Jimmi said:"tests are going as planned, blah blah... yada yada"
Thats 2 hours more Doom 3 they get to play.lpep said:about time they pulled thier bloody fingers out... doesnt help the french have a 2 hour lunch break.............all those lost testing hours
well im pretty sure you have nothing to be worried about, cause they say that the patch will be dl'able loooong before release, so actually we prolly wont see nf before next year even though im pretty sure they promised us it long beforerampant said:i for one am pleased that they are waiting and testing the NF patches first. My main is only lvl43 atm MERC (only been playing for 3 months) and would like to get to 50 before NF is upon us.
Jimmi said:So what will the weekly news be from GOA? The usual "tests are going as planned, blah blah... yada yada" or the long waited "NF is going live very very soon"?
oblimov said:tbh who gives a shit lol its only a game and its friday ffs
lets get the weekend cracking on and get blinding drunk