Jeff and Tonder in No Place Special.



Jeff: Where are we?
Tonder: I'd say australia.
Jeff: Why?
Tonder: There's a kangaroo there. *points*
Jeff: Oh right, but it's drinking a heineken.
Tonder: Well it's an aussie kangaroo.
Jeff: Right. But it has a hat on.
Tonder: It's covering from the sun.
Jeff: Oh...but what about the..
Tonder: Bunnyslippers?
Jeff: Yeah.
Tonder: I'll go ask.
Jeff: What?
Tonder: Just wait here.
*2 mins later*
Tonder: He sayes the ground gets rather hot at times.
Jeff: It speaks?
Tonder: He.
Jeff: Sorry, -he- speaks? It's a freaking kangaroo!
Tonder: Well when you see a kangaroo, drinking a heineken, wearing a hat and bunnyslippers, do you really have to be amazed if it talks?
Jeff: ...yeah! Kangaroos don't talk!
Tonder: Maybe you just don't understand them.
Jeff: I don't understand you....
Tonder: Well that's understandable.
Jeff: Wh...huh?!
Tonder: Or not as it seems.
Jeff: Sigh...forget it. Now why are we in australia?
Tonder: I don't know if we are.
Jeff: You just said you did!
Tonder: I said -i'd say- but i didn't say -i know-.
Jeff: Right. Well. What are we doing here!?
Tonder: I'll go ask the kangaroo.
Jeff: Forget the damn kang...
Tonder: Just a second.
Jeff: ARGH!
*2 minutes later*
Tonder: He dunno.
Jeff: Would be rather amazed if he did....
Tonder: I actually was amazed he didn't know.
Jeff: God save my soul for asking this but...why?
Tonder: 'cause he claims this is London.
Jeff: So..let me just...There's a kangaroo, drinking a heineken, wearing a hat and bunny slippers on a desert with only a few trees that claims we're in london...
Tonder: Yup.
Jeff: And why, oh WHY would you believe that?
Tonder: The rabbit.
Jeff: There's a rabbit?
Tonder: Yup.
Jeff: Oh god help me...
Tonder: Brown one.
Jeff: Really?*bored*
Tonder: With armani shades on.
Jeff: ...
Tonder: And a sign that sayes "Kangaroo liberation army".
Jeff: That's only fair.
Tonder: The kangaroo doesn't think it is since the bunny is trying to liberate his heineken.
Jeff: ...
Tonder: But that's not the odd thing.
Jeff: Oh please tell me the ODD thing in this place...*sarcasm*
Tonder: That. *points*
Jeff: Hmm...oh. That -is- odd.
Tonder: Yeah it is. With all this, -that- is totally out of place here.
Jeff: Too true. It has to be the oddest thing i've ever seen in a place like this.

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