ok...i had an alias passed onto me by a guy on a server...basically it's a super rocket jump.It gives your rj the height u would get while using quad, but without the quad
In most servers this leads to instant gibs flyin very high in the air unless u use invinc, but on ctc where no-one takes damage but the chook-carrier it gives a deff edge when chasing. For instance q2dm1 the big lift in main arnea is a well used escape route, but with this alias i can rj from the ground floor to top of lift ahead of the chook-carrier.....
It takes a bit of time to control but a few days ago i used it in open play online and after a bit of praccy i had it down to a tee
Basically it's just an alias put into the cfg, Id post it to let u see, but then if it were classed as cheatin, everyone would have it
Or mebbe this argument has happened b4??

In most servers this leads to instant gibs flyin very high in the air unless u use invinc, but on ctc where no-one takes damage but the chook-carrier it gives a deff edge when chasing. For instance q2dm1 the big lift in main arnea is a well used escape route, but with this alias i can rj from the ground floor to top of lift ahead of the chook-carrier.....
It takes a bit of time to control but a few days ago i used it in open play online and after a bit of praccy i had it down to a tee

Basically it's just an alias put into the cfg, Id post it to let u see, but then if it were classed as cheatin, everyone would have it

Or mebbe this argument has happened b4??