is crits critts?



is critts (valkyn SB) and crits (saracen infil) the same person?
i know crits was talking about having 2 accounts, one on alb, one on mid, so is that you m8?

if so, respect for not attacking me near alb zerg so we weren't both ganked, wish all stealthers were as clever as you

if not, same amount of respect :)




Nope not me! Have started 2nd account but gonna be totally crap as i am starting from scratch. Gonna take me ages to make money for good equipment and that. Name of new alt is 'Infslicer' - hehe. Though to be honest he couldn't slice his way out of a paper bag at the moment.

I can see why there are so few Mids on BG at the moment though cos the places i been to don't seem to have many Mids there?. Certainly nowhere is there a place so densly populated as Camelot is on Albion. And another thing i notice is that communication between peeps on Mid seems to be very slight. Hardly a word is said by anyone? Early days yet so i might well change my opinion.

Can see great promise for a 2 handed opener crit shadowblade, though whether i will persevere is another thing. Only way to stand up to a top inf on BG1 is to have the best spellcrafted gear etc. Gonna take some time to accumulate enough dosh etc for that. Though i think i will eventually get there.

I haven't received SI yet so i have started a Kobolt SB instead for now. Though will be starting a Valkyn as soon as i can with some daft name. Savage brainless beast he looks to be to me. But his stats are quite good - infact very good - for a Shadowblade. Seeing him approach out of the darkness will frighten anyone i should think - hehe. Bear this inmind fellow infs - mourning rage axe (if i can get it) - 8.3 dps SPEED 6!!! and 100% qual - hehe - perf from that and you gonna be sliced from head to foot.

Anyways as i said gonna take a long time to get established.

Bye for now

Crits (still alive and not yet cremated Albion inf)

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