ISDN vs 56K



Im upgrading to ISDN (and before you say it no I cant get ADSL or Cable).

Can anyone:

a) Recommend a good ISP (BT is awful)

b) Comment on any improvement seen in regard to LDs lag etc which to date have been awful.


free server do BB have a look for there stuff!!!


If you're willing to pay (and I'm not sure you are :p), then Demon have been VERY good for me.

only issue is, I pay approx £40 a month, but that's with my connection permanently connected :) Yes I know that's more expensive than DSL, but hey, I live in the sticks, we takes what we can ;)

(That's £20 approx for Surftime anytime with BT, and £20 approx with Demon)

So no call charges... which was nice.

There is no cut off period either.



Yeah - demon have always been good but im afraid thats a bit dear for me (Im in the sticks too and its a real pain).


Check out

Its competitively priced - but more important for daoc the cut-off is > 2 hours (I have been online for 6 1/2 before).


Broadband is cheaper than isdn now :/ for hte performance gain i wouldn't pay the money they want.


i herd that freeserv were doing BB from a nomal phone line not sure how but goto dixsons and ask there!


I have friends that play on 56k dialup and before we got adsl at work I played from work dial up too. I havent noticed a real difference between the BT Broadband and the Freeserve dialup before it.

IMO I would stick with dial up, I had ISDN at home and it overpriced and IMO not really much better than dial up.

wolvon fury

£40 a month,

Yikes for that price i would go on a modem for £15 a month
But i like fast internet so upgraded to broadband to £30 a month


Modem is too slow for me, I've been using ISDN for too long.. I'd miss it, if I switched back now. Besides, 9Kb/s - 16Kb/s vs 4.5Kb/s sells it for me :p

I move to London soon anyway :)

Got myself lined up for 8Mb/s SDSL... With no contention ratio :) (I'll still have ISDN as backup though ;)) Can you say yum? :)

I can... YUM!


Molten Lava

8Mbit connection

hehe well I have been the lucky owner of a Dutch 8Megabit connexxion (Cistron) since january...I can say downloading stuff from sites with 600-800kb/s is nice...but for the game :( I get as much (maybe even more :) lagg as 56k modem players....The game is made for 56k so any faster connection wont help i think...

I have a 100GB download limit and pay 99Euro per month....for downloading stuff thats worth it....for playing this game not.....


how about...

give me a day mates..... I work for an ISP...
I may bebable to setup and 0845 connection number that u can all use for free. hows that sound?
the calls will be charged at your local rate, but, u dont pay anything else.
Also... u wont get a mail address, or web account, purely a dial-up account that runs at ISDN or 56k/v90. I use it when my cable modem goes down.... just gotta get permission to let u guys use it too ;)
watch this space


mmm lo - call rate you mean :)

That's what 0845 is (I also work for an ISP - not Demon, even tho I use them :p)

I moved away from the pay as you surf option deliberately; I'd rather pay flat rate for my access, as I am a heavy (read 24x7 almost) user. Lo - Call rate is a penny a minute off peak, and up to 4 pence a minute at peak times

Off Peak is normally counted as 19:00-07:00 which = 720 minutes, or £7.20

On Peak is the rest of the hours (ie 07:00-19:00) also 720 minutes @ 4p = £28.50

so a weekday's connection for me = £36.00

Weekends are generally considered all offpeak = £14.40 per day

Weeks worth of calls = approx £203.80 - Bleurgh :) (Been there done that - not nice!) I don't have a net addiction honest ;)

AFAIK BT Surftime Anytime does not work with 0845 numbers.

Whilst I appreciate the sentiment... no ta :)



Well you could start working for BT and get a nice buisness line and make them pay for everything :) Fine for me. Ah yes. I don't pay for the ISDN either. To far out in the middle of nowhere to be able to get Broadband though :(

And fast24 only lets you have up to a 64k ISDN connection compared to the normal 128k. I just signed back up to BT after they kicked me off for using it to long on each day. Just need to get the password sorted out for it



Zebby... thats fine, im the same, im a very heavy user. But there were a few people on here that were not, and did not want to pay £40 a month for the net connection. This only leaves lo-call numbers as an option for them.
I have setup the line for anyone to use, use for backup if you want for those OH SO ANNOYING times when your main ISP goes down.

Number: 0845 6609380
Username: daocxxxx where xxxx is a random 4 digit number (you choose)
pass: daocrules

Its a standard dialup account that runs on most types of ISDN and modem (not multilink, though you can try).
I wont beable to support this... cos then we would have to charge for the poor engineer to answer ure mails/calls, so ask a friend if u have problems. Its a generally reliable line, for a year I have never had problems with it.

anyway, hope this helps yall in some way :)

Sendar Silvershadow


Best places to gain info on isps is for idal-up/isdn etc

for DSL go to

As DAOC only uses on average 3k per sec it aint that much of a problem even on dialup

2 people on our guild use a shared 56k modem connection and they play fine

In my view DSL is the one and only way to go when you take other things into mind

I use pipex and in direct dissagreement to most other users find it great

had 6 months of constant up time and great pings

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