Its all a matter of loyalty



I wonder how many players have characters in different realms.. I started my DAoC career in Midgard, because thats where all my rw friends were, but after a while I decided I would try and play a hibbie so I created a lovely little luri enchanter and took her to level 8 or so... well to be honest it felt wrong, even tho I was on Excalibur rather than my native Prydwen.. I was surrounded by hibbies all the frikkin time.. I havent been back, its just wrong, I am a middie now and always will be, even if I am a bit of a closet tree huger...

I know a fella that wears all green on the Prydwen server, he has a character in both Midgard and Albion, I have no clue how he can be loyal to one realm or the other... its just kinda weird... anyone else tried other realms and gave it up coz it felt wrong.. or do I need to go get a life :)


Yup, i 'did' try different realms but i never deleted my chars on prydwen/mid and went to hib/pry or alb/pry but i tried it on excal, lolol, so many times i lost count :)


lol, i play alb/excal and i have chars on pryd/hib but i just dont like being surrounded by dang hibbies :p


> .. or do I need to go get a life

Don’t. It’s overrated.

Have spent 1 evening on alb/excal and hib/excal both.

Classes at lowbie levels were ok, people were nice.. Now seen all three capitols.

While good old Jord gets +10 to practicality, gods Camelot is magnificent. Tir Na Nog is just confusing and those darn tunnels are just plain silly. Hib landscape and ”towns” is a bloody cartoon. Alb landscape as far as I could see it was beautiful but that I can get in Hadrians too - by far the most beautifully landscaped frontier zone for my tastes.

Still, Midgard is home ;)



To many feeking hill's in alb , you cant see where you going.. nope Mid rock's :clap:


Tried different realms but still love midgard, Exploring muspel for the first time with a good group was one of my best experiences in DAoC, we fought our way onto the fire giant bridge (barely) but then 3 purples popped behind us and 4 purples were infront of us, we all had to jump off the bridge into the lava below and I remember hoping it didn't do damage like in EQ. Haven't been to muspel for a long time, might check it out sometime.

My advice to any non middy however is to definatly get a char to 20+ to explore muspel your self, best zone ever. (if you don't mind endless aggro ;) )


i don't judge people for paying for two accounts, hell its your money if you want to be retards and spoil the fun then by all means do. i in no way think your sad/pathetic/snot-nosed/back-stabbing/un-trustworthy or a rich-boy.

just like i don't judge people with buff-bot accounts, i in no way think your screwing up the game for honest healers and shaman who simply want to go to emain and have a little fun and feel that they are needed.

i love mid, i was a mid healer in beta i'm a mid healer now i'd never trade my 'Archy' for anyone. anyone that can boast that kind of loyalty to their realm (and is in mid) congratulations, i'd stare down the face of the zerg any day of the week with ya :)

those that can't, once i've killed said zerg i'l come back and dump a few of the chicks hanging off my neck on you for pity sake :p


Yes Nobrot, you do need to get a life. I really can't see why anyone would have alliegience to a set of pixels, albeit a city, character, class, golf course, hilly landscape or flat landscape. You allegiance should be to the people you play with, not the realm you play in. If you play Alb on Excalibur, you fight Mids/Hibs on Excalibur, if you play Hib on Prydwen you fight Mids and Albs. Surely you are not sad enough to let your hatred of Albs?mids/Hibs spill over into RL ?

I don't get it personally, but I have seen and heard people in gc and on IRC properly go into one about Albs/Mids/Hibs etc, to the point where I guess they would hate people who actually play Albs/Mids/Hibs (delete as appropriate) IRL. Sad...

I have played all 3 realms lots. I suggest everyone does the same. If you have or will only play in 1 realm "because it doesn't feel right" you have denied yourself two thirds of the game. Remember, its only a game! You aren't really a troll berserker from Midgard. Your name is probably Trevor, you live in a small terraced house with your Mum and you play computer games all day...or something...


I play Hib and Alb and for some reason I couldn't get my head round Mid? The people where nice the scenery was just so stark for my tastes. Nothing against the people or the classes just didn't feel good. Dunno why really lol.

I have a lvl 34 Ranger on Hib/Pryd I like to play although as the xp grind gets more repatative becomes more of a bind but she's great and I want to get to 50. Maybe after 1.52 when lvling past 30 gets easier I'll play her more often :)

old.Ayam Ganbatte

I tried Hibernia on the Excalibur server, played a Firbolg there for only a few levels. It was ...very pretty.

I quite like the Firbolg helmets though, they look like some kind of superhero with those on: 'Captain Clutz' is a monicker that springs to mind.

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