Iunzana Hibernating



Well since I can't access daoc.prydwen.net I will inform it here for HDS and whoever it might concern.

As you might have noticed I am logging in less and less this last month and now when my account ran out I have decided not to renew it.

End game sucks. RvR is DE_Emain, fun at first then repeative and now just frustrating. To continue in CS terms, everyone is running around with AWP but I seem to have bought a glock.
Mages have been nerfed horribly, playing one is tough to say at least, after I ding RR5 I just cba to go out there. And levelling another alt won't improve my experience of the game much. Sure I get the adrenaline kick now and then, sure I meet new people to talk to now and then but the moments are becoming rarer and rarer.

I half took a break to albion/prydwen a little while but they have to much of the attitude that hibernia/prydwen has been growing lately.

So after Weirdeus the shadowblade on pry (Old enough to have killed vestax while orange at least)
Iunliten the Eldritch on exc
Iunzana the Mercinf on pry
Iunzana the Mentalist on pry
Iunzana the Minstrel on exc.
and many many many more alts it is now time to take a break, hopefully I won't be returning.

Bye all I played with this last year.


Cya Iunzana...I knew you from my first encounter in RvR when you were a mid, and I got to know you later on when you joined my realm and guild. It has been very nice indeed, you were one of the mentalists I'll always remember, always looking for that perfect pet of yours =o) After your share of killspam you should feel proud..

Take care m8 =o)


cya mate, will always remember you as weirdus ;)


Bye bye Iunzana. We had fun in the BG's for ages together when i first invited you into HDS and i kept spelling your name wrong ( with an L not an i ). Its sad that your leaving but have fun in whatever your going to do next. Cya marrow. :(


Cya iun, gonna miss having u with me for some serious menta whine :p


Cya mate, Weirdeus is missed, I'm sure Iunzana will be too :(

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