It was dark, then. As dark as it gets.



Okay, this is something that I've been wondering about for a while. Are some "nights" in DAoC darker than others? When I play during the day at my desk at home, I have a bit too much light on my monitor from the window. During game daytime it's not a problem, but during game nighttime sometimes I can't see a bloody thing... but sometimes during game nighttime I can see fine. Since I started playing it has always seemed to me that some nights get darker than others, but it could also be dependent on how bright the sunlight in the room is, or just my imagination.

Have I completely lost it, or has anyone else noticed this? :rolleyes:


I've experienced it but I can with almost certainty say it depends on your light in the room. Doesn't take much, less than you really pay attention to, to make the screen very very dark.
Might also depend a tad on what terrain you are in and if anything is illuminating it.

On a related note though, is the moon up every night?


What! don't you use your 'sight of the rabbit' buff?
Seriously though I notice this and it's entirely due to screen reflection, my mate has his monitor very dark and has to pull the curtains to see anything, my monitor is set very bright and I can see perfectly at night, and you know he won't turn his up, just likes too peer into the dark.


Most of the time it's just fog. On a clear night, you can see quite good, if it's getting foggy, you see maybe 15m ahead and if it's starts to rain/snow you'll have a hard time to see anything. ;)


I find it directly related to the amount of beer I've drunk in the preceeding few hours.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Tigerius
On a related note though, is the moon up every night?

I'm gonna go with a no. Once or twice I rememberred to check and didn't see it (Midgard), and yes, when the moon is full and up, you definately have more light.



I am really 90% convinced that under identical room lighting conditions and the same in-game weather (no fog, no rain, no snow) I have seen some nights that seemed darker than others.

I'm going to e-mail Sanya and ask :p


Well occasionally it ca be foggy, cloudy, bright, dark etc... have you ever watched the sunrise or sunset? I love the weather system in this game :)I am certain that nights are different in lighting... because some night I can see well and some just drive me nuts when finding trees to kill in a forest for example.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by SFXman
...because some night I can see well and some just drive me nuts when finding trees to kill in a forest for example.

Can't see the forest for the trees 'eh? ;)

And some of those trees are from your realm... :cool:



Fine... I can't see the hamadryads in the forest sometimes :p


A good way to find out if you get more light/dark at nightime would be to check it when its dark in the place you live.
when its night irl turn off all lights in the room. find a spot you will remember and maybe go back there a cple of nights a week and see if you can notice a difference .
might not work there again it might , but imo its not worth the hassle checking when its a minor detail in the game.
just carry on playing and enjoy yourself.

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