Is this true!?



'Regardless of your level, with no spells cast on you, you will regain one point of Hitpoints, Power, and Endurance each cycle. Specific regen spell effects can increase the amount of points that are recovered each cycle. '

Not including serenity or any spells etc. etc. is this true??? It would mean serenity 1 doubles your mana regain, so i think i would have noticed.... How long does it take to regain full mana for a tank at level 50, with no buffs, sitting down?


BTW if this is true, with no spells or realm abilities, it would take someone with 1000 hp like 20 minutes to regain full health, is this correct?


Ok rough estimate off the top of my head time

In combat you get one cycle every 32 seconds
Standing you get a cycle every 20 seconds
Sitting you get a cycle every 8 seconds

(someone find the proper amounts please)

so if you gain 1hp per cycle it would take 16 minuets of sitting to get full health
but I am sure you gain something like your lvl back in hp per cycle but I’m probably worng.

Or something…..


The cycles are more like 14 seconds in combat, 6 seconds in stance, and 3 seconds in rest, and thats for health and power (not end).

Yes, the question of how much health and power you do actually regain each level is what i'm questioning, if it were true what i quoted, it would mean serenity1 doubled your regain, but i got that from a very reliable source.


Obiously, on further thought, this can't be true, as it would mean taking 150 damage solo would set you back 150 cycles, which is shall we say, stupid. The truth is noone has a clue, so i won't expect a proper answer, people just invent different things each so i don't need any further replies.


If you do a little research you'll find that in a grab bag somewhere Sanya actually states that they staggered the regen levels, as they didn't want a level 50 tank having to sit around for half an hour to recover 1600 hit points or so. So at higher levels it actually increases how much you get back. Which is why very low powered spells like the minstrel healing song don't seem to do all that much.

The infomation is there somewhere in a grab bag but im to lazy to find it out for you, check the herald.

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