Bleri McThrust
Finster was well and truly back in Albion tonight. Stealthing around Forest Sauvage.
What I would like to know is was this a personal Crusade against the Crusaders of Albion
He killed :-
Rayelle (one hit probably poor wizzie) who was just standing around waiting for group to form.
Then had a go at me (whilst I was in the middle of fighting 2 Fellwoods). Does that constitute xpkilling even though I was going to lose to the Fellwoods??
Then poor Grandmaster Tailor Egidius (960 skill and rising, give him a tell for orders) whilst he was actually standing inside Excalibur crafting.
Didnt see any other death messages from him
Least you could have done was kill Erren as well lol instead of just blowing kisses to her (please dont anyone tell her I said that
Have we done something to upset you Finster
Also how can he actually get inside Excal ??
What I would like to know is was this a personal Crusade against the Crusaders of Albion
He killed :-
Rayelle (one hit probably poor wizzie) who was just standing around waiting for group to form.
Then had a go at me (whilst I was in the middle of fighting 2 Fellwoods). Does that constitute xpkilling even though I was going to lose to the Fellwoods??
Then poor Grandmaster Tailor Egidius (960 skill and rising, give him a tell for orders) whilst he was actually standing inside Excalibur crafting.
Didnt see any other death messages from him
Least you could have done was kill Erren as well lol instead of just blowing kisses to her (please dont anyone tell her I said that
Have we done something to upset you Finster
Also how can he actually get inside Excal ??