Is it possible to ban someone?




We rent a barryserver and we have two or three persons that connect to the server to teamkilling.... we kick them, but few second later, they reconnect and we have to rekick them...etc...

So, is it possible to permanent ban someone? by his nickname or ip adress? What is the command?

Thanks a lot


using the bog standard moh engine, it isnt possible to ban ips at the moment. I think there are external programs such as Crowking's AutoKick that can do this for you. It will baby sit the server whilst a server admin is away but this will need to be installed on yr barryserver.
Might be worth enquiring to Natrat or Deathace about it.

<>GFK<> Cain

pacs right in the crow kings auto kick can ban people. You have 2 options "kick" or "kick & ban" and u can ban by name & ip address. Those detsails then remain on autokick so that person cant gain access to the server again and they only way for them to get access is for you to remove their details from the banned name and ip lists on the program. We use autokick on both our servers and its stopped all the idiots and made for better gaming. The only problem with autokick is that its better off oin a pc thats online 24/7 because when your pc is switched of then so is autokick. The onlt way around this is to somehow have it server side instead of client side.


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