Hi all,
I'm new here - and just wondering about a few things.
Currently I'm trying to enter a clan here called the Forsaken Ones (=FO=) so hopefully I'll see you guys in battle sometime soon.
But just to put my mind at ease about some things could people like answer a couple of Qs for me please.
Firstly the Barrysworld Leauge times, are they GMT?
I'd like to know becuase I'm within the UK myself and it is confusing for me to wonder about the time set becuase so many things on the net are in State-Side time and never post which time zone they're in. So you can gather the confusion as they span over 5 zones.
But as Barrysworld is UK - lol perhaps i'm actually running the same time for once
Next what modems is everyone using, Cable - DSL - ADSL - ISDN - 56k? and what pings do you get on the barrysworld servers?
I'm currently running a 56k v92 PCI Hardware Modem, and on the Public servers I tend to get 200-300 ping. Not been playing games online much so I'm not sure if this is good or not, becuase most people seem to have 60-90 when i go up against them .. which I'm aware gives them a good advantage.
Next a few notes about possible things for the Leauge mod - I've read up and I kinda like the Saber Damage Idea, basically setting the Saber up more like the single player - which is great.
But could we also see an increase in Defense for them, like more blockin' which would then mean better skill would be required and weaponry would just be senseless to use in force (^_^)
Makes it more of an actual Jedi Fest than an all out Battle.
It would then take greater skill for the one strike kills, becuase you can setup the blockin' like Oni - where unless its a SuperAttack which can usually be dodged anyways your blockin' unless you're attackin (^_^)
Well just a thought... I'd like to actually see Oni style Combo Combat in JK2 - but as I can't code for crap - lol I doubt I'll ever see it done.
Also on the Barrysworld JK2 Servers the battles are very FFA, and I'm wondering if there are anywhere I can practise using the rules of like Only Saber - No Force Powers that seems to be the general consensis amongst the clans?
I mean I had some nice battles against Nemesis on the public server, but only on the Death Star, becuase all of the other places people with weapons would interfere.
One last thing, do you think you could take away the Dark | Light barrier and make it a sliding scale for it... It's just I dont' like the setup in JK2 for those and thing it should be like Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith - where you can have whatever force powers you like to use. My old favourites we're Grip and Heal - but now I can't use them like that ... Like it if the Mod would bring back the Uber-Jedi. Have a Sliding bar on the amount of the Dark | Light powers you use to determin you're alliegence - but as most teams have a Dark | Light side to them, I don't think there really needs to be a distinghishment within the program.
Well thanks for any responses (^_^)
-< Vegeta LetaJin | Evil Mystic SaiyaJedi >-