


I wasn't at the Legion raid tonight, but my guild had 2 groups present. On logging in, I was told that one of our cabbies, Jorillian, had been publically accused of keeping drops on the raid. I'd like to say now that Jorillian is one of the nicest, most honourable guys you're ever likely to meet in this game and there is not a chance in hell that he would do this. I really, really hope that those that accused him publically take the opportunity now, if they havent done so already, to apologise to him. I'm sure there would be no hard feelings, but if you make accusations in public atleast have the balls to rectify it when you've made a mistake. And on this occasion, to those who accused Jorillian, you made a mistake.


i Know jor also and i can say Jor is a stand up geezer , i aint heard any stuff like this but if anybody claims or kept drops they put up or shut up cos i knowjor would be the 1st to hand in drops if anything like that happned :)

so as bracken said if anybody accusing jor of summin put up or shut up :)


I don't blame Jorillian or anyone of the LoD group that had drops to hold drops back. Reason why Jorillian is accused by some is the fact that he picked up some drops (I saw 3 messages saying Jorillian pick up the blabla), and that he suicided some minutes later. I personally think 3 drops were not picked up and just left behind by accident, and that Jor prolly had to take alot of shit by sends from people accusing him, so he suicided.

Some people in this game are very short-minded, and start blaming people for things they haven't done before they think of the consequenses or any other posiblities. I know some LoD people are very shocked by this, so I really hope those people who openly accused him speak up and apologise.

Hope to see you guys on the next trip, hopefully WITH a legion to kill :p.


For those of you who are wondering what the hell is going on, heres the story.

Tonight there was a legion raid organised by stone and kcinimodus in which many guilds attended. 5fg of mids were ganked on their way to alb side merchants which on first glance seemed a bit strange but none the less the hunt continued. It was all set off and all well until the fights got into the legion room. To the understanding of many, drops were picked up from LoD and were thought to have not been handed in. The person who picked the drops up was Jorillian.

Now what I really don't understand is why he was singled out as being a theif. He was in a group of 8 people and just because he did the "f7+g", people flamed him personally and accused him of theiving drops. Now the drops picked up were not items, more likely seals that distributed through auto-split throughout the group. Correct me if I'm wrong but do single pairs of diamond seals (2) too have to be lottoed at the end? I think not :p Was it this that you were concerned about?

Conclusions were drawn straight away in a completely unfair way that they were indeed drops that he picked up and that he personally was holding them back. When remembered that for the drops to have been picked up by him, he must have been grouped, the entire group was questioned about this and subsequently, Legion of Darkness.

Questionings of one of the biggest raids in the game quickly turned into an open /yell flaming session. The name "Legion of Darkness" scorned and Jorillian put to shame for something which he did not do. There is no need to quote what was said because those of you who it concerns know anyway and I wish not to repeat such words.

I then beleive that something was said in the chat group which put a silence on the subject, voluntary or forced silence I don't know but I'm afraid the damage is done when you throw abuse around the place especially in /yells with several groups of people present. The sort of name calling and "guilty before proven innocent" kind of stature portrayed in tonights events was unjust. Many years ago people who were thought to be witches were drowned or burnt at the sake; the sort of society we live in now a days isnt like that...we have evolved...or so I and many others would like to beleive.

Legion of Darkness has always been one of the more friendly of guilds, inviting those of lower levels as well as those already well educated in the game mechanics; we have in our past had problems which have been resolved in the fairest way possible. When large disputes arise between particular members, gm's are contacted, informed and the situation is resolved. I'm sure some of you must remember me contacting you (gm's) and informing you of problems.

Unfortunately this is an incident which cannot be narrowed down to a resolve between gm's and those involved as the entire guild name was bought up.

In defense of Jorillian, I would b willing to lay down my entire account, betting that jorillian did NOT do anything wrong tonight. He has been a great influence to us all in the guild as un un-official (he doesnt want to be but i count him as one anyway ;) ) officer, making the game more fun for all those around him. When it comes to his time or drop's respectively he has never once in the 9/10 months we have all known him put himself above the needs of others...ESPECIALLY the guild. He wouldn't risk what we all stand for (LoD spirit) for the sake of any drops. That I am next to 100% certain of.

As for the Legion Of Darkness being called liars, I really desperately resent that comment. Anyone found to be lying on a large scale would not be tolerated and kicked from the guild. We don't harbor that kind of behaviour. Of the 8 people in the group questioned, 2 of them were guildmasters. Filthius and Mezzi...tell me when has anyone known them to be the type of person who would steal drops. Quite simply, they haven't and would never think of doing so.

So what is the aid of this post you ask? Well it's for all of those people who were at the raid and don't exactly know what was going on and also for the people who probably now think differently of Legion of Darkness. Finally it's for the people in question who chanted the assualt, also friends of mine I might add, and an oppurtunity for them to do right by the situation. Stand tall and admit misreading the situation and getting things wrong at the time...please.

(doesn't have to be on here, pm jorillian if you don't wish to do it on barrys :) )


I play and talk alot with Jorillian and he is one of the nicest players I know off. But something went terribly wrong there. If Jorillian picked up the loot, it will be distributed through his party. But we can't see who actualy got it. So maybe he is not at fault but one of the people in his group... ?

Also, I kept yelling to pickup the loot and still I saw lots of bags sitting on the ground after we went.


as I say m8, I think the loot he picked up and was questioned for was merely pairs of diamond seals : / He picked em up at the same time as 3 items dropped. However, the 3 items where not picked up but people assumed this was what he picked up ...some1 please correct me if im wrong here


drops should of been heckd for before we moved out was organisers fault for not checking up on them instead of automatically blaming people...



Jorillian is a nice guy, not the sort to thieve drops......


It goes 2 ways though.

Thx you guys for stickin up for me. But i should also add that when the whole drops thing started revolving round me, i didnt /y or /reply that i didnt take anything. This kinda made things worse. It's mostly due to me assuming ppl know i wouldnt do that, but of course not everyone knows me.

I also must have confused things by moving towards Kcinimodus as if to give something, but then without doin so i moved away. This happened because i was then told i didnt have to turn in diamonds, just the items that dropped, wich i didnt get.

Lets just call it water under the bridge. ;)

And Kir... well spoken, i stand in awe :clap:

/bow Kirennia



we all know jor is a stinking thieving lying sonofabitch, it must have been him, he stole ALL the drops, not just 3! really! he did! i swear it on the idiots who flamed him lives!

hmmph i wrote this great big thing out, and i thought it was really deep etc.. but then i thought it sounded stupid, so i deleted it :)

Instead, i'd just like to give my full support to jor, because i know he aint the sort of guy who's gonna walk away with stolen drops, so to the guys who flamed him, especially in public, they should get some real evidence beore they decide to give someone a reputation for a 'might-have-done'...


add:btw, the legion wasnt there, the mids got to him first the gits ;) NERF!

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