Is this cheating and what should be done about it?

  • Thread starter old.Klazartthetank
  • Start date


I know that a level 50 midgard player has access to a level 50 account on hibernia on the excalibur server.

Now this means that the level 50 player can use that account to spy on hibernia, and get early information about relic/keep raids etc.

As far as I am aware, this is considered cheating, and is against the terms of service.

Is this cheating? Is it morally and ethically wrong? and more importantly is it illegal and against the rules of the game.

I would like to hear your thoughts on this.


what do u mean?



Originally posted by Klazartthetank
I know that a level 50 midgard player has access to a level 50 account on hibernia on the excalibur server.

Now this means that the level 50 player can use that account to spy on hibernia, and get early information about relic/keep raids etc.

As far as I am aware, this is considered cheating, and is against the terms of service.

Is this cheating? Is it morally and ethically wrong? and more importantly is it illegal and against the rules of the game.

I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

Naaah it's okay as long as it's in Hib he's spying:m00: :m00: :m00: :m00: :m00: :m00:


the ones.......

the ones that i think the topic is relevent to


Letting other people play on a character isnt against the CoC :p


You can play on any realm with any chars on as many accounts as you want currently.

I believe Mythic have altered their T&C's to make cross-realm spying using additional acounts or "friends" against the rules, but currently GOA haven't

It is suprising how much of this goes on, several raids on Pry/Alb have had to be cancelled due to alb players passing on info to mid in IRC - as far as i know they weren't dual-accounting.
Before anyone from pry/mid jumps in saying we were spotted - these are raids that never even got to rallying at Sauvage due to the details being leaked.

Personally, anyone that uses 2 accounts to play different realms on the same server in order to spy is a lamer who deserves a good kicking, same with the lamers that just pass on info for the hell of it.


not trying to defend anyone here cos i think spying is wrong too but what if this person is role playing and his character is a spy, then how can you stop him role playing in a role playing game?

Orin Askhammare

2 english servers... Let's say I want to play all 3 realms, because I want to see everything in the game. There's only one way to go about this right? Until there would ever come a 3rd english server.

In the US this isn't a problem since there are more than enough servers to pick from. There is nothing that can be said about playing a character in 2 realms on a server if the player goes about it in a mature fashion and is careful not to spoil anything for others (IF he might find out about something).

This obviously can be abused but you can't start nailing people to the cross just because they have an account on 2 realms.


This question has been asked on the boards recently and someone got a reply from Kemor. having two accounts or using two accounts and having a character in 2 realms on a server is not against the CoC UNLESS the person uses either character to spy, in which case it would be against the CoC.


Originally posted by Aeiedil
Letting other people play on a character isnt against the CoC :p

I believe you are wrong, as the CoC states:

You do not have the right to give, sell, rent out, lend or exchange your account, whatever the circumstances.

This situation appears to come under the "lending" aspect of the above quote from the CoC.

The initial post does not say that this person owns two accounts, only that he "has access to a lvl 50 character on Hib/Excal". Sounds to me that either the owner of the Hib character is lending him his account, or he "bought" the Hib account. Both of which contravene the tems of the CoC. Personally, I'd like to know the name of this Hib character, so we know who the spy in our midst is, as I'm sure information goes both ways.


Keri, let me rephrase

I asked a few days ago whether or not trading a character with another player to try out other classes was ok, and the response I got was that it is. Whether this is true for trading inter-realm I do not know, but that is how I interprete the reply. If in doubt use rightnow to submit a query and see what goa say :)

old.Solomon Kane

Of course it's cheating.

If he was roleplaying a spy as Mili suggests then having gatherd information he would have to set out for his home realm, travel though the frontiers, somehow get past enemy guards, and pass on his information.
Instead he logs off and re-logs as somekind of telepathetic savant who starts yelling what he knows to his mates or Guild or whoever it is he wants to impress.

Yes, I personally consider it morally and ethically wrong, but these are subjective considerations and as such can NEVER be agreed upon.

Illegal? If it isn't it should be. Im putting time and money into this game. What right doe's he have to render all that pointless?

Against the rules? I think it is yes, but you'll never stop it. Every game and sport on the face of the earth has cheats.

All we can hope for is to develop a community where this type of action is revilled by ALL sides. Even if the cheat is helping your realm!

:puke: Cheaters

/em Solomon puts his soap box away and go's off to kill something :)


Originally posted by fatgit
I believe Mythic have altered their T&C's to make cross-realm spying using additional acounts or "friends" against the rules, but currently GOA haven't

probably cos GOA are still translating the T&C. maybe we get it in a few weeks.


Re: ??

Originally posted by Fafnir
What servers is his mid char on??
Read the first post maybe...

But anyway. I think it is ridiculous to have chars on different realms on the same server, but then again many use daox and irc at the sametime (but then again what idiot would tell keep raid info etc. on a public irc channel :p)


I know that a level 50 midgard player has access to a level 50 account on hibernia on the excalibur server.

1. post names here

2. charakters get kicked from guilds

3. use rightnowtool

4. maybe goa reacts, maybe not



Why on earth should the names be posted here!?

Klazartthetank doesn't write (not directly, anyway), that the person he knows about, actually cheats. He only state that he is able to.
If he publishes the names of the characters, the poor owner wouldn't be able to use any of his accounts to anything, since nobody in either realms would touch him with a long spear (ok, maybe they would;) )

Publishing the names, just because the person COULD misuse it would be just as bad as the actual cheating IMO.


Originally posted by Tiwaz
Publishing the names, just because the person COULD misuse it would be just as bad as the actual cheating IMO.
If it is very obvious then no way is it as bad as cheating...


Originally posted by SFXman

If it is very obvious then no way is it as bad as cheating...

Well, maybe not, but I don't like the idea of BarrysWorld Forums being a public jury. Cheating should be reported through RightNow, not shouted out here.

It would be what I usually call Majority Dicatorship;)


Tylar - Hibernia
Creep - Midgard

seems Tylar changed pw now :rolleyes:



Any of you ever heard the saying: "It's better to let 10 guilty men go free than to put an innocent one in jail" ....


Originally posted by Rhymfaxe
Any of you ever heard the saying: "It's better to let 10 guilty men go free than to put an innocent one in jail" ....
I suppose... but then again why not prove that the person is innocent and then prove the 10 are guilty and make them suffer.

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