V vintervargen Guest Dec 30, 2003 Thread starter #11 grats, now less shoot-poor-druids-that-needs-to-spreadheal :/
I Ialkarn Guest Dec 30, 2003 Thread starter #16 Grats Jergiot Originally posted by old.Lethul grats jerg, now play warrior Click to expand... /slap
S salamurhaaja Guest Dec 30, 2003 Thread starter #17 One of the old schoold scouts who deserves grazors from me.
J jox Guest Dec 30, 2003 Thread starter #19 I was a about to say gratz, but you started to shoot me in the middle of a massive battle, so cruel :/ I even made you a cake but I threw it away.
I was a about to say gratz, but you started to shoot me in the middle of a massive battle, so cruel :/ I even made you a cake but I threw it away.
S Shrye Guest Dec 30, 2003 Thread starter #21 If Jergiot is a unicorn, does that mean he/she/it will hide, unless it's a solo virgin maiden that's popping up?
If Jergiot is a unicorn, does that mean he/she/it will hide, unless it's a solo virgin maiden that's popping up?