuck themselves up. Just don't expect help when they realy need it, dying of heart and liver failure, you made the bed now lye in it. I don't see why people who deliberatly fuck themselves up should get top priority on the surgical table whilst others have to wait for a legitamate complaint. I've been in hospital recently, i've seen it happen, and i've looked into the eyes of those who needed there operation only to be cancelled over some irresponsible fuck who's crashed and burned that morning. It's not right, it sure as shit aint fair, and it needs to stop NOW!

Right, now i've finnished being serious, ill get on to doing some dick and fart jokes for tomorrow.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Rookiescot said:
I*random bollocks* the dangers of secondary ingestion from someone over-eating in the same room as you*more stuff*

Made me giggle...seriously dont swing too far to the other side and look silly will you? Main reason NHS is viewed with such disdain and the like these days are for the following reasons:

1. Very little Auditing to maintain standards, protocols are in place now (in my lab anyway) to ID any problems and get them sorted using the least amount of cash (cos theres not realy enough for reasons to follow)

2. We are being punished due to the current ethos in Medicine, the better we perform, the longer people live and so more diseases occur due to genetic degradation over time. We simply weren't designed to live as long as we do, and it's become a case where people who should be dead are being forced to be alive until their frail bodies cannot take it anymore.

3. The common denominator doesn't want to vote for the party that says its going to increase taxes to pay for improvements in public health. People want something for nothing and this seems stupid to me because they just go and increase taxes anyway and then waste a significant amount on random 'projects'. It'd be nice for politicians to be clear with their intentions from the begining and actually run the country instead of playing this power politics bollocks.

4. Too many middle-management positions within the NHS which could quite easily be consolidated and reassigned to several key personel types (Nurses mainly would be good for example) with the added bonus of perhaps generating more interest in those careers (especially nurses).

About Gattaca, as a Molecular Biologist i personally feel its up to the scientific community in general to push how we deal with the influx of Genetics in the post Genome era, Genetic data on individuals should be protected and if used medically (to determine drug metabolism and potential drug allergies before administering for example) should not be made available to public groups or companies. If it was the problems it could cause in insurance and loans/mortgages (We believe it will be possible to determine roughly age of death if from natural causes in a few decades) leading to a situation similar to that shown in Gattaca.

Still far too early to tell but i know how rough it is working in the NHS especially as a team of 3 people doing the weekend shift for the clinical lab in a very busy, understaffed hospital with dated kit. Please think before criticising us too harshly because as far as im concerned some of these people are miracle workers to cope with the enormous task that is never ending...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Lothandar said:
How do you harm the other people in those public places by eating too much ?

You can not compare smoking and that so called "over eating".

Smoking is harmful towards everyone in the same area as you. If someone gets fat, it's his problem, you don't have to breathe his fatness.

I don't call smoking a lifestyle choice either, it is a mistake many people make while they are teenagers, and by the time they realise they should stop, they are addicted for 8+ years at least, from that point giving up smoking is damn hard.

I don't know the percentage of 14+ old children getting "hooked up" on cigarettes in the UK, but in hungary the majority of teens smoke. How does it spread? Kind of sad, when kids go to secondary school at the age of 14, it is not a cool thing not to smoke, you get picked on more or less for being a non-smoker. I got picked on too, but being the nocare person I am, I just said no. This has happened 6 years ago, and I still don't regret not finishing a single cigarette.

Most of them admit it that they wanted to be cool and regret it now, some say "oh my life was way too stressful".

Its a hazard to me if the fat bastard falls on top of me.

Also .... if smoking is not a lifestyle choice then it must be an addiction like you said?
In that case .... I'm an addict.
I demand free cigarettes from the NHS (same as the crack heads get).
I demand free treatment from the NHS to wean me off my addiction. This means not having to pay for any prescriptions like patches and the like. (same as the crack heads get).
Oh ..... and you can no longer persecute me cos I'm now a minority group with social difficulties.
I demand my own social worker.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Binky the Bomb said:
but there are descriptions I can give.

a) A twenty stone woman ...

Just came in to ask Binky about the rest of the descriptions :p

Or is it a really short list? (nothing against any height restricted lists out there)


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
sibanac said:
I wish it could be like that (inform people about the risks and let them make their own choises). But no we have to get another TOTC(think of the children) law because half of todays parents are to stupid/lazy to bring their children up them self.

My mother recently went to a meeting about problem children near where she lives run by Hampshire Police. It was supposed to be about crime prevention. As a local teacher she was interested in what they would have to say. After 10 minutes she left disgusted because most of the idiot parents were blaming the Police because they could not control their own bloody kids! They were actually standing up and asking the Police to do something about them!

Some poeple should not be allowed to bring up a child. It's a massive responsibility alot of people are too ignorant and selfish to devote the time/money/love required.

Crap like this is exactly why I left the UK.

father of a 4 year old.

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
old.Tohtori said:
Just came in to ask Binky about the rest of the descriptions :p

Or is it a really short list? (nothing against any height restricted lists out there)

Could have done with a picture i'll admit, but her height was about 4' 8" ish, it was hard to get an impression if height with all the mass. Think back to the "europe vs america" pic a while back.

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