Isude 50



Blink and you'd miss it... but Isude hit 50

Hopefully he won't get pestered all day by people wanting powerlevelled at the tanglers (is that worse than the gold beggers in camelot or what?:))

so grats n stuff
(bah, he started when I was level 37 I think ;))


hehe and writing it here realy helps=)

dont you think half the peeps reading this will think "oh good idea i'll ask a cabby for PL=) whyy havent i thoght of that?"



gratziola mcschmola with double strawberry on top


Gratz Isude

Wonder which Cabi will take your place now

Cap'n Sissyfoo


...unless you start power leveling tons of people at tanglers like a lot of the other level 50 cabbies seem to do, in which case I withdraw my grats.

~doesn't like all these lvl 50 cabbies doing massive pulls, fucking them up, running away and then ruining the pulls for everyone else~ ¬_¬

Seriously though, well done on level 50! :)


Hehe, no powerleveling from me except when I want cash, and then not in 'prime time'. Having said that, I only ever met one L50 cabbie who would go farm cash and ignore everyone else xping, on the other hand I only met one L50 Sorcerer who farmed cash outside of 'prime time'. Take a look around, I usually met 1 other cabbie while xping on tangs and there were always 3 to 5 L50 Sorcerers there....... Also note that when a cabbie pulls he does not clear the whole camp, usually a third to half at max, a sorcerer will clear the whole thing.

Apart from the odd incident :p I tried to look out for other people, especially groups of low levelers and always tried to pull after they had.

Anyway, its nice to be able to clear the last 5 levels easily and quickly, makes up fo not getting in any groups from 1 to 45 (except guild ones and a few groups I got at house gobs in the 30's as prime CCer- mainly thanks to Ichor :) )

And extra big thanks should go to my fellow guildies for coming out and helping with my epic :) Its a shame the 2/3 grps who were already there did not seem to want to help, but hey ho this is Albion.

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