
I don't see your point. By signing up to an ISP, you are expressly accepting their terms and conditions. The ISP is not misleading you, because they are expressly (rather than impliedly) outlining the terms and conditions of your acceptance of their contractual offer.

Unmetred means call rates aren't charged. The ISPs aren't charging their customers call rates, so they are unmetred, regardless of quality of service, disconnection, or removal of service. And even if they were, you'll find in the T&Cs that the company reserves the right to change the details of the service, given a stipulated published/written notice.


What you're missing is the way they do it, they attract you by making it unmetered yet in there TC they have the right to throw you off the service, its not very unmetered(24/7).

Atm call rates are charged, but not to you. The ISP currently has to pay them and once you go to a certain level they have the right to kick you off? not very unmetered sounding, just another false front.


Um... you don't have a "right" to use their service. They provide a service to you, subject to restrictions. If they choose to enforce one of those restrictions, how can that be breaking the law?

Like I said, unmetred does NOT = 24/7 access. I could start an ISP that functions between noon and 12:05 if I wanted to. As long as I didn't charge my customers call charges during that period, I would have every right to call it unmetred.

Your argument on call charges depends what pricing structure it's on. Obviously if it's a newer Surftime ISP there are no call charges, to the ISP or otherwise. If you're talking about RHA etc (which I suspect you are as you've posted about having an RHA account before), then yes the ISP gets billed. In which case, it makes perfect business sense not to cater for unprofitable customers. Businesses aren't charities, and (shock, horror) they aren't in business for the consumer's wellbeing. They give you what they consider to be a reasonable service, if you choose to (in their eyes) abuse that reason, you get booted. Simple.

Certainly, all the press reports about people being expelled from unmetred ISPs that I've seen (eg Breathe, NTL) have been people who have been connected to the service virtually 24/7 for months. The companies probably feel (quite rightly so, imo) that they are having the piss taken out of them.


unmetred does NOT = 24/7 access

I know that but I'm talking about the ones that offer the 24/7 service.

Your argument on call charges depends what pricing structure it's on. Obviously if it's a newer Surftime ISP there are no call charges, to the ISP or otherwise

The ones based around FRIACO which is more like buying in bulk instead of buying on a per minute scheme.

In which case, it makes perfect business sense not to cater for unprofitable customers

No shit sherlock.

if you choose to (in their eyes) abuse that reason, you get booted

You mean for using it 24/7, which is how they advertise it.

have been people who have been connected to the service virtually 24/7 for months

It seems even some low users are getting kicked off the services.

It was much like the time when the ISPs got in trouble for offering free services, what they actually meant was that you don't pay any monthly charge. What the ISPs did was add small print stating that you would still be required to pay the per min charges.

Oh btw I class RHA in the second part, Sale Of Goods Act. It was fine until they changed the numbers and now it takes ages just to load web pages much slower than a 28k modem, let alone the pl I get in Q2.

[Edited by Embattle on 20-10-00 at 17:58]

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