Items being replaced after all the Prydwen problems...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
I just received my reply from GOA informing me that the complaint i filed to them on the day of the shutdown has been sorted out.

I had 5 items go missing from one of my healers inventories when i logged in on that wednesday afternoon (2 scrolls, cb arti, shield and a hammer). GOA have told me they have replaced all the items apart from the ROG hammer I had (nice one with dex cap) and given me 5p on my char instead as they cannot replace it.

This gives me the impression that named items they can track that were on your char will most likely be replaced but rogs cant be tho hence giving me 5p cash instead.

Several things come to mind from this:

Maybe it wont be all doom and gloom like a lot of ppl think about the replacing of items.

Maybe all named drops that we find are missing from our inventories will be replaced as long as we a) inform them of it, and b) they can prove that we did indeed have those items.

Maybe rogs cannot be replaced - this is annoying as some ROG's can be amazing and almost impossible to substitute without making major changes to a template.

Maybe im wrong and i was jsut unlucky on this one char that i actually checked lol

Im pleased GOA staff are working on this during the weekend :)


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
I am slightly worried about my chars. Although I didn't realise it at the time because I was dealing with mostly junk that kept re-appearing in my inventory and vault that I was cleaning out to put all the new stuff for my template in. What worries me is that I had picked up an UBER cloth pair of slevees with insane dex overcap and nice utility. The probelm was that I then activated CB as acuity instead of dex as I didn't ned the dex overcap. If this RoG is gone I wonder if they will reactivate CB for me.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
cadelin - in patch 1.78 there's merchants to swap your bracers around I believe.


Dec 23, 2003
well i think them saying they dont know if an item existed or not from logs is a major gaff from GOA as your going to have muppets trying it on which will slow down the process but atleast they are honest

feel sorry for anyone that loses a good rog but if they replace all they can should be nice :) i think they might have to work overtime, damn thats got to be tendious work reading RN and replacing items, poor guys


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
You get 5p for a rog, you can't sell the replaced items, but need a new template now: it costs say 70p, you lost 65p and have to go farming, and for most of the compensation time you still deal with bugs.

They said 66000 items got corrupted, they also said: Only characters who was logged in recently got a major hit from it. Say we have 5000 accounts active on prydwen, it means an average account has 13 items gone. Some of it rogs, some of it isn't rogs, these loses and the needed farming and fixes can last longer than compensation period and while you work on fixing problems and getting items back: you won't enjoy the benefits of the bonuses.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2005
Maybe it wont be all doom and gloom like a lot of ppl think about the replacing of items.

First optimistic thing I've heard about all this. I understand the frustration when they can't replace damn good ROG's but tossing in 5p is better than a "we're sorry, here's your arti's but we couldn't replace your random drop, please accept this kick in the teeth instead."
Quite surprised they actually did that.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
If you lost a RoG then its gone, and I suppose its a pain but you'll have to go and work it out. 5p, as said, is better than a kicking the face with a spikey frying pan.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Just got my reply after rightnow'ing one character (Waffo), his artifacts are safe it seems as well as the Lsoa necky, although that's all that mentioned within the email, and so i've been compensated 75p. Now to me that sounds like my Immolated Ring is gone :mad:.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Vladamir said:
Just got my reply after rightnow'ing one character (Waffo), his artifacts are safe it seems as well as the Lsoa necky, although that's all that mentioned within the email, and so i've been compensated 75p. Now to me that sounds like my Immolated Ring is gone :mad:.
Dont sound good m8 :(

I bet GOA are dreading monday when the servers come up but the players are gonna go nuts if a LOT of stuff is gone :(

Im dreading going thru all 3 of my accounts and trying to remember what was where etc and i realy hope that house vaults werent included in the problems. Items on your posession and in personal vaults will be a nightmare on their own :(


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Bluesky said:
Dont sound good m8 :(

I bet GOA are dreading monday when the servers come up but the players are gonna go nuts if a LOT of stuff is gone :(

Im dreading going thru all 3 of my accounts and trying to remember what was where etc and i realy hope that house vaults werent included in the problems. Items on your posession and in personal vaults will be a nightmare on their own :(

Yeah i know :/.

Well (i'm not directly quoting) i thought GoA WERE able and *would* restore items that were lost as a result of a fault at their end. So theoretically if i check through my characters and note down what's missing (except for rogs), then hopefully i should be able to get it replaced.

However my cabbies pve rog suit of doom and 71% powerpool may be another story :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I would hate to loose rog's from my cleric template and get paid 5 plats for it.

I have more cash than i need anyhow and it's next to impossible to find similiar rog's to replace the one what's lost,good thing he's on excalibur


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
im just hoping none of my items are disapeared when i log on, on monday :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 13, 2005
Just got my update from GoA, was put back to lev 34 (fine only lost 5 bubs could be worse) and recived 6 plats added to my cha!!!!!!

Nice one GoA my 34 heretic loves ya, hope others get similar service....

other two accounts staying closed though as keeping my US account, but my pryd accounts going stay open now...

/hugs GM's


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Vladamir said:
Just got my reply after rightnow'ing one character (Waffo), his artifacts are safe it seems as well as the Lsoa necky, although that's all that mentioned within the email, and so i've been compensated 75p. Now to me that sounds like my Immolated Ring is gone :mad:.

You got 75p ? :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Vladamir said:
Just got my reply after rightnow'ing one character (Waffo), his artifacts are safe it seems as well as the Lsoa necky, although that's all that mentioned within the email, and so i've been compensated 75p. Now to me that sounds like my Immolated Ring is gone :mad:.

seems that u have lost alot of stuf there. 75p is alot of money


[GOA] English Servers GM
Jun 8, 2004
In order for us to backtrace stuff you -have- to let us know it was there to begin with. If you don't tell us in the RightNow (I don't remember reading anything about a Immo Ring in Waffos RN for example) there is no easy (and please read easy as reasonably time efficient) way for us to track down what your character had!

We received a document file with nothing but numbers and the people that are complaining about us asking for their assistance in telling us what they are missing are the same ones who would whinge when it takes us that much longer because we have to cross reference those numbers into actual items.

All of this is being done by hand by Req Xalin and myself. It's going to take time, and when you log your characters in on monday if they are missing anything report it to us, clearly, with the character name and a simple list of items...


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Zenythe said:
In order for us to backtrace stuff you -have- to let us know it was there to begin with. If you don't tell us in the RightNow (I don't remember reading anything about a Immo Ring in Waffos RN for example) there is no easy (and please read easy as reasonably time efficient) way for us to track down what your character had!

We received a document file with nothing but numbers and the people that are complaining about us asking for their assistance in telling us what they are missing are the same ones who would whinge when it takes us that much longer because we have to cross reference those numbers into actual items.

All of this is being done by hand by Req Xalin and myself. It's going to take time, and when you log your characters in on monday if they are missing anything report it to us, clearly, with the character name and a simple list of items...

You gonna have a hard task ahead of you in the coming couple of weeks, i hope that people dont take the piss.

I know that personally I am going to have a hard time sorting through my characters and Im sure others will, this will mean that you may get reports from people that are not sure about anything they have lost or not. I plan on trying to remember what i had and then getting in touch with you but as i got a ton of good rog items (farming 7.10 loaded me up on powerpool/dex cap) i cant be sure on what i lost in that respect as spread them over alts etc. Dont like to do it but you probably get my reports with "I have lost xxx, and possibly lost xxx but not sure can you check" sort of thing


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 25, 2004
Hmm, i wonder one thing..

I havent played the game for about 7 weeks now, is there any chance that any of mine items will be missing?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I'm better Brandr is either missing or bugged on Sharwyn again :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
blue i know what u mean have 3 accounts myself, just glad none of my kits are made outta rogs and i kept all my templates so will know if theres any major items missing.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Zenythe said:
In order for us to backtrace stuff you -have- to let us know it was there to begin with. If you don't tell us in the RightNow (I don't remember reading anything about a Immo Ring in Waffos RN for example) there is no easy (and please read easy as reasonably time efficient) way for us to track down what your character had!

We received a document file with nothing but numbers and the people that are complaining about us asking for their assistance in telling us what they are missing are the same ones who would whinge when it takes us that much longer because we have to cross reference those numbers into actual items.

All of this is being done by hand by Req Xalin and myself. It's going to take time, and when you log your characters in on monday if they are missing anything report it to us, clearly, with the character name and a simple list of items...

I RN it as soon as I noticed my RoG hammer where missing on my healer and my artis were lvl 0 again :)

But I know that u have much to do and probably will have more to do on monday when everyone checks their chars.


Fledgling Freddie
May 22, 2004
if GOA has an old database with corruptions in it, and then they have a new database without the items corrupted, why just not put them 2 database in a separated computer with a little automaticed program that check the inventories account per account, checking just items corrupted that exist in old database that now in the new is just an empty slot and just in the new program put a counter for every account that add in 1 everytime that find a slot that is empty now and before had "anithing" (a corrupted item).

Doing that (should be EASY AND FAST by a non great programmer unless this databases dont have anithing to do with the usually databases), you could send a mail account per account saying how much items every account lost, so people can know for sure how much items they lost and keep checking until be sure you have all back.

Laterrr :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Zenythe said:
In order for us to backtrace stuff you -have- to let us know it was there to begin with. If you don't tell us in the RightNow (I don't remember reading anything about a Immo Ring in Waffos RN for example) there is no easy (and please read easy as reasonably time efficient) way for us to track down what your character had!

We received a document file with nothing but numbers and the people that are complaining about us asking for their assistance in telling us what they are missing are the same ones who would whinge when it takes us that much longer because we have to cross reference those numbers into actual items.

All of this is being done by hand by Req Xalin and myself. It's going to take time, and when you log your characters in on monday if they are missing anything report it to us, clearly, with the character name and a simple list of items...

does this mean you can replace non arti items aswell? cuz so far ive only got 6 our of 7 artis replaced and no info about my items.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Zenythe said:
In order for us to backtrace stuff you -have- to let us know it was there to begin with. If you don't tell us in the RightNow (I don't remember reading anything about a Immo Ring in Waffos RN for example) there is no easy (and please read easy as reasonably time efficient) way for us to track down what your character had!

Correct, i didn't report it as it wasn't missing at the time. It was on the Wednesday/Thursday that i noticed 2 levels of Jacina's xp and 1.5 of Cloudsong xp missing, along with some /title kills. That was all that was misisng. However the email i received noted that some items may not have been recovered, and the only real thing of value (other than my sc) in that template was the Immo ring, so it was a guess :).


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 25, 2004
mikke said:
Hmm, i wonder one thing..

I havent played the game for about 7 weeks now, is there any chance that any of mine items will be missing?

? anyone know this ?

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