Is Karem more or less tedious now?



With his latest bitching, do you think his moaning technique has improved or got worse?
Do you think his obvious comparison to a spoilt, sulking teenager who is bored with everything people try to do for him is more or less relevant now?
Sorry Karem this thread must be boring you to within an inch of your life.
I'm suprised you can get past the boring intro screen and the loading screen must have you reaching for the noose.
Presumably running without speed buff requires 2 valium and a half bottle of JD , please Mythic ,help this guy out, include multiple suicide options in the next patch.


It's Karam, not Karem.


Someone from me a frickin line here, this one's full!


who's karem? whoever it is they must be pretty sad... thats like calling yourself gid instead of god.


nerf "haha, i think karam sux0rs" bandwagon posts
not that karam doesn't suxor of course, but THOSE posts are on the RvR forum not here ;)
last post from teh mightah K-G was actually quite relevant :p


Originally posted by old.job
With his latest bitching, do you think his moaning technique has improved or got worse?
Do you think his obvious comparison to a spoilt, sulking teenager who is bored with everything people try to do for him is more or less relevant now?
Sorry Karem this thread must be boring you to within an inch of your life.
I'm suprised you can get past the boring intro screen and the loading screen must have you reaching for the noose.
Presumably running without speed buff requires 2 valium and a half bottle of JD , please Mythic ,help this guy out, include multiple suicide options in the next patch.

Sigh, You Only taunt/tease Karam when he makes a stupid post in need of a good flaming, Random posts,
ie. This, are childish, go away little boy. :rolleyes:

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