#jk2mod JK2 Improvement Suggestions & Comments



Jedi Knight 2 Improvement Ideas.... Add comments please

Jedi Knight 2 Improvement Ideas Quakenet #jk2mod #jk2coding

Server - (Go test so far, need beta testing to see if it is working properly, ta) Dont need to download, it is currently server side only - Not Always Up

Any Problems with it, go to Quakenet IRC #jk2mod and look for me (Zey) or MikeC (who has rcon for the server) :cool:

Thanks to Dest, NickR, Jaii and Subject aka TekView for all their support as they've basically done it so far... making me learn a lot of things too

Once i've finished i dont' know if i will release it, as i've had a lot of help, and used some of Dest's code, Dest and Every other coder who's helped is welcome to add the parts they doesn't have in thier MOD. I did this for Fun and so i could learn more about C and jk2 coding.

Here's the ideas:


Shields Should not affect the damage by a saber, As Saber is a Melee weapon. Only guns should be affected by Shields.


Sabers: Values & Stances

Two Handed Stances

Light Stance: (blue)
Damage - 60hp
Head - Dmg*10, Body - Dmg, legs - Dmg*0.25, arms - Dmg*0.25
Speed - Same as 1.04 speed

Medium Stance: (yellow)
Damage - 80hp
Head - Dmg*10, Body - Dmg, legs - Dmg*0.25, arms - Dmg*0.25
Speed - Want to increase a little so it's the same speed as it was in CD version

Heavy Stance: (red)
Damage - 100hp
Head - Dmg*10, Body - Dmg, legs - Dmg*0.25, arms - Dmg*0.25 Speed - Same as 1.04

One Handed Stances (BEEN REMOVED, more than 3 stances for a single saber is too much)


Saber Throw

Damage - 40hp
Return Damage - 20hp
Head - Dmg*10, Body - Dmg, legs - Dmg*0.25, arms - Dmg*0.25

Increase the amount of mana saber throw uses as Damage is high.

Plus Want to make Saber drop to the ground if it is blocked (Thank U dest :))

Making Saber Throw a good choice, but with High Risk and Penalty

Sabers: Blocking (Decided not to change as blocking system seems fine.... please add comments if you disagree)


This will hopefully balance out the Sabers and make them more like the film. It will Also make Sabers the better weapon to use because if you get too close, you'll end up like Jango Fett in Ep2 :fluffle:


Hit Specific Actions

Sabers Only

Legs - If a leg is hit, the player will fall over. Same as a kick knock down or push/pull knock down. DONE

Arms - Saber will be dropped and player will have to pick it up to use it again. (Migh make it so you can punch when you dont have a saber, see how it goes)


Hit Specific Damage: Weapons DONE

All ready been done for Sabers, but i'll try and implement it into Weapons.

This will only apply to weapons like the Pistol, blaster, heavy repeater (standard fire), and disruptor.

As the rest are explosion weapons.


New Moves

Knock Down Kick
Not Sure how i'm gonna do this but in Single Player, if u land on someones head, they fall over, i'll try and get this put in..

Extra Moves
Will add a new key so u can do special jump moves like the cartwheel and stuff.... (once i know how :rolleyes: ) Already in game. Done Needs tweaking

Darth Maul Kick: In need on Animators, So dont expect this one very soon :p

Incase players lose their saber, there could be a Darth Maul style kick (not the current ingame one) that could be bound to a key to use at any time (but only with 10hp damage)


Special Features

Grappling Hook

Made by Ask, a very talented Coder and has said i could use it :)

We'll See


I'll Edit as more flood to mind Add your opinions :clap:


Have you thought about including a Disarm like in the Single Player?

When you throw your Saber, if it gets intercepted by a block or something then the Saber just drops to the ground, leaving you with no defence and brown trousers?

Also if a guy has 2 Sabers, and you get a hand or arm hit then it should destroy the Saber in that hand (Like Anakin in EPII). Maybe an anim to show the guy swapping hands with his other Saber to his right hand if needed.

Oooooooooooooh, I'm on a roll now :p Double Saber Throw :) Both Sabers Arc outwards then return back in on the target from opposite directions making it impossible to block both but you lose one of your Sabers in the process.

Well was just a thought :)




Well hopefully the hit specific damage part is working :) Coded it this morning but need to test it out :)

Damage Values have been changed and sheilds dont effect saber damage.

As for one hit kills, the reason why backstab and that was hated, because it couldn't be blocked :)

With this, it's still hard to kill someone

Gonna try and figure out the blocking code... as i'm a n00b at this and will take me all day to figure out whatm everything does :)

I'll keep u up-to-date



Originally posted by FragFodder1

Also if a guy has 2 Sabers, and you get a hand or arm hit then it should destroy the Saber in that hand (Like Anakin in EPII). Maybe an anim to show the guy swapping hands with his other Saber to his right hand if needed.

Oooooooooooooh, I'm on a roll now :p Double Saber Throw :) Both Sabers Arc outwards then return back in on the target from opposite directions making it impossible to block both but you lose one of your Sabers in the process.


Problem is for these you have to have Animators, Add to add custom animators is .... difficult :)

Dont' know much about it, just seen these brought up before, and with out a REALLY good animator, it'd be impossible :(


Information Updated again... keep checking as i update it probably every hours :p

- updated 18-7-2002


Ideas for Double Ended Sabers and Duel Sabers

I'm putting this here as i dont have a clue how to do it :)

So if anyone wants to help, feel free :)

a) When Someone Dies, they drop their saber as an object that stays spawned for 10 seconds.

b) Only after picking up a saber can you have duel sabers and double ended saber.

c) Once you die u drop a single saber and spawn with only One Saber.

d) Can only Have duel and double ender sabers when you pick a saber up.

Duel Sabers:

- While fighting, if you hit the "Left" Arm/Hand ... The Second Saber Will be destroyed.

Double Ended Sabers:

- While fighting, if you hit the "Right" HAND .... One half of the Saber will be destroyed (disappear)

- If you hit the "Right" ARM..... the saber will drop to the ground (not as an object) and return to you as a single Saber after a period of time.


In Dest's JEDIMOD, you can re-scale the saber.... i think

Why not make it so if you pick up an item, that will extend your saber.

Yes i know you'd have to make another item, but if you cant, just use the Bacta Tank one (or something which isn't useful) as most people dont have time to use them anyway ;)

Or you make it so you can extend the saber if you have more than 10 kills? something like that :)


I Could never do it, so i'm posting it here incase an expert Coder *cough* Dest *cough* can do it :)


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