Is the Alb's Agramon bridge bugged?

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Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Just everytime an alb attempts to walk away from his fellow albs there, and invisible force seems to pull him back in as to never break LoS from the next alb.

I did observe some "solo" albs attempting to get around the creating an alb "lifeline"..i.e. they would send one person out untill he was just within LoS of the collection of "soloers". once he was in position another alb would move further than him losing LoS from the original group, but maintaining LoS with the first volunteer. i watched them manage to make a four man chain maintaining LoS all the way, but sadly, the gravity of the bridge pulled them all bk together again.

wierd going's on i reckon. gotta feel sorry for the albs though..cant get many RPs being trapped with all the others.


i suggest if you r one of the poor albs stuck on that bridge, right-now it, im sure a GM would be happy to move your chars to somewhere else so you can get the challenging fun you surely crave. right?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Neffneff said:
Right-now it, im sure a GM would be happy to move your chars to somewhere else so you can get the challenging fun you surely crave. right?

I have a feeling all alb stealthers have the bug to not enjoy anything even closely challenging.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Can someone help me analyze this whine? So far I've uncovered that it's got to do with bridges and albs being on it and I suppose the albs were staying together and werent /sit down solo on it for the nightshades to PA them... but that's about all I got so far :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
you wont get it because your one of the specimens he is describing....

not that you give a shit as long as your getting your 5 RP's.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
i f y o u d o n t w a n t t o g e t z e r g e d s t a y t h e f u c k a w a y f r o m a l b b r i d g e .


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
Yer cuz rvr would be so much fun if all 3 realms refused to travel to an enemy zone...

somethings got to give... inevitably its never going to be the newbs because that requires to much effort.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Konah said:
i f y o u d o n t w a n t t o g e t z e r g e d s t a y t h e f u c k a w a y f r o m a l b b r i d g e .


Funny whine thread though - quite ingeniously put :>

Unfortunately you either have to wait for a couple of them to go to bed, or you need to get AE Mezz ML9, which they only purge anyway. Or just wait for some other poor sucker to get jumped and try and then jump in and take 1 :/
I think 2on1 is fair enough, even 3on1, but more really is tedious :>

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
oli no offense but u NEVER EVER EVER EVER rvr in a different zone to your BB NEVER (ever ever never etc)

never ever


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
I heard it gets fixed in 1.80B, which also fixes the bug preventing hunters from entering RvR zones ungrouped.


Part of the furniture
Jun 24, 2004
1. get a ml8 BM ranger to duo at prime time <3 Khai
2. Reroll alb and make a über char...
3. Only play on nights and spend countless hours searching for a kill.. get bored log or do pve :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
that bug must have started after i was chain killed by 3 ns 1 ranger 4times in a row before i logged :(



Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
haha funny xD seem's like all 3 realm's have that bug xD


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Neffneff said:
Just everytime an alb attempts to walk away from his fellow albs there, and invisible force seems to pull him back in as to never break LoS from the next alb.

I did observe some "solo" albs attempting to get around the creating an alb "lifeline"..i.e. they would send one person out untill he was just within LoS of the collection of "soloers". once he was in position another alb would move further than him losing LoS from the original group, but maintaining LoS with the first volunteer. i watched them manage to make a four man chain maintaining LoS all the way, but sadly, the gravity of the bridge pulled them all bk together again.

wierd going's on i reckon. gotta feel sorry for the albs though..cant get many RPs being trapped with all the others.


i suggest if you r one of the poor albs stuck on that bridge, right-now it, im sure a GM would be happy to move your chars to somewhere else so you can get the challenging fun you surely crave. right?

QQ more, try and have a look near Bled and you will find that your fellow realm mates behave exactly the same way. The only difference is that you face warlocks and adding stealthers instead.

This goes to Cenci as well who should on no occation whine about zergs!

You all do it and you still whine about it, that is pathetic imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
haha funny xD seem's like all 3 realm's have that bug xD

actually emain route into argamon is like about 10 times quieter. 90% of the hibs going to crauch goto the dockmaster to go hunt in enemy frontier. 90% of mids or albs that port to beno or bleed run out to doorstep RVR.

give or takes some varience on the %'s that above statement is a fact.

If half of these doorstep RVR'er above actually got on a boat and went to enemy frontiers to fight the game would be a lot more playable. Problem is too many newbs want zero risk environment and still dont like dying even if its 1000 units from beno/bleed.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
censi said:
actually emain route into argamon is like about 10 times quieter. 90% of the hibs going to crauch goto the dockmaster to go hunt in enemy frontier. 90% of mids or albs that port to beno or bleed run out to doorstep RVR.

give or takes some varience on the %'s that above statement is a fact.

If half of these doorstep RVR'er above actually got on a boat and went to enemy frontiers to fight the game would be a lot more playable. Problem is too many newbs want zero risk environment and still dont like dying even if its 1000 units from beno/bleed.
agree lot's of hib's take boat's to fight but have u actualy been to hib agramon route lately ? was there yesterday and got zerg'd over and over again by a FG of rr4-8 stealther's.
but ye agree givf more ppl actualy running out of DI range :m00:


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
trycorn said:
haha funny xD seem's like all 3 realm's have that bug xD

Funny you mention that, Eden and me where otw back to DC docks, because nothing at Hib side.

Then we spot Whinermincers (or smth) and he gets into a fight with a Nightshade. We decide not to add, and the fight is going quite equal, in the end both of them are on 22%.

Suddenly I see someone (Alb) sprint from approx 1500 units unstealth to add. It was your infiltrator (Tyrox)... ready to add on the poor nightshade, despite 2 nightshades not adding on the minstrel. I ice-storm you to stop you dead in your tracks, Eden perfs you, you die, we watch the fight, mincer dies with the NS on 2% hp left.

End of the story... stop making stupid comments when you got no troubles to instantly-add on a fair 1vs1


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
Puppet said:
Funny you mention that, Eden and me where otw back to DC docks, because nothing at Hib side.

Then we spot Whinermincers (or smth) and he gets into a fight with a Nightshade. We decide not to add, and the fight is going quite equal, in the end both of them are on 22%.

Suddenly I see someone (Alb) sprint from approx 1500 units unstealth to add. It was your infiltrator (Tyrox)... ready to add on the poor nightshade, despite 2 nightshades not adding on the minstrel. I ice-storm you to stop you dead in your tracks, Eden perfs you, you die, we watch the fight, mincer dies with the NS on 2% hp left.

End of the story... stop making stupid comments when you got no troubles to instantly-add on a fair 1vs1
actualy whiners said he was fighting a NS i come up to help him (as im in grp with him) he says dont help as he wanted a clean fight, i press stealth and get "ur to close to an enemy to hide" and u guys jump me, so QQ more plz...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
If you don't want to get killed, don't play in RVR zones.

Catacombs has a load of wonderful instances, were you won't be bothered, and nobody will add.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
zerg or be zerg is the only way to go atm ....only poeple i have seen solo for a long time is censi on a couple of occasions.. shatterhand and papasan.............apart from the grey gankers in df ofc :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
eggy said:
If you don't want to get killed, don't play in RVR zones.

Catacombs has a load of wonderful instances, were you won't be bothered, and nobody will add.

lies, fucking mobs add all the time.....

LoL at this thread!

My lvl 48 non ml Scout in non templated gear was on alb bridge looking for leech oppotunities yesterday. It has absolutly NO chance against nearly any other class 1vs1, so nothing left to do but leech some RP's for some RA's to help solo lvling.

Ask Neena how easy it is to kill me, 2 unstyled and 1 styled hits and i was dead (no PA/CD).

Intimate m8 sorry to say my inf doesn't goto alb bridge much anymore.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
mmm I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.

(all add whine is hypocrisy - oh and also not allowed on FH - fo!)
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