as you may or may not know jpf have moved into regular rvr over pve . and we are now doing rvr guild grps almost every nite . we have about 20 regular members . and we are looking to recuit a handful more . wanting regular rvr and wanting to have a laugh are v inportant .
we are looking for 1-2 skalds and 1 aug/mend healer
plz go to the recuitment forum on our webby , link in my sig for details , and make a post there or PM me on this webby or the jpf webby for more details about the guild .
we are looking for 1-2 skalds and 1 aug/mend healer
plz go to the recuitment forum on our webby , link in my sig for details , and make a post there or PM me on this webby or the jpf webby for more details about the guild .