Is it just me...


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Or is being useful something that isnt getting rewarded all that much in certain scenarios?

i'm mostly thinking of maps with static "capture and hold" positions, like the empire vs chaos T1 map for example. and its even true for the other scenario types, tho it effect isnt nearly as noticable as in mentioned scenario types as "being useful" generally means "kill everything that moves".

but even on those, killing stuff means alot more xp at the end of the game then lets say healing someone, so i see more and more healers stop healing and start nuking insted then doing what they actually are supposed to do, because they get more xp at the end of the game.

i've talked to healers that say they get more XP from a loss if they have been nuking the whole game then if they win and have been healing like mad.

and that in my oppinion is just wrong. because in the end it means were gonna be back to WoW BG farming where a loss gives more XP (insted of honor) over time then what a win does. atleast for some classes, and may i add its the single most important class in a scenario it affects?


Dec 13, 2003
Never really noticed it on my Shaman. But then again, I'm a bit of an agressive type.
Would be quite wrong if that was the case tho... and unexpected, seeing how healing stats are tracked...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Naaah... I heal 95% of the time in a scenario (my only damage is dots I throw around) and I don't notice any exp difference.
Healing seems to give enough exp as I sometimes have more exp in a losing game then a dps guy on the winning side.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2005
I sometimes have more exp in a losing game then a dps guy on the winning side.

Isn't that a part of what was being said, that losing can give better xp than winning?

When my RP has been in scenarios he does seem to get more out of them if I throw a few attacks into the mixture, but that is only an impression since in most scenarios as RP I simply do not have time to do anything other than heal. I don't think the balance is too bad.


Dec 13, 2003
Is the win bonus being displayed in the status window as well? Never really looked at that and it can mean a significant difference...


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Did a run with that salvage and two boats scenario in T4 i ran salavage, got 7k xp 500 renown for the game, while rest of team got around 20k xp and 3-5k renown, was a bit miffed since then i dont touch the salvage.


Loyal Freddie
May 27, 2008
Is the win bonus being displayed in the status window as well? Never really looked at that and it can mean a significant difference...
I'm pretty sure it's not, and that the window itself is bugged and/or pretty useless.
To me the finishing summary is almost useless, as it makes no sense compared to what actually happened in the scenario.

I screen shotted one tier one scenario (Khains Embrace), after noticing this as a trend. I was top or near top of every category there, except healing, also capped multiple times, and I was 2nd to last for RP points awarded in that window, the only person lower was a late joiner with zero's across the board. Order lost 500 to 121 and earned between 214 and 513 reknown. Destruction one, and got a similare range, with me at 133.

There was clearly an xp bonus for winning though, looked like a factor of 2x, and that seemed to correspond to the rest of those statistics.

At any rate, I play them for fun, and my RR keeps going up ok, so I don't bother looking at that window anymore.

If I was only after the reknown, the RvR zones seem to reward much better, as it should, IMHO.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Did a run with that salvage and two boats scenario in T4 i ran salavage, got 7k xp 500 renown for the game, while rest of team got around 20k xp and 3-5k renown, was a bit miffed since then i dont touch the salvage.

ah yes, i forgot to mention those things as part of "being useful". same thing with guarding flags/capture points. you are basically forced to be reckless(sp?) to earn anything worthwhile insted of detering the enemies from trying to capture/steal the flag by guarding it.


Dec 13, 2003
Noticed it yesterday in the T3 bombing run scenario. Made near bottom of the list while completing 2 bombing runs. (and protecting the carrier on the others)
Esp. the carrying/planting of the bomb should net you a bonus at least. Just as killing the bomb carrier, for that matter.

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