Is this true.... ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Check the bold patr are they indestructable? or do they loose dur and after a while they are useless?
if anyone can confirm this i would be happy

Artefact transmission

Do not lose your artifacts by mistake anymore ! You wouldn't give such a rare and powerful item from a forgotten island to anyone, would you ? We have received reports of some unfortunate players who lost forever their beloved artifacts. In recent times, frontier guards have been able to receive weapons and pieces of armour in order to better their performances. If you give them one of your artifacts (or any other item), they will take it and never give it back to you ! You have no hope of getting it back, as we cannot give back the lost artifacts, they are indestructible, cannot be sold, exchanged or salvaged and you cannot get the artifact a second time if you have already done the encounter. And it is futile to try to lodge a complaint of theft about the keep lord…


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
They mean u cant shift+d, not wear and tear :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Soha said:
you cannot get the artifact a second time if you have already done the encounter.

What kind of bullcrap is thaT? :>


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
SoulFly said:
What kind of bullcrap is thaT? :>

imo every epic, quest item and artifact should at least have unlimited dur

i spend 16 sidi raids for my ssa and only rvred with it and its still down to 70% dur now after only 1.5mil rps of rvr ffs, some items should be keepers forever...

if you get such a item (to max level) it should be finished, done, over...
you spend shitloads of time getting it just as you spend a shitload of time on your characther to reach 50 or get a high RR, with the difference that it will be lost lost forever to your characther someday...

or at least make it possible to 'reforge' (restore all dur) to a item through some tradeskill, in that way the item itself will be permanent but it will cost you money to keep using it forever...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Morchaoron said:
or at least make it possible to 'reforge' (restore all dur) to a item through some tradeskill, in that way the item itself will be permanent but it will cost you money to keep using it forever...

Yea, good idea.. we spend hours and hours trying to put a template together and lvl our artifacts.. if one artifact degrades faster than the others and there is no way to get a new copy of the degraded item, we have to make a whole new template anyway.. sux! .. sctually it SUX!


[GOA] English Servers GM
Jun 8, 2004
Degradation of Artifacts

As was mentioned above artifacts will degrade as normal items will. The only thing that indestructable does is keep you from being able to destroy the item via shift+d

English Community Manager

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