Items on Auction! Look inside!



Ladies and Gentlemen!
This is the list of items that will be up for sales, at the 2nd Annual Ludlow Bazaar, on friday the 25th, at 20 CET (7 pm GMT).

The auctions is divided in two categories. One for High level items, and one for low.

(Note: As most items are donated, some of them will have reduced Durability. We have set the limit for what is sellable, at 90%. In special circumstances, some will be lower, in which case, the Durability will be listed. A fair share of the items, have 100% dur, though)

High Level Auction:

Starting Bids on all items, is 50 gold.


Full Set of Danaoin Nightwatchers Leather Armor (will be sold as a set):

AF 98, Quality 90%, Bonus 25%

Boots: Hits 18, Dex 15, Quick 7

Sleeves: Str 13, Piety 9, Energy 6%, Cold 6%

Gloves: Hits 18, Str 7, Quick 7, Piety 7

Helm: Hits 27, Piety 12, Crush 4%, Slash 4%

Jerkin: Con 9, Dex 9, Quick 9, Thrust 6%

Leggings: Con 15, Dex 6, Quick 6, Energy 6% {Dur 79}


5 pieces of Regal Leather (will be sold as a set):

AF 98, Quality 93%, Bonus 30%

Gloves: Envenom 3, Parry 3, Str 13, Quick 13

Boots: Stealth 3, Rejuvenation 3, Dex 13, Quick 13

Helm: Con 13, Quick 13, Hits 24, Cold 8%

Jerkin: Dex 18, Piety 18, Hits 18

Str 15, Con 15, Hits 21, Slash 6%


2 Instruments (Sold as a Set):

Ellyl Drum: Hits 21, instruments 3

Ellyl Lute: Dex 12, Instruments 3


Misc. Trinkets:

Veiled Bracer of Eyes: Level 43, Spirit 8%, Cold 8%, Body 8%, Hits 15

Bracelet of the Arctic: Level 50, Cold 3, Cold 6% int 9

Woven Reed Bracer: Level 50, Earth 3, Int 9, Matter 6%

Ring of Forgotten Arcane Words: Level 44. Earth 2, Ice 2, Fire 2, Wind 2

Jewel of Enticement: Level 50, Mind 2, Power 3, Hits 15



Dommel's Fiery Gauntlets: Chain, AF 98, Qua 90%, Bonus 25%. Dex 15, Quick 15, Dmg Shield proc 5

Doom Helm: Chain. AF 98, Qual 93%, Bonus 30%. Piety 13, Charisma 13, Smite 4, Power 3

Ichor Linen Cap: Cloth. AF 49, Qual 93%, Bonus 30%

Cailliondar Battle Robe: Friar only. AF 100, Qual 94%, Bonus 25%. Hits 36, Quick 12, Piety 12, Slash 10%

Malevolent Gauntlets: Plate. AF 98, Qual 93%, Bonus 30%

Brilliant Gauntlets of Nightfire: Studded. AF 100, Qual 93%, Bonus 25%. Longbow 5, Dex 18, Quick 18, Dmg Shield Proc of 5

Brilliant Vambrace of the Souls: Plate. AF 100, Qual 94%, Bonus 25%. Hits 42, Str 19, Bondy 10%, Health Regen Proc



Kraggon Sword: 2 handed Slash. DPS 16.2, SPD 4.0, Qual 90%, Bonus 25%. 2Handed 3, Str 9, DD Proc Heat of 97

Runed Bow of Ill Omen: Longbow. DPS 15.3, SPD 5.5, Qual 89%, Bonus 25%. Longbow 3, Crush 2%, Slash 2%, Thrust 2%

Mouth's Tooth: Thruster. DPS 16.2, SPD 2.8, Qual 93%, Bonus 30%. Thrust 5, Dual Wield 5, Dex 4, 3 Charges of 97 DD

Brilliant Saeor's Impaler: Thrust. DPS 16.1, SPD 2.6, Qual 94%, Bonus 25%. Hits 30, Thrust 5, Dex 7, DoT Proc of 64. {Black Glow}

Cailliondar Bastard Sword: Slash. DPS 16.1, DPS 3.8, Qual 91%, Bonus 25%. Slash 4, Parry 2, Str 10. DD Proc Energy of 97

Doom Sword: Slash. DPS 16.1, SPD 2.7, Qual 93%, Bonus 30%

[EDIT: Added item]

Brilliant Saeor's Firery Hammer: Crush. DPS 16.1, SPD 3.7, Qual 94%, Bonus 25%. Hits 30, Crush 5, Strength 7, DoT Heat proc of 64



Low level Auction

Starting bids: level 1 - 20 is 10 Silver, and 20+ is 50 silver

[EDIT: this set is added]

Aqueous Gloves: Hits 21, Int 4

Boots: Dex 6, Con 6, Thrust 6%

Aqueous has AF 33(cloth), qual 89%, bonus 15%

Antiquated Robe: Con 3, Dex 6, Int 6

Antiquated Pants; Con 9, Power 3

Antiquate Sleeves: Hits 15, int 4, dex 3

Antiquated has AF 33(cloth), Qual 89%, bonus 15%

Cap of the Risen: AF 37 (cloth), qual 89%, bonus 20%. Spirit 4%, crush 4% cold 4%, Int 7

(This will be sold as a Set)



Jerkin of the Dejected: Leather. AF 74, 89% quality. con 4, quick 4, dext4, str 3

Robe of the Lost: Cloth. AF 14, 89% quality. power 2, int 3



Staff of the South: Theurgist. 13.5 dps, 4.0 spd, 89% quality. int 13, 30 Wind/Earth/Cold level focus

Staff of the North: Wizard. 13.5 dps, 4.0 spd, 89% quality. int 13, 30 Fire/Earth/Cold level focus

brilliant Malroch's Flaying Knife: Level 38, 13.1 dps, 3.0 spd, 90% quality. +6 thrust, 77 direct damage proc.

Keltoi Defender: Thrust. 7.5 dps, 2.8 spd, 89% quality. +1 parry, +3 dexterity

Goulish Viper Fang: 13.8 dps, 2.6 spd, 89% quality. body 6%, dex 4, quick 4


Misc. Trinkets:

Deluged Lute: instruments 2, hits 15

Tactician's belt: Level 29, int 9, matter 2%, body 2%

Jewel of Dark beauty: Level 39, stealth 3, Critical Strike 3

Resplendent Mantle: Level 24, con 4, dex 3, str 3

Cloak of Shades: (NB! Quest item. but from a long, dull running quest) Level 12, stealth 2, hit points 3

4 x Glowing Soul Gem (Sold sa Set)

Bracer of Magic (Sold as Set): Level 21, Fire 2, Wind 2, Spirit 2, Mind 2

[EDIT: Bracer added]
2 x Crypt Robber's Bracer: Level 21, stealth 1, dex 3, strength 4
(Will be sold as a pair)


We've had SO many donations this time. Far more than last time! This means, that while we cannot auction more than about 20 lots on each auction, due to time, we have HEAPS of stuff we can make fun with.

So we came up with the concept Fortune Bags. Basically, you buy a gift bag, without knowing what's inside.
The prices are very modest, and the items are WELL worth it!

We, at PARP, Hope these lists have tempted you enough to Show up at the Bazaar!


Please take your time to post this link on your Guild forum, as i cannot possibly visit all of them.


(Note: List is subject to last minute changes, in case we recieve something that just HAVE to be on this list. Typo's do not warranty your money back)


Hmm.. I could donate my dress, but I think it's too important..


People would not appreciate its true value, Vince daaaaarling.



wrong thread or felt like being spontanious (SP?)?

Cavex ElSaviour

but i am getting curious where this thread belongs


Des's post relates to the Albion organisation thread.




T30 Has numerous items to contribute to this, who can i contact and gift to.

With respect to monies earned, from sale of items T30 wishes to donate this income to the realm. We arent interested in any income raised, but would quite like our 'share' or contribution to go to the 'smaller' guilds rather than larger. How people they are chosen i leave up to the organisers.




well, as much as we appreciate the thoughts of donations, i can say that it is now too late. The lists took a good 15 hours to put together, with sorting the Heaps and Heaps of items. so no more items can be entered into this. but thanks :)

Make sure you bring money tomorrow folks!

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