It's CatchUp Week: ML6, ML7, ML8.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
Tuesday 18 cet: ML6 BG steps
Wednesday 18 cet: ML7 BG steps
Thursday 18 cet: ML8 BG steps.

The raids might start bit early for some, but remember it's during ween and they might take bit long if we run into difficulties.

For those who have already completed these: come to help if you can. It'll help your friends get the ML's done and gets you to full exp pretty nicely.
Also there may be nice drops from the hunts. If you got full exp, you can always bring some alt there, just to get some steps. If he doesn't have prereqs, it doesn't matter, you get much exp when you actualyl do the real raid on him! People probably know by now that it can be hard time getting the ML exp. If you do some steps before full ML raid, you get good exp during raid :)

It'll be tough going for anyone who needs them all but it's doable if you cna get prereqs sorted. Remember you don't need to be ML6 to make ML7 prereqs and you don't need and should not make the prereqs after the previous raid (do them as fast as possible if you still haven't).

Here are the prerequirements:
ML6, you have to complete 6.5 and 6.1 before raid. They're easy, but it can be tricky to find the snake. VoS has good info on this.

ML7, you have to complete steps 1-6 before raid. This is easy going too, but takes little time. Be prepared for about 3 hour raid (might be more in case of wipeouts etc).

Ml8, you have to complete steps 4, 5, 7 and 9 before raid. 4, 7 and 9 are easy steps and fast done with almost any kind of FG. Step 8.5 takes time, it can take many hours! Kratos is hard to find so if you see other groups in zone, ask if they're doing ML8 steps too and make BG, just to relay info about Kratos movements!! Few groups looking for it and it can speed your raid up by HOURS!
For ML8 prereqs, prepare for 3-6 hours of hunting (depends on your luck mostly). Also, you can ask your friends if they have spare items from 8.5 they've completed. If someone gives you barrel of water and Ketos item, you don't need to get them yoruself from Meso & Stygia which saves time.
Also, if many groups are hunting 8.5 together, make BG and kill Ghita together. Ghita has repop timer but gives the items for whole BG for all people who have the subquest when someone in BG kills it. In fact, our group got the Ghita items even when we were very far on different zone when someone killed it.. :)

As some know, the new lootrules are that you can only roll for the class you play on raid, and only if you're actually going to use the item. Keep this in mind.

Good luck with required steps. Visionofsages toa site has all the info you need, you can also PM me in game with any specific questions about the steps. Just don't ask me to make prereqs group, I'm not going to :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
phear 8.3!!!!111 :(

Damn nice raid last night belor gotta say I admire the stubbornness of the raid leaders ;) Laughed my ass off during that step....and almost fell to sleep in the end :p

Focus pulling with aug-healers/hunters spamming arrows/ pets / Battlewarders - LOL!!!

Guess any Theurgist/Animist would just laugh at the sillly mids trying to do that step.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
Bump. Home someone sees this soon and puts it sticky, these raids are actually starting quite soon and there's much to do before them :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
ML6, you have to complete 6.5 and 6.1 before raid. They're easy, but it can be tricky to find the snake. VoS has good info on this.
Concerning 6.1: VoS does not state this clearly enough imo. So all you who not finding the snake do as we did, suicide as long as it pops. When someone dies in Typhon's Reach ureaus may spawn. Sometimes haje-ureaus spawns when someone dies so if you don't find any of em around make your bot useful ;). Taur bridges are good places to sui, we did it about 20 times and it popped from corpse.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
You are a god Belo :clap:

Tuesday 18 cet: ML6 BG steps
Wednesday 18 cet: ML7 BG steps
Thursday 18 cet: ML8 BG steps.
Doh... Bashira and Rood need 6.10 ... and Bashir and Pookie need 1.10 (Raid at 22.00 tuesday)... though decisions, hope 6.10 is done by 22.00 ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Prudil said:
phear 8.3!!!!111 :(

Focus pulling with aug-healers/hunters spamming arrows/ pets / Battlewarders - LOL!!!

you forgot to mention the ubertank that got it down !


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
Bah. Due to silly stuff the ML7 raid didn't work out and after much thinking about what's best for those who need ML7 and those who don't but need ML8 and those who have both and those who need both (and all other possibilities:)) I've decided to change the schedule like this:

ML7 raid is now Thursday, gather 18:00 volcanus and head out 18:30.
ML8 raid is now Friday, gather 19:00 Aerus and head out 19:30.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
F7 -- G
F7 -- G
F7 -- G
F7 -- G
F7 -- G
etc ....



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
can i join even though im ML0? :p

just wanna try a ML raid :p

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