


Whats the matter, pussy-boys? cant stand a fair fight of 3 on 2 against me and Treeanna at the Crim area Fronteir dungeon without your buffbots or 2-5fg of your pals?

Next patch you wont be able to keep running in and out of the dungeon while you pee your pants like little girls.

You losers could have won if you had just had the guts to stand there and fight like a team.


no u just don't hear about the kills because people are too ashamed to admit to being beaten by a gimpstrel ( but it happens frequently).

How a tank with cheap RAs, slam, advanced wep spec, way more wepskill, moose, ip, more cons than me, more hps than me and same armour can lose to a minstrel who does not use ip in the fight is quite beyond me - but it has happened, and will again.

bTW: people need to learn that DL is not for xping, or even moving out in less than 1 fg unless ur a stealther.

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