Ironheart (again)



Last dragon raid, flemish lions gathered 2 groups and got 1 drop which we couldnt use, sleeves for an ice wiz. Luckily we invited a friend from another guild, an ice wiz :D

so we gave him the sleeves.

but who got pissed? Mr. Ironheart, he wanted us to keep this drop as being from fl... and!! he tells me 'we manipulate this ice wiz to join fl by giving him this item.'

+ he pm's other guilds/aliances to avoid fl while he blames ppl of 15-18 yrs old to be too imature to play this game.

well, all i can say is: /ignore ironheart who seems to be ow so uber and l33t...

sad to see me say this cause i like the guy, but not for what he does, 5 mins ago he even demanded rank 0 or he'll try to do anything to get fl out of the way lol. well he aint getting it.

to cover up his reply on this: whatever he sais: /ignore it, he's a bit daft it seems


ok , nice one tijl

yep i was pissed.

how would u feel as a GM when someone nicks ur players??

off course Gorre will say it is not true, cause why should one admit he is wrong?
Well ok, u started a nice flame thread again and BTW ur the one starting the flames cause not one person has been told this info u seem to be telling ppl here.
So as A former leader of FL i hope u know that false accusations are in order???

and yes i think 15-18 year old kids are somewhat to young to play a roleplay game cause 70 percent of the ppl playing in ur guild haven't even got a clue what ROLEPLAY is.

((Altho i must not generalize cause there are ppl out there in this age that have got the maturety to play this game as it should be, so to all those 15-18 year old i would like to say good job))

As ur fantastic GM told me , they are not ready for that type of game....

Then i think thos ppl should go play counterstrike and should not be manipulated by a GM that desperatly need members?????

so now u will tell me that all is just bullocxk, off course , go ahead, i am looking forward to beeing able to start a new flame thread on BW on ur accoutn, don't forget , >>>abusive behaviour on a forum can cause U some serious probs maty.



Most times people think someone is poaching members, the members in question were looking for an excuse to quit.

Oh, and don't go on about roleplaying... the vast majority of this game's players DO NOT ROLEPLAY.


ok could be

ok sorry i won't even mention that word again mate,

i do have my moments myselfe to be honest cause with the frequency of contact one has with certain ppl, the roleplay attitude does grow thinner. Understandable. But i hoped most ppl did try to give it a go in this type of game to roleplay?


*note: for all ppl who arnet concerned about this stuff what so ever just read the last 2 paragraphs*

first of all as i told u before ironheart
u got very nice ideas about the roleplayin thing
but u must learn to accept that most ppl are not intrested in such a bigger plan
most ppl play the game how they like it and u cant force ur ideas on some other playerz
i mentioned a hundred times that FL wasnt suited for ur ideas and that it would be better to start ur own guild with ppl who think and wanne play like u do
instead u forced ur ideas on evryone in our guild , even so hard that some got tired of u and left our guild cuz of u

i must agree u did lots of effort for FL
but its nothing compared what u did to some memberz
u just went on shittin on evryones head who didnt suited ur profile till they eventually quitted guild cuz they got tired of u

anyway ill explain how ironh finally left teh guild cuz i dotn feel like tellin all over again for those few who r intrested
with 2 fgz our guild accompagned teh dragonraid saturday
lotto came up with some ice wizz sleeves and a mind staff
an ice wizz came along in one of our grpz
(who wanted to join our guild with one of his altz, but due guildpolicy i told him that it would be better to join with all his chars. so he told me he would think about it and make his decision later on)
cuz we got no ice wiz in our guild i asked in gu if anyone needed the sleeves and asked if they agreed that i gave em to the icewizz who was part of one of our grpz on the raid
all agreed, and it seems only logic to me
this got nothin to do with bribery, its just normal,fair grp lotto behaviour
evry fair grpldr would have given teh sleeves to the icewizz
(weither hes plannin to join teh guild or not)

ironheart always keeps the guildvault so he asked me to give the items to him (some ppl in our guild never saw one single item of our hunts cuz u dont like em and dont wanen give em anything btw)
i gave him the staff but when i told i was goin to give teh sleeves to teh wizz cuz i was meetin him in DF , ironheart immediatly quitted guild
if u wanen think this is pure bribery , theres nothin stoppin u to think that

but when u start pme other ppl all over alb about me bribin and manipulatin ppl, thats just pure lame behaviour
(a lill mistel on ur behalve proved how lame u go -first send msg of ironheart , the rest is soem dutch jibbrisch about ironh tryin to explain that it wasnt a mistel with the excuse that ppl standin next to him while craftin wer havin a conversation about soem probs in their guild concernin teh same stuff)
u assured me last time that u woudl destroy FL's reputation all around albion if u got kicked or now that u left
but hey ppl do stupid stuff when they are enraged
just dont believe anything of the crap hes sayin
its just a twist of facts ur tellin to all to give our guild a bad name

but anyway ironheart is a nice fellah and got great planz for playin daoc
but hes just a bit way to fanatic
gl out there and hope u find a guild or build a guild wich could make ur ideas come true


cya later


pissed, yes.

but afterall,

i left ur guild cause what i had a long conversation with u mate, and i heard the way u handled ur guildies.
U can say that FL is not ready for that type of game, BUT look what u give in return.... u give em all the candy, so u get what u want...

I wish u the best of luck in ur guild mate, cause it just wont work, the last month i heard u ppl talking about great plans.... changing alliances etc.. i think u will need a guild with a descent structure and ppl with better attitudes then the ppl u take care off now. Kids,like i already said a million times, that should be playing CS instead of this game, there are a couple of ppl in there that are worth while. Those ppl know who they are, but u punnish these ppl by putting em up with a bunch a kids that don't care what happens, they just wanne open their mouth and say something and feel inmportant.
Anyway: if ppl ask me why i left guild , i will tell em the reason and my point of vieuw so what the concequence are for u guys or for me , i don't mind, thats a part of the roleplay i do in there. So wether u like it or not thats something to be sorted IN game not on a forum. cause all u do is slamm and slender. and PLS don't suck up to me with money in game or whatever, i am not bribable, nor am i a child that is happy with a candy bar, i will return all u think u are missing.(last night remember, trying to settle me with ur craft money, i returned ur platinum......)

And about those drops, JUST bugger off on that one, all are in vault and as i told ur guildies a million times, first of all, none can use em, those that can use em have better drops, so they stay in vault, what else should i do with em?? ok i'll salvage em. I left yesterday, did u think that the first thing on my mind were those drop i gathered, in the guildhunts I organised, with the ppl I gathere. NO. remember that one also, pitty baba's pc wass broke, butt did u even put one bit of efford in organizing something, no u leeched on the work i did, and even acknowledged it by saying, :"hay i'm happy, i was able to do some other stuff while ur doing that, yeah u were levelling ur chars, nice one.

come get ur drops mate, next time i'll cu , ull get every single one of em.
BTW dragon hunt, u recieved three drops

but keep that for in the game.

and some advice stop bribing kids pls, i don't like the way u do that, don't offer ppl what they won't find. Something like a guild with a good sttructure and loads of activeties. U have none, and when u will have em. Look at the result of ur events.

I hope i'm wrong mate, i hope ur guild grows faster en better, really, but i do hope some other ppl will wake up to the way u handle things in there.


k im sick and tired of ur bullshit
im just tryin to help ppl and our guild and thats it
nothing about givin candy to get what i want
i never asked anything and quite frankly i dont need anything
k i gave my acc to a guildy infi to lvl his char on tangz
but it wasnt about the money i got enuff G atm
and gave many away (a couple of platz by now)
u nagged about never gattin anymoney from the guild earlier on that day
later i used u for a money transfer of 1G to my crafter
i just offerd u soem G of it
its just freakkin helpin each other
and thast whats teh game is all about now?

anyway nobody is intrested in this bullhit what so ever so this is my last post on this topic
if u feel like givin my name a bad conotation all aroudn alb , plz feel free to do so
grow up or at least face IRL
its just a freakkin game


gorre is an irl mate from me
great guy, great though beginning gm...
so stop flaming him, i know him far too good to know that he's selfish

u know, he had a lvl 99 paladin on HC in diablo 2. Ranked on the europe list, but when quitting diablo for daoc u know what he did?
Well instead of selling his account on ebay (could get 1000 bucks for it) he gave it to his guild! Cuz it's only bits & bytes :)

So stop blaming gorre and re-examine urself iron!


eek. I don't really understand what's going on in FL and with Ironheart. All I know are as follows.

1. People tend to play the game how they want to and people who try to impose a playing style on people who are just playing it for fun will fail. These people tend to get classed as 'Leader wannabies'

2. Imo, uber drops should be passed down the guild to people who can use them, even if they didn't participate on raid x. That's one of the main reasons to have a guild.

3. People in guilds tend to be friends and if someone comes along who tries to upset people in the guild, they should examine themselves and consider leaving the guild.

4. There's been a post about Ironhearts attitude before. (Can't be arsed to dig it out but something about tanglers.)

old.chim aira

is this still going on, who wants another 5 stars for this post?



Reading these posts reminds me of the days I played Asherons Call, on US servers.

While I have no comment on the content on some of the above posts, I must draw attention to the utter destruction of the language some call English.

Why use words like “cuz” when there is a perfectly acceptable alternative of “because”?

The grammar, sentence and paragraph construction indicates either a lack of education or a complete lack of respect of a language.

So, pleez stup uzin this Amerun tipe of gramar and start uzin the propar stuff cuz otherwise you will start soundin like a fule and undermines all you iz tryin to say, innit!

(Tongue in cheek guys)


héhé yah mate if u like languages so much, then we should all speak dutch in here, k?

nah seriously i can speak English rather good, but i think there's a huge difference between an application for one or another job opportunity and a forum where people have fun and spam...

So I don't care if people don't use English the proper way :)


now excuse me if im wrong

But why wash dirty laundry in public if both parties are "oh so honourable" to each other?


Some people just like showing off their panties.



we all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine...



hmmm i wonder.... why is there a post expected from me?
if u are expecting me to flame u iron... i'm not even gonna bother... i don't waste my time on such things.

Happy hunting u all!


To sum it up someone is pissed over some guy who was so nice giving some other guy something made by pixels.

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