Is "outside-heals" xp leeching?



Scenario; there is a tank and shammy. Not grouped. Fighting a mob.

If the shammy is healing (not friggs, normal heals) the tank while he is fighting the mob, is that consider xp leech and does the tank get lower xp than if he would've soloed the mob totally by himself?

Hope you understand the question :)


It is considered leech since you will get xp from healing (not friggs, heals! :p) and he will get less.

But sometimes it doesnt matter, if a warrior is fighting a purp mob and he need some heals in the end he still might get cap xp.


Alright, just making sure =)
Doesnt seem like thats the case all the time.


The heal is considered damage to the mob. You will get an amount of exp depending on how much you healed. Unlike with grouped healers where the overall exp of a mob is divided by the number of party members and then modified by the level of each individual healing from outside group does not divide the exp by X+1.
The healer "leeches" a chunk of exp from the overall exp of the group. After that chunk is taken off the exp is didvied by # of groupmembers and adjusted to level of each indiviual. The more members that group has the less you would notice the healer leeching - expwise I mean.


When exping with my 47 Summon Spiritmaster I use my lvl 50 Healer to keep the spirit alive. She is ungrouped because she would obviously cut the exp for the Spiritmaster down to nothing. (yellow mobs to her are red/orange to the SM) By healing the spirit ungrouped she's getting anywhere between 2 and 8 mil ex per mob while the Spiritmaster gets 32 and more.


Well. I was exping with my L46 Warrior and normally my L32 buffbot is just using friggs on the warrior during fights, and then heal up the warrior between fights.

However yesterday i got into trouble and i was forced to basically spam the heal button on the bot, and there was no xp loss for the warrior, and not a single bit of exp for the shammy.

So i got curious and tried it out even more, when i took on everything from yellow to red con mobs the buffbot healed the warrior when he was below 80% or so, figured i'd always keep full health in case something happens.

Not a single time did the warrior get lower exp, and not a single time did the buffbot any exp at all.
And im not talking about a single heal here or there, many times i was spamming the heal button.

Could this have something to do with it being 14 levels between the two? Or is Iarnvidur a really nice buggy place to exp in =)


Must be buggy, my shammy, if he heals, always gets XP.

The other thing to watch, if you are duoing and get an out side heal, The next pull you get a baf


An unexpected add can be quite risky =)


Originally posted by mavericky
Must be buggy, my shammy, if he heals, always gets XP.

The other thing to watch, if you are duoing and get an out side heal, The next pull you get a baf

the outside healer will ALWAYS get xp, its how much you heal that determines how much xp it is tho.


Your character kills a mob that gives more xp than you can have, 100% xp, but the mob gives around 130% xp.

If you get outside heals the healer will steal from the xp that you cant have, the last 30%. IF the heals does "more damage" than the 30% he will start taking your xp.

Hope this makes some sence, its based purely upon personal experience :)


you say that, be Sued says he healed and the bot got NO exp, so either this is a bug or .... ?


Originally posted by Cami
the outside healer will ALWAYS get xp, its how much you heal that determines how much xp it is tho.

That's the thing that annoys me (well in a good way!).
My shammy does not get a single point of experience when he heals my warrior who's fighting.

I can make a video clip of it if noone believes me =)


Originally posted by Suedish
That's the thing that annoys me (well in a good way!).
My shammy does not get a single point of experience when he heals my warrior who's fighting.

I can make a video clip of it if noone believes me =)
I have had this thing too, when i was lvl'n up my hunter to thid lvl i used my shaman, sometimes i hit wrong key so i cast a heal instead of frigg, and to my surprise my shaman didnt steal any xp, but sometimes he did. Something is dodgy here :D


Originally posted by Suedish
I can make a video clip of it if noone believes me =)
Please do :p
Not that I don't believe you, but I allways leech ^^


Apparently it's because the level difference on the shammy and the warrior, A couple of guys have had the same thing happen, and every time has their shammy been a few levels lower than the one they're healing.

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