Is it just me . . . but . . . [re: group invites]



There's only one thing I've found slightly odd/annoying about players in DAoC so far - compared to EQ at least:

> The tendency to fire a group invite at someone running past, without talking to them first. <

Is this common practice in DAoC? It happens to me several times a day. I have to look around because I have no idea where the person is. The invites take me completely by surprise. I've even had an invite fired at me while I was on a horse! And I'm not even playing a healing class! Usually I decline, then wait to see if the person will actually send me a tell to ask me why - some have, we usually chat for a bit, I join them (if I'm not busy or heading somewhere else) and all is well.

The only time it happened to me in EQ is when I logged in my friends' enchanter or cleric in a top level dungeon, then I'd get about 5 group invites instantly; cos it was faster for group leaders to do that than send a /tell when they were in competition with other groups for a limited supply of clerics/enchanters (the two "most needed" EQ classes - impossible to hunt some places without them).

The thing is, if I get random "out of the blue" invites how am I to know if a) it was a mistake, b) the person isn't very sociable but wants/needs to group, c) the person wants to group but can't speak English, d) the person is sociable but its DAoC accepted etiquette to fire an invite without "asking" the person if they want / have time to group. Btw I think c) is very unlikely - most of the Scandinavian's I've met on our servers speak better English than my friends in the USA :p

Personally if I want to group then the first thing I do is set myself as "looking for group" (does anyone use the ingame group thingy?) - then send a tell to someone of my level, in the same area, of similar level, and preferably visible, asking if they want to group.

Btw it's happened to me on both Mid/Exc and Alb/Pry so it's not just a server thing - oh and this is all in the L5-15 range - I just started playing :)

So is it just me?


Happens now and then.... usually I just ignore.... its not like its a personal request or insult to you


"Btw I think c) is very unlikely - most of the Scandinavian's I've met on our servers speak better English than my friends in the USA :p "

most of the uneducated Pygmies in the Amazon speak better english than 95% of the USA...


Might be alittle off topic...

Yupp, its common knowledge that we scandinavians speak good english, but what about our spelling? ;)
Dunno about the other scandinavian countries, but in sweden the avarage student have about 8 years of english studies in school.
(on a sidenote; my grammar sucks)



Well some times the spelling has to be fast and not in correct grammar , and for me it dossent matter if someone spell'd something right , aslong as I can figure out what he means ;)

- Pathfinder -

This is a common enough occurence. I love it when sub level 5s spam me for invites :m00:

And us Swedes are terrible at English; can't you tell that from our grammar ;)


OK its a fact tehy dont speak English in USA... They speak American.. which is their native language. Why do i call it that... well because when i have been to america i could hardly comprehend some of the US natives :p

Whereever you go in America they all have their little Dialect that only they can understand i suppose its their subculture of some sort.

By the way... <not being scandi> Dutch people have Brooklyns accent hehe. And Scandi people as a whole speak really good English, due to the fact its in their GE programme.

Re grouping ethics.... most likely its writen by people desperate to get more people into the group... or they are just frustrated... most times <from personal experience> people ask if youare free and want to join them for a hunt <obviously if you are closeby.. ie wont ask to join them in Dartmoor if you are in Snowdonia.>


happens a lot unfortunatly.
I usually decline as well, no matter how good the group,
unless I'm in DF and fairly desperate, ofcourse :)


Yup, this happens more often at low level ive noticed. People are that desperate to get a group they just spam you with invites.

Supose at higher levels (post Keltoi) you need to plan your group properly so theres a little more co-ordination there.

Im personaly the same, and wont normaly accept a group invite without knowing a bit more about the group.


Originally posted by SilverHood
people in USA speak english? :clap:

Yes they do though it is US English they even spell stuff different

as for being asked for invites i normally get invites all the time for both my cleric and my meinstrel.

my cleric is just for healing even though he is smite specced and normally solo's better than my minstrel (4 lvls higher)

my minstrel i normally get asked to join one player and play my drums for speed so that he can do his kill task quicker, very selfsih if you ask me as normally the player is two levels lower than me so i would not get any exp (trying desperately hard to get to a lvl where i can experiance rvr for the first time).

so yes you do get them soemtime you get a tell asking why not i normmaly send them a tell saying that i am on a task.


Jeez, what gives?
People complaining about being invited into groups, the invite box IS the invite! '....has invited you to join his group', it comes up on the screen, maybe we should change it to
'Sorry to trouble you old chap, but if your not busy would you be interested in joining me in a group, hope this request isn't putting you out!'


And you would be playing in which realm and server my good ole Job matey ?

<just out of curiousity>
< Albion Excalibur ? by any chance?>


OOhh so cruel, Hib/Exc actually and as a Bard I get invites/tells all day to group, I've perfected the polite refusal, don't lie
'I'm loggin off now' cos you'll probably bump into them 20 mins later, maybe I've just mellowed 'thanks anyway but I can't commit at the moment'
I'm so nice it makes me cry


Hmmmm i dont really get this thread.

Never thought that people could be bothered about if somebody sends them a nice little message about if they want to team up. (I know my infiltrator alt would love that to happen some more)

If people really hate this just go anon( /anon), and then you can solo to your hearts content without ever being bothered.

Now the only thing i find a bit rude about people trying to get a group, is when i get 20 xxxx has invited you to join his group, without the person ever talking to me. Might just be me thats old fashioned, but i enjoy a bit of chat before i choose to join with somebody ;)


I still think that polite refusal is better than lying :p

Cause if you honestly say that you dont wanna group you may be invited next time... people who lie dont earn any good graces :m00:

<Albion /Excalibur is weird>


It happens a lot less in the 30+ range. 5-15, well, all sorts of newbish behavious will abound ;)


Originally posted by grebneklaf

Now the only thing i find a bit rude about people trying to get a group, is when i get 20 xxxx has invited you to join his group, without the person ever talking to me. Might just be me thats old fashioned, but i enjoy a bit of chat before i choose to join with somebody ;)

I think that was the point of this thread :) The people that just sniper invite you. There's one! Shoot! Waiiiiiit, he declined? Must be a mistake, invite him again!!


What happens when you decline an invite, does the inviter get a message to say you have declined or recieive nothing?
Of course the reason I don't know is because it's never happened to me:)

Liked your story Damini, and especially liked your detailed description of your teenage years without once mentioning the word 'GOTH!'


Yeah i think they get the ' DA player you invited decided not to bother you with his annoying presence' .. or something along those lines


Originally posted by Damini

I think that was the point of this thread :) The people that just sniper invite you. There's one! Shoot! Waiiiiiit, he declined? Must be a mistake, invite him again!!

You might be right and in that case i agree.
But i dont think your right cause the original post talked about being invited by people you cant see. Correct me if i am wrong but i think its impossible to invite people to groups when you cant see them, thats why i took the message as being that the original poster hated being asked to join a group via the send option and not just via the invite button.


I almost always decline the sniper-invites... ffs send a tell and ask :) tis polite you know.


Most annoying ones are where they invite and you decline about 5 times , then they appear next to you , invite you again , you decline , they then invite again , at that point i'm really tempted to tell em to feck off , but i settle for a No Thanks . (yes this happens a lot to me (playing my Theu ) , funny thing is though , never seems to happen with my scout :p


Ummm yeah

Yeah my original point was it irks me being invited without being spoken to first. I dunno, maybe its just me, but I think its more polite to "speak" to someone before you invite them. And politeness is something I like to see - even here :p

As for being invited by someone I can't see . . . well my skald is usually running around hilly country like Mularn, or forest country like Myrkwood - I figure it takes time for someone to target you with the mouse at a distance, and then hit the invite button - with my speedy feet I figure I've gone over a hill or behind a few trees before they hit invite, or perhaps it's server/connection lag, because there's rarely someone visible when I get the invite message (unless it's as a speck in the distance).

It's not that I 100% like to solo (although its great having the option, unlike EQ most of the time), but I often get invites when I'm running to meet up with RL friends at the other end of Midgard, or on a quest/task across the country, or when I'm busy in RL and just killing a few mobs between afks - obviously I can't group in those circumstances, or it wouldn't be fair to the group.

Perhaps in future I should just accept the invite and just keep running, and see if they can be bothered to speak to me then ;)


I've had someone spam me for literally 5 mins solid with invites (I was afk), then I returned and declined... and he spammed me more. *sigh*
On the getting groups thing, seems I get more sends now that DF is here. I have started getting sends about tree groups while in camelot... it's a long way to lyonesse. Guess minstrels are getting rare or something.


People always assume that getting asked for groups is a good thing. People say 'oh but healers can get groups easily'. Yes that may be true, I can get a group easily, but that certainly does not mean I can get a good group easily. I've started to only play my healer when we've got a guild hunt going, or with people I already know, because otherwise, it's more hassle than it's worth.

Getting /sends every 20 seconds 'want to group?' is actually a pain in the arse, it's not a good thing.


Re: Ummm yeah

Originally posted by Valdamar
Perhaps in future I should just accept the invite and just keep running, and see if they can be bothered to speak to me then ;)

Lol yes we should all do that, maby it would make peps learn........... okay now that i think about it maby they wouldnt


Heh, I'm not surprised by flying groupinvites, after the number of times as unguilded my different chars has been invited to an XX number of guilds on the fly without them nowing nothing, and thats more serious imo :)


Originally posted by vajb
Heh, I'm not surprised by flying groupinvites, after the number of times as unguilded my different chars has been invited to an XX number of guilds on the fly without them nowing nothing, and thats more serious imo :)

Ohhh yes forgot about those, i think i have had about 50 guild invite by people i dont know. 2 of these asked me before they invited me, like anybody really would want to be in a guild that invite people like that.

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