Is /noqueue working as intended?



Because for me its a right pain to have to keep tapping in the command whenever I zone. Almost makes me want to macro it except for the fact my shiny new quickbar already has what I want on it.

/noqueue should stay off or on when toggled. It should not reset everytime I zone. Has this annoyance escaped the testing?


Originally posted by Rumble
Because for me its a right pain to have to keep tapping in the command whenever I zone. Almost makes me want to macro it except for the fact my shiny new quickbar already has what I want on it.

/noqueue should stay off or on when toggled. It should not reset everytime I zone. Has this annoyance escaped the testing?

it's still in patch 1.58 on US-servers. Was playing there tonight and it's still there..


by DEFAULT since 1.54 patch day, if you are trigger happy like me, it stacks the 2nd spell you click on and queues it.

So lets say a healer is desperate to get that BIG heal off on someone hurt and franticaly clicks the heal button...... it will go off twice (minimum)

Same for all casters, its a spell queue system and it sucks :)


Why they didn't give us a /queueon command rather than have to turn it off I don't know.

I mean, it would be so much easier for them to keep /noqueue as default setting. I hope they change it, it's a pest having to do so everytime I zone. ESPECIALLY when I am zoning into one of the new RvR dungeons, the last thing I want to do is have to worry about that.


if you get used to it it's damned handy.....

but I imagine it can be annoying :)

same as /cancelstyle


/cancelstyle was a good gift

Why the hell anyone would want to use /noqueue is beyond me.

Stop Hammering buttons.

Use it to let you press a single press at the end of your current spell instead of hammering the button at the end (didn't wanna loose any cast time)

mmm love queue


me from alb... me like hammer buttons... me good button pusher.

seriously tho, if there introducing a new feature, surely its common sence to kepe the system as it was and introduce a command for the alternative.


spellque is v.nice for my sm in lair atm, but i can imagine the suckage in rvr&shit


I hate the backup spell system, with my cleric i always spam stun before i smite, now i end up casting 2 or 3 stuns before i can smite :D It has one use though, leveling up my 22 ice wizard (pbae) it makes it alot easier to cast :)

Carlos Bananos

If u hold a key 1 milisecond to long it starts to cast next spell.

U gotta have uberfingers not to mess it up :/


Day 1 - 1.54
1) Downloaded patch
2) Downloaded missing bit of patch
3) spent 1 hour redoing all my quick bars (next time ill make a copy of XXX.ini b4 patching)
4) Got into lair group
5) Some of group dies due to it taking me 3-4 seconds to change cast type from heal to stun
6) Make 10 macros /noqueue, one for each of my new bars
6a) Make poster sized post-it note reminding me to click the macro
7) repeat step 3 till happy, or go back to 1.52 layout
8) relog due to mem leakage
9) repeat steps 4-5 until you remember to do it every time.

Like someone said, it should be made an option to turn on, not off, and would be nice to have an editable .ini file for things like this, where we set the defaults.


the problem isn't that it started on as default - it's that when you switch it off it doesn't stay switched off...

Roo Stercogburn

I find the queueing system a complete nightmare. If I get lag I rely on spamming certain keys to make sure I get certain important spells off at the right time. The queue system completely screws this up. Until I get the "You are already casting a spell" message I need to keep hitting the button to make sure it goes off properly then go onto the next spell I want to cast.

The queueing system also relies on your first spell in queue not failing. Suppose you are casting a mez then a single target spirit debuf? If mez fails you remez? Bugger, the debuff is going next, what do you do? Sorry, the spell queue system assumes perfect casting everytime so the very concept is flawed.

I have a macro for /noqueue, the only thing that needs fixed is that it should remember your preference when logging off and between zoning. I think a programmer basically got lazy by not having it update your .ini file with the info.

Some might like it for being lazy in xp groups, but thats the only time I can see it being useful ;)


I think one of the US patch notes said that it's fixed so that it saves even if you zone or quit.


you know that you can overwrite your queue right?

"You begin casting DD //problem having uberfingers
You prepare a spell as backup //problem having uberfingers
You prepare a spell as backup //problem having uberfingers
You prepare a spell as backup//problem having uberfingers
<You see tank heading for you>
You already casting a spell and prepare root as backup,
You cast a DD
You begin casting root"

Don't understand the problem you have really.

Only thing that is bad is you can't quickcast but I don't really loose anything to doing it the old way.


What's the big deal... hit spell, immediately select follow up, if you change your mind select a different follow up, the last queued spell is the one that is cast. It requires no uberfingers at all. Makes buffing great, hit the first two buff keys, keep tapping the next buff after each one casts till you run out then wait for the buffs to finish casting. :)
Generally for things like mez in RvR it's easy enough just to hit the button twice, you get a double cast that way so if you have resists it'll immediately recast (rather than having to wait for the resist message.

Suppose you are casting a mez then a single target spirit debuf? If mez fails you remez? Bugger, the debuff is going next
By the time you notice the the mez fail you're already casting the debuff anyway with queuing or not so what exactly is the issue here? If you think you need to recast don't queue the debuff. :p



Its very practic..

I love it.


Its rather deadly =)

cast one, cast once more, forget you cant quickcast while casting spells anymore..

ur dead =)

Still, love it =) Once i get used to it i bet i couldnt stop =)

And =)

why they didnt have it as default turned off...
Would anyone ever know about it?
I think not :DD

Some people read patch notes of course, and of those maby half like it :D

Not the all-informing effect it have making it default :D

Roo Stercogburn


Pulling scout mob solo.

You debuff scout (insta). It goes off to get its chums.

You now have 3 mobs inc. Pet gets sent to initial scout mob.

You cast ae mez and to make sure it goes off as soon as the mobs are in range, you spam the mez button as the mobs approach.

The queueing mechanism blows this away. It simply won't work. Instead of guaranteeing being able to start the mez casting at maximum possible range you are forced to wait til the mobs are definately in range or you risk casting it twice and having your mez duration halved. This becomes extremely problematic with mobs that have high base movement rates.

So, with the queue mechanism you are forced to wait.

Moving on.

If the inital mob is taking longer than anticipated, a good tactic is to cast ae mez on it if the others are close enough. The currently fighting mob won't get mezzed, but its buddies will get remezzed. It saves you having to shift target which can sometimes be troublesome.

Suppose mez fails on one but you've already queued up a dd on original target?

You're in trouble. If quickcast gone especially. because you have the further 2 second delay of waiting for the dd to go off before you can start casting another spell. That means typically you will have a 4 second delay from the failed mez to getting off a root or a mez. In that time the beastie is chewing on your butt and your spell is getting interupted. To save yourself you now have to pull the pet back to agro mob and it will have 2 beasties on it rather than 1.

And if you're a sensible Spirit Master the pet is engaging the enemy as far away from you as possible normally, which means the pet will take a few seconds to get back to you and also take a few seconds more to get agro.

Sorry, spell queueing might work in some situations, but taking into account things like lag and random chance, it is going to be very difficult to use for many people.


cancelstyle was so awful. it should be off by default i always forget when relogging :rolleyes:


Didn't get the first situation at all, why would queue system make you cast your second spell slower?

But the second situation
What if I Mez then have a DD queued.

Solution: Don't queue the DD, if you have time to watch for a resist message without queue you should have time with queue system on...

You don't have to queue each and every spell.

I use queue mainly to queue my next attack about 0.3 seconds before it finishes, that way I can stop the finger mashing at the end that I usually would have.

There is no difference between queue and noqueue except that I only have to press next spell once instead of 10 times rapid mashing. If you have a spell that is crucial (but you have time to wait 1-2 seconds to determine resists and stuff just don't queue, just like you normally wouldn't mash the button at the end of the spell)


Some people prefer it, others don't.

They just need to give us the option of having it permanently on/off without having to set it to your preference whenever we zone/relog/log on.

Roo Stercogburn

For best control of a solo pull, you fight the mobs at maximum distance, especially when pulling several.

For fast moving mobs like Ice Striders, you don't want to be messing about waiting for them to be definately in range of your spell before you do a single button press - the safest way to deal with them is to have the cast starting the exact moment they are in range. They root and have ranged dd spells, so you have to be sure you are going to get your mez off first. The only way to guarantee they will get mezzed is to be spamming the mez before they get into range. You can't do this with a queueing system, because you are guaranteed to hit the button an extra time and start another cast going. With the old system you simply got a message saying you are already casting and you knew you could start on the next bit.

Agreed you don't have to queue the DD, but it seems to me that to get the best out of the queue system, you seem to have to spend an inordinate amount of effort working around it. The whole idea of a queuing system seems to be based around guessing what will come next and hoping you get it right.

I can see times the queue system will work well: if you are somewhere like Malmo and you are simply spamming the same button over and over it will be fine for xp or for general pbae xp groups (SMs nuking & tanks taunting, etc). Queueing may work fine in predictable scenarios and I suspect it was for these kind of situations it was brought in.

It will simply come down to play style and for me it will be permanently off. But that's just me :D

Now if you could queue crafting ... ;)


My original argument wasn't that /noqueue was fantastic or crap it was that it refuses to stay in one state when zoning. That is the problem, that is my annoyance.

Personally im a key hammerer and its getting mind numbing having to tell the damn thing to stay off every time I zone.

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