Issue with patching direct to 1.60



As you probably know already it seems that goa will patch directly from current (1.57) to 1.60. Now this is good for many reasons, such as with the minstrel and sorc changes - minstrels were gimped for a fair while in 1.59 on american servers. Also since 1.60 has many needed fixes that people were waiting for.

The problem i see is this:

I have a 50 minstrel, who currently is specced 44 slash 44 instruments 21 stealth. Currently an "ok" spec.

When 1.60 comes along if goa follows what mythic did - sorcs and minstrels do NOT get a free 1 line (or more) respec, they were told "kill the dragon". Ok fair enough so alb on american servers killed the drag over and over - no problem you think, since alb dragon is easy as pie.

Then 1.60 comes along and suddenly the alb dragon has been made uber, reports of 200+ needed to kill him now (was around 50-60 from 1.57->1.59).

So while americans got to gather loads of respec stones and respec their mincers and sorcs before 1.60 hit and made the dragon hard - we on euro servers won't have that luxury.

So I'll most likley be stuck with a spec of 44/44/21 - when I want (in 1.60) a spec of 50 inst (last ablative) 25 stealth (climb wall) and rest in melee.

Just some acknowledgement of this would be nice from goa, personally I think a free single line respec for all classes effected (mincers/sorc) would be in order in 1.60

Just my 2 cp

(please dont turn this into a flame thread, unlikly as it is not to become one).


mmm fat chance of that happening imho

all goa seems to say about respecs is wait for the next patch where you can obtain rare/special stones from the dragon..

mmkay i`ll just go solo the dragon quick

i dont see it being much of a problem on the larger servers but ones like prydwen are f00ked tbh.


to be honest i do`nt see why i should heve to arrange a dragon hunt because mythic radically changed a characters skills

this isn`t just adding a few spells the minstrel changes effectively define the class as something entirely different to what it was when i and many others started their minstrels

if we do`nt get a respec i will be looking elsewhere for my gaming enjoyment and this will be last last nail in the coffin for DAOC as far as im concerned roll on Dragon Empires


Well go then and stop moaning cause u aint getting it.


Originally posted by moo_work

Then 1.60 comes along and suddenly the alb dragon has been made uber, reports of 200+ needed to kill him now (was around 50-60 from 1.57->1.59).

Right, the way I see it:

Albs had an unfair advantage in patches 1.57-1.59 due to the dragon being easy to kill. Other dragons have always required 200+ people to kill, so why should it be different for the albs? This opportunity for albs to gain respec stones much more easily than the other realms was not promoting 'realm balance', and so by going straight to 1.60 GOA can easily cut out the imbalance.


Re: Re: Issue with patching direct to 1.60

Originally posted by Vell
Right, the way I see it:

Albs had an unfair advantage in patches 1.57-1.59 due to the dragon being easy to kill. Other dragons have always required 200+ people to kill, so why should it be different for the albs? This opportunity for albs to gain respec stones much more easily than the other realms was not promoting 'realm balance', and so by going straight to 1.60 GOA can easily cut out the imbalance.

Be it imbalance or whatever, the fact remains that on american servers at a time of great change for minstrels and sorcs, they got easy to come by respecs - and we won't.

Fact is that most current "standard" minstrel specs will be severly gimped in 1.60, and american servers had a nice time to farm respecs to allow them to ungimp themselves before 1.60. Since we cant kill the dragon for respecs in this patch on euro - we can't do this.

I don't think a single line respec for severly changed classes is uncalled for at all.

What we're we meant to do? Predict that sometime in the future 50 spec in instruments would yeild something useful? - that speccing in stealth would actually give something?

Hunters got a free respec when they got their overhaul, why not these alb classes, who if anything are getting more changes made to them than to hunters.


Re: Re: Re: Issue with patching direct to 1.60

Originally posted by moo_work
Fact is that most current "standard" minstrel specs will be severly gimped in 1.60, and american servers had a nice time to farm respecs to allow them to ungimp themselves before 1.60. Since we cant kill the dragon for respecs in this patch on euro - we can't do this.

We've always had the advantage of foreknowledge of the american patches. The changes in the next patches wont make any standard specs more gimped, they will all become better. In your instance:

Second to last ablative shout, Safe Fall II, Cheaper Shouts, Longer Stun.

What we're we meant to do? Predict that sometime in the future 50 spec in instruments would yeild something useful? - that speccing in stealth would actually give something?

Speccing to 50 instruments and higher stealth already yields useful things.

I do think mythic should have given Minstrels and Sorcs full respecs though, GOA don't listen though so good luck.

p.s. love you m00 :m00:


I think since goa are negating our ability to get relatively easy respecs from an underpowered dragon at a time of great albion change, they need to provide us with a single line respec for classes effected.



"I cant exploit the weak alb dragon, so GIF RESPEC"


Originally posted by Blood

"I cant exploit the weak alb dragon, so GIF RESPEC"

Second that ... roflmao lame albs


what a suprise that middies flame ;)

who saw that coming...


Originally posted by old.m0000
what a suprise that middies flame ;)

who saw that coming...
Not you lot obviously or you would never have posted this in the first place :flame:


I hope your minstrel stays gimped so you get pissed off with it, stop being an Alb fag cos of it, and then come back to Prydwen to unite with me once more :p

P.S Moo sir! Zerg 3 = April if you're interested, and this time, we're trying for 50 ;)


Sorry to all the existing mins, but i agree with Mythic here - kill the dragon for a respec.

Shamys had the same problems when they could have END regen, they didnt get a respec then, so its only fair Mins dont now.

If you cant kill the dragon, roll another mins - you have 8 slots.


Originally posted by -Nxs-
Sorry to all the existing mins, but i agree with Mythic here - kill the dragon for a respec.

Shamys had the same problems when they could have END regen, they didnt get a respec then, so its only fair Mins dont now.

If you cant kill the dragon, roll another mins - you have 8 slots.

yet hunters got a nice respec when their changes went in.

Don't see many mids complaining about that.

And roll another mins to 50 haha dont make jokes. I'm not saying the "kill the dragon" policy is to blame, just why when americans got a nice long time to farm respecs don't we get some compensation for this fact when we get directly patched to 1.60.

Also the changes made to minstrels and sorcs are far more extensive than the adding of end regen to realms.


I still think you should just come back and be my little lurikeen love slave :p


tis as moo says.. the minstrel changes are large ones. no one before would ever go to 50 instruments.. now it's the way forwards.. likewise there's now reasons for having more than the most basic stealth.

i wonder if mythic knew minstrels would want a respec but figured that, after 1.59 with respec stones and easy dragons, they wouldn't need it.. on the EU servers there is no such luxury.


Mythic have always stated respecs aren't there to help you become uber, they were put in so you could fix fundamental issues with your character created by months on end of patches. The fact is your char still functions as well (Better actually due to changes that don't require a respec) as ever, therefore the only reason you'd want a respec is if you want to become a FotM uber char which is not something Mythic want. There's also the issue of seeing no variety in char specs if respec were awarded.


aye I agree but that variety should be chosen when all possibilities are known. it shouldn't be forced by not allowing respecs. going for the most viable option does not (necessarily) make you fotm.


I think it depends more why you're going for that viable option, it's a question of whether you're going for it because you worked it out, like the sound of it and think it's good, or whether you're following a cookie cutter template just because you heard it owns - that's what Mythic are trying to discourage.

Look at all the bad press that assassins got, sure some of it was because they WERE overpowered, but I'd guess those complaints about them were mostly caused by:

50% buffbots
10% assassins being somewhat overpowered
10% other

and then of course, 30% Infs respeccing to DragonFang. Would things have turned out the same if Infs hadn't all gone for the cookie cutter, tank owning DragonFang and had stayed slash?

Tafaya Anathas

The other happy thing is for archers, the Volley change. Volley become more useable in 1.60, but archers won't get an RA respec. So for example I have to gather 500k RPs for Volley, or participate in a dragonraid, what will be very-very difficult.


Originally posted by Falcon
and then of course, 30% Infs respeccing to DragonFang. Would things have turned out the same if Infs hadn't all gone for the cookie cutter, tank owning DragonFang and had stayed slash?

Oh how they laffed! Amythist Slash is teh pwn! What you dont have any good anytime styles? HAHAHAHA I hit for mega damage with my bastard swords on PA!

Bog off back to slash all of ye! ;)


Nerf dragons.

Or dont. I cannot believe that you are saying that as GOA have managed to plug an unintended hole in the US servers, caused by a piss easy dragon, you should be compensated.

From what I have seen your class has been enhanced. If Shamen got similar enhancement i would not complain, id shut up and feel smug.


Originally posted by Falcon
I think it depends more why you're going for that viable option, it's a question of whether you're going for it because you worked it out, like the sound of it and think it's good, or whether you're following a cookie cutter template just because you heard it owns - that's what Mythic are trying to discourage.

Look at all the bad press that assassins got, sure some of it was because they WERE overpowered, but I'd guess those complaints about them were mostly caused by:

50% buffbots
10% assassins being somewhat overpowered
10% other

and then of course, 30% Infs respeccing to DragonFang. Would things have turned out the same if Infs hadn't all gone for the cookie cutter, tank owning DragonFang and had stayed slash?

Mythic also stated that classes would get respecs if fundamental changes were made to them.

Minstrel and sorc changes are by far probably the biggest class changes alb has had, probably biggest the game has seen. Yet in my opinion mythic did not provide respecs because at the time the albion dragon was easy, and americans could farm easy respecs for their minstrels and sorcs. However since we patch directly to 1.60 we dont get this, there will be a huge shortfall in available respecs.

The spec i currently am on is not "gimped" or "un-uber" - but had there been an ablative chant at level 50 instruments and had 25 stealth yeilded safe fall and climb wall abilities - I would definatly without a doubt have specced for them when leveling my character. Since these abilities are only being added now, and the chance for "easy" respecs will not happen on euro servers as it did on american servers - I strongly beleive something needs to be done to correct this oversight. Surely a simple 1 line respec for minstrels and sorcs in 1.60 is not that much to ask ?

Infact to go further I beleive we should be given full respecs, since wasn't that what hunters were given when all they did was change their beastcraft spec a bit?? (i think).

However, as my current spec stands I would only need a 1 line respec to change to the spec i would have chosen had these new abilities been in place while i was leveling.

And falc mabye I'll come back to hib/pryd when it's actually possible to get an xp group there.

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