Is it me or is it getting worse



I know we've had a few threads about things like servers going down and the like but is it me or is the lag just getting worse?
I've turned my graphics to the lowest setting and they looked pretty bad but it didn't change (didn''t expect it to make a difference tbh, gf4 ti should be ok with the setting i have), but doors not openeing for a few seconds, looting a bag ir using a term to find nothings happening so you press again and wheyhey, 5 seconds later it all happens at once.
I was on amerish tonight, ther's one hot spot and i can't honestly see more than maybe 30 - 40 people in all and its jerky and unresponsive, tried to jump off a wall to escape death and just found myself not jumping till a second or so later.
I have a 1meg connection, 640 ram and 1.4ghz. other pc is 17ghz with 1gig of ram, both play the same so it's not my pc's. The things with the terms not responding and the jumping is lag isn't it, what else can it be but i want to know what the hells happened, it wasnt like this a week or so ago. Also worries me that if it's like this with so few people how can we expect to have the major battles as promised, we'll all be restarting or just not bothering as the servers shut.
Hope they sort something out soon, love playing this but over the last few nights i'm just starting to get annoyed.

Ahh, fair point, if you are CE as well then i understand the need for the swap, makes more sense.

Noir BR12 Adv Hack/Infil/Mosq/AMS/Medic (on advice from the vanu health authority)
Rigon BR6 Spec Assault/Eng

Serving WRK and The Vanu Sovereignty



alot was said in another thread about this so I won't go over it all in fine detail, but I will say can you start running ping plotter while you play with a trace to (Werner IP address)... when it gets really laggy take a look at the trace? I know SOE have said they are working on a particular lag issue but I'd like to see if you get packet loss over the same nodes in the internet as me.

Feel free to pm me the trace - if there is shitty packet loss through a major backbone it isn't going to be fixed by SOE that's for sure, so we ought to check these traces and then start reporting the offending nodes if, as I suspect, there are some dodgy routers out there.

Having a 1mb connection is great so long as the route you take to the server isn't causing issues. If there is data being dropped along the route to the server (packet loss, shows up as red lines in ping plotter) then even a 10 mb connection will seem shitty :(


Aye, i understand, thanks for your help Jupitus, i'll give it a go and send you a msg mate.
Just went back in after the post and tried again with everything turned off, if i make a move left or right for instance it seems to lag just for a second, i used to get this with DAOC and cured it with extra memory but i thought i had enough now :s


Noir BR12 Adv Hack/Infil/Mosq/AMS/Medic (on advice from the vanu health authority)
Rigon BR6 Spec Assault/Eng

Serving WRK and The Vanu Sovereignty


Well your pc specs ought to be high enough to run it well, and as you said, turning down the performance options didn't seem to make a difference which is an indicator. However, it is a RAM hungry beast this game so if you can lay your hands on more it may be worth a try too, just for good measure.

What video cards are you running and what is the AGP aperture size set to in your BIOS settings?

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