The objective of the group is to get a lot of nice items for the group members . These items are obtained by doing a few ML steps, as listed below.
The group setup is as follows:
One of the seers must have the Font of Power ML ability.
The following trials will be done (in order):
All characters must be level 50 and ML3 to participate. Items needed for 1.10 will be purchased from consignment merchants or farmed by me before the hunt. Those signing up must have solid connections, constant LDs and lagpulls only cause delay and frustration.
The hunt will take place on Sunday, May 23rd at 20:00 CET. Meeting is in Oceanus Haven, 15 minutes earlier. Estimated duration is 3 hours and 30 minutes. If not finished after 4 hours the rest of the hunt will be cancelled. Thus we will be finishing at 0:30 CET at the latest, after lotto. Please do not sign up if you believe you can't stay on for the whole duration.
Keys will be lottoed commando style right after x.10 mobs are killed. A BG treasurer will be responsible for collecting loot. At the end of the hunt all loot will be lottoed in Oceanus Haven in rounds. A round is a run-through of all items and scrolls still available. Each player is allowed one roll each round and can roll on all items, regardless of ability to use.
By signing up for this hunt you implicitly agree that you have read all of the above and agree with it. Please do not post observations of what trials to skip/do instead or what classes to remove/replace. This is a sign-up only thread.
Warrior: - empty -
Thane: - empty -
Light tank: - empty -
Light tank: - empty -
Runemaster: - empty -
Aug healer: - empty -
Pac healer: Mendarina (with FoP)
Shaman: - empty -
The group setup is as follows:
- Warrior with 50 shield, mastery of blocking 2+ and knowledge of the engage ability
- Thane with 42+ shield, mastery of blocking 1+ and knowledge of the engage ability
- Berserker or Savage
- Berserker or Savage
- Runemaster with 44+ suppression (optimal 44 supp, 31 dark)
- Healer with 32+ augmentation, rest mending (optimal 36 augmentation, 40 mending), perfect recovery and knowledge of the amnesia spell
- Healer with 35+ pacification and 31+ mending (optimal 35 pacification, 40 mending), perfect recovery and knowledge of the amnesia spell
- Shaman (played!) with capped buffs (e.g. all yellow buffs + 25% ToA bonus + Mastery of the Arcane 2 etc.)
One of the seers must have the Font of Power ML ability.
The following trials will be done (in order):
All characters must be level 50 and ML3 to participate. Items needed for 1.10 will be purchased from consignment merchants or farmed by me before the hunt. Those signing up must have solid connections, constant LDs and lagpulls only cause delay and frustration.
The hunt will take place on Sunday, May 23rd at 20:00 CET. Meeting is in Oceanus Haven, 15 minutes earlier. Estimated duration is 3 hours and 30 minutes. If not finished after 4 hours the rest of the hunt will be cancelled. Thus we will be finishing at 0:30 CET at the latest, after lotto. Please do not sign up if you believe you can't stay on for the whole duration.
Keys will be lottoed commando style right after x.10 mobs are killed. A BG treasurer will be responsible for collecting loot. At the end of the hunt all loot will be lottoed in Oceanus Haven in rounds. A round is a run-through of all items and scrolls still available. Each player is allowed one roll each round and can roll on all items, regardless of ability to use.
By signing up for this hunt you implicitly agree that you have read all of the above and agree with it. Please do not post observations of what trials to skip/do instead or what classes to remove/replace. This is a sign-up only thread.
Warrior: - empty -
Thane: - empty -
Light tank: - empty -
Light tank: - empty -
Runemaster: - empty -
Aug healer: - empty -
Pac healer: Mendarina (with FoP)
Shaman: - empty -