Is it acceptable to snitch on someone selling an account?



This is something that i've been pondering recently as it effects everyone in some way.

it obviously affects GOA because they don't get the revenue of someone playing for 18+ days playtime to get to lvl 50.

I think the worst scenario is that an inexperienced player gets hold of an account with lvl 50 chars, gets accepted into groups and is unable to play.

the reason this is the worst is that anyone who wanted to spy on your realm would buy a new account and spy, rather than buying an ebay account for alot of money.

i can't see anyone really caring apart from GOA.

Ultima has a problem where exploits are used to get gold and minerals and then sold on ebay. this i can understand. but the passing of an account to someone doesn't seem to be an issue.

what could happen - an unused account is suddenly used, thus allowing the server to have an extra player and meaning a few extra groups could find someone to fill the extra slot occasionally?

its not like the servers don't need the extra players. for example,, we have only 2 english speaking servers. if all the unused accounts were sold to new people, we could fill the 2 servers and maybe get a third. that would be great, alot of people would be happy (like everyone who wants to play all three realms) and no-one would really care.

so, what makes it bad to sell an account? the extra population afforded to the servers by reactivating old accounts? the revenue that GOA would get from a closed account being used by a new player, still affording them 8 pounds a month, same as a normal account.

its not like we don't know who sells anyway, and its not like anyone really cares.

so what makes someone post a thread "revealing" someone that is selling an account ebay? as far as i can see, there's no problem as long as GOA don't find out, as they are the only ones to be affected by it (and i still don't see what they have to lose).

i guess what i'm saying is i have no respect for anyone snitching on someone selling an account. in fact, i would go as far as saying i have a hatred for anyone posting any information about account sales , hoping to get someone into trouble pointlessly.

i think its out of order, i think the realm can benefit from such sales, and its not like they can do anything malicous anyway, nothing that would outweigh the benefits of getting some new players into the game.


i know someone who does.
i dont like that someone.


It's against the rules you all sign up to. I'd report someone if had proof that would stand up, the trouble is that proof is hard to get.
Account trading is still cheating, just cos it doesn't 'hurt' you doesn't make it all right.


Isn't this what i tried to point out on ebay the other day ?


oh someone is selling their account, i must whine to goa as soon as possible.

Tesla Monkor

The moment you login you have agreed to not sell your account. Stop whining and just don't do it. :p


All account sellers should be posted in this very forum so people can take wild guesses who it is. It's more fun than DAoC itself.


Originally posted by Jonaldo
All account sellers should be posted in this very forum so people take take wild guesses who it is. It's more fun than DAoC itself.

hah too true.

i dont want to sell my accounts, and im fully aware of the rules according to GOA, those rules that we all sign up to when we start to play.

however, if i saw someone selling an account, i wouldnt post on here about who is was and what the url is.

when i signed the CoC when playing Camelot, i never signed something that said "I will run to barrysworld the moment i see someone selling his account on ebay". thats not to say that i agree with it or not, its just that i never signed that i would tell anyone about it. i think its takes extra effort to run to barrysworld and tell on a fellow (ex) player in this way. i don't believe that its the sort of effort that commands any respect either.


Although i no longer play personally i neither agree or disagree what other people do with their accounts and to be honest i would of thought the people who do are just moaning for the sake of it. I certainly dont think like someone mentioned earlier you can class it as cheating. Playing on someone elses account is also against coc , would you also class that as cheating?. I guaranteee you if that was the case then most of the well known and respected players would be guilty of that.
People should just mind their own business.

I myself am gonna hold on to my inactive account in the vain hope that Mythic actually add anything more than fluff to the game.


I wouldn't say its anyone duty to report sombody selling their account, that really should be GoA's job (enforcing the CoC).

Doesn't mean i agree with people selling 'their' account though, i abriviate their because in the eyes of the CoC the accounts are property of Mythic entertainment (or in this case GoA) and are leased to the account payer.

Besides, you can't change your Sub. password. So account trading/buying can really bite you in the ass and then what? If you admit to buying an account your in breach of the CoC, if you keep quiet your down however much you paid. Not worth the hassle imo :D


DAoC would be an awful game if everything would be done literally as CoC says...


Originally posted by jaapi
DAoC would be an awful game if everything would be done literally as CoC says...
it IS an awful game..



Some people openly admit they've sold some chars, and also have that SOLD after some of their (former) chars in their signature. So it's not that hard to find some who are breaching the CoC if you really want to...

Personally I'm against people selling their chars. But I sure can understand those leaving the game wanting to sell their accounts

And let's say you play on any of the 2 UK servers and wanna try out a third realm ??

Since GOA restricts the players not speaking german & french to 2 servers only, and in a way themselves not delivering what they should (like they're known for keeping promises etc :p )

In this case I can more than understand people swapping accounts to try out chars that they cannot do unless they they delete all chars on 1 server.

And who knows...
Some more utterly poor/bad service/information from GOA, I might even end up wanting to sell my acccounts (like someone would like a lot of gimped middie chars- yeah right :eek: ) and start over again in the US or perhaps start some other game...

To conclude: I'm against selling/buying - but I won't play private eye and act as a GOA informer naming people who's selling/buying

I bet most of the ones wanna act GOA informers are nerfed SB's that want to make some impact on the game ;)


GOA don't care about sold accounts, so long as the subs is being paid. Add all of the sold, traded and borrowed accounts and you're talking at least 30% of all accounts. Buffbots are the worst offenders, most of them have over two people with access to the account and quite a few BBs belonged to 'real' players before being respeced and sold. Does GOA give a shit? NO.

So why should any of the subscribers care?
Give subscribers the option to change their subscription password, and make it officially legal to trade accounts. Like they have for the US servers.


Originally posted by chretien
It's against the rules you all sign up to.

I would guess that that depends upon the country where you buy the software. Consumer law overrides "the small print" in most countries.

I always assume that the main purpose behind the no-trade is to make sure that GOA cannot be liable to compensate you if, for example, all their servers + backups get wiped. You cannot ask em for $$$ compensation for an account wipeout if the accounts cannot be traded.


Personally I doubt that the no trade provision is enforceable per se.

In a fair few EU countries it is certainly not enforceable, since consumer law in those countries considers preventing you from selling on software/licenses to be an unfair contract term. I find it hard to imagine a court seeing a difference between (for example) a DAoC account, and a Windows OEM licence (the latter has been tested in various courts of countries with relevant legislation, and those courts found it was ok to sell on regardless of what any EULA said).

However, at a minimum, GOA can refuse to continue your subscription for no particular reason and only potentially be liable for remaining subscription already paid up, so the point is moot.

I suspect the reason GOA put the trading ban in the CoC is to make absolutely clear that they are in no way taking any responsibility for account trading, and they are not going to spend the time and energy required on basic things like subscription passwords, which you might reasonably expect to come as standard on any normal IT related service, but which GOA either cannot be bothered with or are not capable of.

When Mythic originally set up DAoC their intention was to allow account (but not item) trading out of game. Within weeks lawsuits had sprung up about the rights players had to accounts that Mythic was allowing them to sell on. As a result Mythic had to change their CoC to make clear that as far as they were officially concerned all the accounts belong to Mythic and as a result you can't sell anything.

However, a blind eye continues to be turned, and no doubt will be turned until such a time as a CoC can be written that would protect GOA/Mythic from lawyers, but would at the same time make it possible to allow account trading offcially.


Really don't see why GOA have it in the CoC - would have thought better to have an active account that the subs are being paid on than an inactive account.


my personal opinion is that i dont care if somebody sells thewre account or not.

the way i see it .... for those people who get fed up of daoc after playing it so long , id much rather see there chars stay active hence keeping the population bubbling over rather than as people get fed up of the game they leave and all the chars (remember not all who sell are lvl50) are no longer part of the daoc population (no alb zerg whines please) ...

yes i can see peoples points of view when they whine about newbs buying a lvl50 and not being able to play the class properly .. BUT, imo thats the same as most people who JUST ding 50 . they goto rvr and NOT know how to play there class to its full potential .. due to inexperience in rvr,. its a learning curve .. yes i also see that some folks be pissed off cos they played the game so long and worked so hard to get to 50 only for a mummys boy to get a lvl50 infil/sb/ns of ebay for his bday from his/her parents.

im sure EVERYBODY who plays daoc KNOWS somebody personbally who has sold/swapped/borrowed etc etc there account ... but they dont whine/snitch on them , they only seem to post about people who they dont know/dislike .....

imo the more people who play daoc and stay here the better , of course id rather see the original owner stay in realm . but if somebody else takes over that account to keep the daoc population ticking over then im happy..
can u imagine the server population if everybody who has sold/bought/borrowed or swapped accounts got banned? the population on all servers would be shite and like a ghost town.

although i DO think that people who DO spend hard earned cash for a few pixels of a cpu game that they will NEVER OWN. is pretty sad... the people selling are the smart ones making money before they leave game ,, the one's who buy them are sad imo .

thats my tuppence anyways :)

<DISCLAIMER> i have never sold/bought any accounts on daoc and never will :)

The Real Redi

Originally posted by Rollie
oh someone is selling their account, i must whine to goa as soon as possible.

mmm, constructive and jam packed with sense!! :rolleyes:

If your game is being upset by the account being sold, or it is causing a problem for anyone, then by all means report it. If you just plain don't like the person who sold up, report em anyway - you'll not be named as the grasse, and lets face it, it's unlikely they'll do sh!t anyways...

As long as EBay allows the trading of accounts from DAoC, then accounts will be traded. Then add all the other forums/auction sites that it happens with... it'd be hard to stop, but most concern of all for GoA is the income, sadly.

Trading of accounts is illegal, and would be easy to at least stall if they just hired someone to troll those sites and if able to identify the character, using some nifty searches of their databases (sellers will nearly always provide the server, class, race, RR and any significant weapons/RA's, which will narrow the searches down severly), then watch the accounts activities a while, then delete them if they are sure they have the fella, but any moves to stop the trading of accounts will lead to... (altogether now) less money!! and sadly we all know what comes first in GoA's book of "Set of Rules for 'the proverbial other' vol. 1"


I dont care whether other people sell their accounts, or buy others. Its called "Minding my own business" and "not being a busy body".
Anyone who intentionally looks for people who are selling accounts and reports them to GOA needs to find themselves a hobby....


Originally posted by choonz
Anyone who intentionally looks for people who are selling accounts and reports them to GOA needs to find themselves a hobby....

But they have one...

Jerry Sprinkler: What are your hobbies?

Toon: "Well Jerry, i like to play DAoC, that's dark age of camelot the greatest massive multiplayer game ever made! Intentionally look for people who are selling accounts and report them to GOA. And help my mother clean the basement i live in."

Jerry Sprinkler: And let me guess, you're here to whine about GOA?

Toon: "Yes Jerry. I feel that we as a community have been negelected by GOA and things need to chance."

Jerry Sprinkler: "Well i say, you play a game with your daddies credit card and live in your mothers basement."

Audience: Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

Toon: "Hey! I didn't come here to be dissed by some noob."

Jerry Sprinkler: I think you did all the dissing on yourself.

Audience: Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


Originally posted by -yoda-
im sure EVERYBODY who plays daoc KNOWS somebody personbally who has sold/swapped/borrowed etc etc there account ... but they dont whine/snitch on them , they only seem to post about people who they dont know/dislike

This is an espeicially good point.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
But they have one...

Jerry Sprinkler: What are your hobbies?

Toon: "Well Jerry, i like to play DAoC, that's dark age of camelot the greatest massive multiplayer game ever made! Intentionally look for people who are selling accounts and report them to GOA. And help my mother clean the basement i live in."

Jerry Sprinkler: And let me guess, you're here to whine about GOA?

Toon: "Yes Jerry. I feel that we as a community have been negelected by GOA and things need to chance."

Jerry Sprinkler: "Well i say, you play a game with your daddies credit card and live in your mothers basement."

Audience: Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

Toon: "Hey! I didn't come here to be dissed by some noob."

Jerry Sprinkler: I think you did all the dissing on yourself.

Audience: Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

True dat ;)


Re: Re: Is it acceptable to snitch on someone selling an account?

Originally posted by Silenzio
def... this guy have too much free time...

i would agree, but i dont believe there is such a thing as too much free time :)


Originally posted by tripitaka
Isn't this what i tried to point out on ebay the other day ?

Nothing gets past you eh mate?


Seems strange all the people that moan about Goa all the time and say they wished Mythic would run the European servers then complain somepeople break Goa code of conduct by buying and selling accounts. If you look at Mythic code of conduct it states buying of whole accounts is allowed but not selling of equipment.

So most accounts on ebay are for usa servers and are allowed by Mythic who will also change the passwords and security passwords for you when account is sold.

Stop whinging and get back to enjoying the game !!


i complain about GOA, but thats just because Daoc isn't interesting enough to keep my attention away from their humerous business practices :m00:

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