im hoping to get it, but it is very expensive. If you are running two anolouge lines as it is now, it is a good idea to drop them and just get the Homehightway package, as it has two phone lines. It is too expensive for such an old technology though.
Yes, I am happy to hear that Telewest are claiming to release Broadband in my area too...however, my experience with telewest has led me to beleive that they are usless twats who cant get fuck all right, ever.
My surf unlimited CD was supposed to arrive 3 weeks ago, when I chased it up, they said "sorry, we cant actually give it to you, cos the service is too busy", even tho they had all ready told me my account was setup and it would be in the post to me within a few days.
Erm, actually, if Nanny Ogg is about (or whatever you wish to be called now ) could she please tell me what Telewest are going to my pavement at the mo? and whether I will be able to get a cablemodem as a result of it
Actually, I suppose I better tell you that I am in a village called Great Shelford just south of Cambridge to answer that question
[This message has been edited by [GA] Shovel (edited 27 March 2000).]
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