It Has To Stop



Hello all,
i am affraid that i too am now sick of the rudeness and arrogance of some people in this realm and this before anyone jumps in is NOT about sotl. It concerns a few elite members of thsi realm that think they own the realm and wonder around it being rude and arrogant to other players. I do not care what level a player is or how experienced they are they should all be treated with respect. This is an online game for fun and these rude idiots are ruining for everyone.

Now i wont mention any names as i dont think it is fair and i dont need to... you all know who you are or maybe you dont and thats why you keep acting with immaturity and rudeness. This is not about Mckfly either i know of several friends and people int eh game which have just quit over constant insulting.

Its bad enough winning a war against hibs and Mids without you albions causing an internal war. Now grow up and start acting civil!! If you cant tollerate new learners and be civil then dont play the game.

I am sorry to have to post this when there are so many nice and friendly people in thsi realm. But i for one and no longer going to sit quietly and watch this go on.


Well said.

Far too much flaming for no reason goes on in the game as a whole. I have already left one server (Excalibur) over the attitude of players, I hope Prydwen doesn't go the same way.


I have gone to midgard excal for a bit now to escape all this swearing and abuse towards ppl esp last night when a good friend left the game due to this bullshit:( he did nothing wrong.


As i have told before

I’ve been in many groups where people talking bad about some guilds or persons and I always try to end that kind of conversation, and we all should do that. It gains nothing to talk bad about other guilds or persons misstakes. We all have done them and still do (atleast i am). We learn from our misstakes and it makes us better players in the end. Don’t bother so much about others. Have fun and spend all aggro on mids and hibs...

its just a (great) game and we are all here for some fun... :D



Says the man who once made some bad comments about my dm raid:p but oh well things happen that u just have to go with i guess.Most of the times when ppl do bad things they realise that they were wrong and didnt mean what they did in the end so they feel bad about it and things get resolved usually.


I agree, and I can only laugh of those people whom think they, so to speak 'own' the realm(s), because of their etc. high ranking.

I've met at few on Prydwen, I try to avoid/ignore them, or not answer their immature insults, after all we have the /ignore feature.

But we can only feel bad for them, if their lifes are so bad, that they need to act like this in a game, then they truly have problems.



Yes, i told my group that it was the most unorganized trip i have done to Dartmor after i got killed the third time in the first 15 minuts (i wasnt the only one in group saying that). But It WAS very unorganized in the beginning and it took atleast 30 minuts before all groups started to act as a team there. It is always wrong to complain in groups as i told before and it was wrong of me to complain in my group there. I know when i make a misstake and i can stand for them. As i told before, you learn from your misstakes.

"Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different resault"

If you felt bad for me complaining on that trip im sorry, didnt mean to do it. I just got frustrated for getting killed so many times, but as a clothwearer i should be used to it by now... :D



<smiles @ quill>

<comforts mattshanes>

there there, just ignore nasty quills :)



i know matt :) i have to drink a litre of vodka b4 every hunt.

did i just give away my secret of having a good hunt :(


Yes, its hard to organize anything that dosent is guildrelated. It should be a messageboard somewhere in the game where you could put up messages that all players could se like:

116 Dartmor raid at 19.00. Message /DMRAID 116 join

117 Treegroup wanted at 20.00. Still need PBT and CC. Message /Treegroup 117 /CC join or /Treegroup 117 /PBT Join

118 Burngroup wanted. All firewiz gets together for a bbqparty. Message /Burn all you se /join

Keep up the good work :D



I been fine with the guild leading 20-30 ppl but when its an albion hunt it can be like a football riot:cool:


Problem with such a messageboard would be it'd get jammed full of people just asking for group. To find a raid you'd have to wade through 50 posts saying "level 28 wizzie lfg" and such.
As a thing for raids only it'd be good though. After all for grouping there is the looking for group flag anyway :p



I have to admit that I've had a good old rant and rave at people in the game, but probably not for the same reasons. I've never compained about being killed for whatever reason but I hate it when a group disbands within 15 minutes of forming because there are a few disorganised deaths.

As a reasonably new character to the realm, I have found myself abandoned in the wilderness looking for a way home while members of the group wander off and form their own splinter groups.

So, as way of apology, to any of those that I may have ranted at for such actions, I apologise.

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