Is this cheating???



ok...i had an alias passed onto me by a guy on a server...basically it's a super rocket jump.It gives your rj the height u would get while using quad, but without the quad

In most servers this leads to instant gibs flyin very high in the air unless u use invinc, but on ctc where no-one takes damage but the chook-carrier it gives a deff edge when chasing. For instance q2dm1 the big lift in main arnea is a well used escape route, but with this alias i can rj from the ground floor to top of lift ahead of the chook-carrier.....
It takes a bit of time to control but a few days ago i used it in open play online and after a bit of praccy i had it down to a tee

Basically it's just an alias put into the cfg, Id post it to let u see, but then if it were classed as cheatin, everyone would have it

Or mebbe this argument has happened b4??



Well Zoid (i think) has stated that anything that can be done in the console, which includes the alias command, is not cheating so I would say no. They designed the alias command to allow these actions so it is acceptable, even if they didnt foresee every possible combination. Incidently thats the same opinion I have on axe scripts though I never actually used one whilst playing qw.

Problem with the cheating debate tho is that everyone has their own opinion about it. I prefer to let id software be the arbitrators, just to simplify things. So I won't be complaining about the absense of strafe jumping if, after all the feedback, JC decides not to allow it.

People who complain about this or that script are often also the people who go out and buy a 3 button mouse so they can have quick access to a grapple or wep bind. Where do you draw the line? My view is to let the authors do it, or in a league, the league admins.


I agree with Speccy, that it's not cheating.
And as such I have no objection whatsoever with you posting the alias on this board (please?)

S@xon : )


For you lazy ppl

alias LW0 "wait;wait;wait;wait;wait"
alias LW1 "LW0;LW0;LW0;LW0;LW0;LW0"
alias LW2 "LW1;LW1;LW1;LW1;LW1;LW1"
alias LW3 "LW2;LW2;LW2;LW2;LW2;LW2"

alias +freeze "set clmfps1 $cl_maxfps;cl_maxfps 0"
alias -freeze "set cl_maxfps $clmfps1"

alias +ldown "set origpspeed $cl_pitchspeed;set
cl_pitchspeed 9999;+lookdown"
alias -ldown "set cl_pitchspeed $origpspeed;-lookdown"
alias srj


Hmmm. okay I'm biased. I don't like RJ scripts. It's just a personal thing. I don't hassle people who do use them, but it seems a bit pointless to me .. I mean if you can't do it on your own, what pleasure do you get from doing it at all? When I pull of a cool RJ (okay okay about 1 in 10 times
) I think to myself yeah! cool!! (I'm sad like that) - which I just would not feel using a script.

Like I said - a personal choice thing but I think you'll ahve more fun if you ditch your scripts and do it by hand (oooeerrr). Yes, you'll fail a lot, but hey, that's part of the fun

As for this Uber-RJ-Script. I really don't like the look of it.
It uses the 'freeze' thing (setting your fps to 0) to exploit a bug in the prediction code which obviously can't cope with RJs properly.

I know Zoid has said that anything that can be done at the console is not a cheat .. but hacking around with your fps on the fly? Is that something he envisaged? hmm....

Use this script if you must (like I said I'm not one to have a go at anyone) but it doesn't look like it's in the spirit of the game to me.

Mr B

hmmm..a tricky one indeed...

I suppose in a way it's the same as altering your fps to do the grapple exit/entry to the RG Room on CTF1.

Everyone does it these days.

And I'm SURE that the level designers didn't plan it that way (maybe they did - who knows?).

Anyway - If you ain't playing CTC or something where you can inflict damage on yourself I don't see the problem - as they'll more than likely gib themselves all over the shop anyway.


Mr B

Cat (removed from bag and given a good kicking for it's troubles)

'tis true you can exit at 60 fps, but as my good friend SimbobX stated lowering to 20 (or so) means you can do it a lot quicker when you are running from the base with the flag...

And you can also do the same trick in reverse ie. grapple into the RG Room, but that particular cat (tabby, 2yr old called "Mr Flibble") is staying in his air-tight bag for the foreseeable future).



Try it with quad - you can gib yourself just with the landing


So that's how you gits get out of that room in CTF!

I tried and tried but couldn't see how to do it! So what do you have to set your cl_maxfps to for it to work?

RJ binds are like driving an automatic car... boring and favoured by women and Americans!

/me ducks and gets his coat! ;o)



Some poeple have to set their max fps (I don't - I can do it using 60 fps) but the lower you set your fps the easier it is (i.e. the further out into the main area you can aim your grapple and still make the escape).

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