Its ok to be scared



Well, I can see by all the hits but no responses that some of you might be scared or intimidated, by the Excessive mod. But thats ok...anything different usually scares people. But your only course is to face the problem head on. That way you can face your fears and overcome your worries.
Now get in there and FIGHT like a MAN, or a woman, if you are indeed one. :twak:


sorry not got the time atm for new mods, busy capping in threewave :)


threewave? never heard of they have a site that describes it?



seems like regular Q3 CTF to i missing something? and i suppose there is a special mod for it.
but still the main ? remains unanswered...what are peeps opinion of Excessive? and why isn't it played much here


I played it back when it first came out .... just to see what it was, but it seemed then to hold a limited appeal. It was good for a quick blast now and then, but nothing more than that. Has it moved on much from 'same weps, but unbeleivably fast' ?


well, to me, and i've been playing it for 2 years now, it offers a lot of action AND strategy. the fact that you don't have to runaround looking for health and ammo all the time free's one to strategic matters...and since you can do massive air jumps, it takes it to the 3rd dimension and requires a lot of key movement skill, especially in the space maps :D just imagine a skeet or trap shooting contest...the skill required to hit and frag an opponent while flying thru the air is quite intense. it ain't easy!
and in TDM or CTF, team play is just as important, or even more so, as in regular Q# TDM or CTF mods.
but there are some draw get newbies just standing on a ledge lobbing nades or rockets over the edge, not using any skill just to get a frag. but then a fun thing to do is jump around them, landing behind them and then HUMILIATION!!! hehe that usually gives them the right meaasge.
anyway, i hope some of you guys would re-visit it and i really hope BW will add this mod to their server availability, so i can buy one and rekindle it.
For an example of where i am coming from, visit
there you will find a message board, server list and maps...this server is custom only which REALLY keeps my interest in Q3 alive...those regular maps are as old as the hills and quite boring at this point.

Thanks for the reply.


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