


random funny qoutes from IRC to be posted here

it MUST NOT contain quotes from other sites or otherwise previously posted quotes, ONLY originals

[13:46] <Sarum> right, gotta go clean the bathroom/toilets etc \o/
[13:46] <Soul|Coffin> have fun
[13:46] <Sarum> back later
[13:46] <Brinx> obsessed with cleaning
[13:46] <Sarum> not really
[13:46] <Soul|Coffin> think I'll download AO again :|
[13:46] <Sarum> just obedient ;p
[13:46] <Soul|Coffin> that'
[13:46] <Soul|Coffin> s just as good as fun. from my point of view at least :p
[13:46] <Sarum> snuck out to buy my mum some flowers earlier :)
[13:46] <Sarum> she was mucho impressed :)
[13:47] * Sarum has quit IRC (Quit: The 3v1l! It is too much!)
[13:47] * Brinx shakes his head
[13:47] <Soul|Coffin> he's beyond the aid of simple mortals ;)
[13:47] <Brinx> I think I need to take him under my wing
[13:47] <Addlcove> poor sarum. he´s not even dating a girl yet and he´s already pusssywhiped
[13:47] * Soul|Coffin cackles

Halo | NS

[23:34] <Halo|NS> Fuck off and die of cancer.

Sarum TheBlack




No really... it's funny. Almost.

I am more than capable of indepance I'll have you know... I just prefer to present a different image at home. It keeps me in free meals and gets my washing done. You could talk to my sister if you wanted a slightly less "golden boy" image of me.

The Kingpin

How dare you try make a mock of Ling Sarum!
I don't see why he don't just zap you into a manga cartoon..


Is irc any good ?

I have never been in ircland, some of the posts seem positive some negative. Is ircland a good or a bad place ?

Answers of a sensible nature encouraged, but not compulsory. Have a nice day, apparently its the good day of the year so try and be good :D



odd one i found:

19:18] <Soulcatcher> could be as much as flooding
[19:19] <OPAC> I finished my puzzle!
[19:19] <Soulcatcher> puzzle?
[19:19] <OPAC> my first flash puzzle
[19:20] <OPAC>
[19:21] <Soulcatcher> \o/
[19:21] <Soulcatcher> I solved it :D
[19:21] <OPAC> big girl!
[19:21] * OPAC fluffles Soulcatcher
[19:22] #Foreseen ek|Sleipner|Cs ( [Marcus Amren]: * (3 hops) [G]
[19:22] * Soulcatcher bites gwombeatr
[19:22] * Soulcatcher bites gwombear
[19:22] <OPAC> argh!
[19:22] <Soulcatcher> no fluffling! (gotto try and be at least a somewhat evil manifestation now thjat you're gone)
[19:23] <OPAC> You're also to blame for me being gone!
[19:23] <Soulcatcher> nah, that was Damini :)
[19:23] * Soulcatcher giggles
[19:23] <OPAC> and you!
[19:23] <Soulcatcher> I would never do that! *smiles innocently*
[19:31] * OPAC cries
[19:32] * Soulcatcher gives OPAC a bowl of milk
[19:33] <OPAC> thanks
[19:33] * OPAC sips the milk
[19:37] <Soulcatcher> no more crying then? :)
[19:37] * OPAC cries
[19:38] * Sarum gives OPAC a ball of wool to play with
[19:38] <Sarum> should keep him amused for hours ;p
[19:40] <OPAC> Sarum you arent funny
[19:40] * Sharma- slaps Sarum around a bit with a rather large stick
[19:40] <OPAC> you just use the same stuff as everybody else
[19:40] <OPAC> come up with your own stuff
[19:40] <Sarum> yeah, but that's not funny either
[19:40] <Lonewolf> no leave him alone
[19:40] <Lonewolf> he hilarious
[19:40] * Soulcatcher accidently tips the bowl of milk
[19:41] <Sarum> atleast with cheesy lines people know it's supposed to be funny ;)
[19:41] <Soulcatcher> oh, Sorry Gwombear. I didn't see it
[19:41] <OPAC> you just act like everybody else
[19:41] <Lonewolf> and?
[19:41] <OPAC> you're nothing but a dumb wannabe
[19:41] <Lonewolf> well least he has a name
[19:41] <Lonewolf> ur some kinda capital letter thing
[19:41] * Lonewolf legs it
[19:42] <OPAC> I salute your brilliant attempt of an argument
[19:42] * Soulcatcher watches in tense anticipation of the slow disecting of Lonewolf
[19:42] <OPAC> but a name doesnt have anything to with it
[19:42] <Lonewolf> What u think I give a toss about someone who pretends to sip milk on an internet relay chat room
[19:43] <Lonewolf> now that is scary


more oddness from trog and tdc this time:

[20:26] <Seel> really..
[20:27] <Seel> It's a freaking forum!
[20:27] <TdC> I should do that too Seeleh
[20:27] <TdC> but my natural laziness protects me
[20:27] <Seel> I didn't say i's scary...i'm in the possible region of doing chores!
[20:27] <tRoG> POSSIBLE REGION?!
[20:27] <tRoG> POSSIBLE REGION?!?!?!?!!!?!111
[20:28] <TdC> I have a huge backlog of mail I really should get through :/
[20:28] <TdC> ooh
[20:28] * TdC whips twoggy too
[20:28] <tRoG> NeEeEeEeEeEAaAaAaAAARGH!!!11!1!21£!"3211£!"11
[20:28] <Seel> Well you're just pussywhipped TWog...hardly the same thing
[20:28] * tRoG goes postal
[20:28] <Seel> I just had to *grins*
[20:28] * TdC taunts the postal one
[20:28] <Sharma> [20:29] <moo-> ##############################
[20:28] <Sharma> [20:29] <moo-> ##############################
[20:28] <Sharma> [20:29] <moo-> ##############################
[20:28] <Sharma> [20:29] <moo-> ##############################
[20:28] <Sharma> [20:29] <moo-> ##############################
[20:29] <Sharma> :p
[20:29] <Seel> ....
[20:29] * tRoG shoots TdC in the head
[20:29] * Sharma prods TdC
[20:29] <Seel>
[20:29] * tRoG dances around TdC's body
[20:29] <TdC> BING
[20:29] <Seel> uuu...pictars...
[20:29] * tRoG kicks TdCs head
[20:29] <TdC> more...more baaaabes
[20:29] * tRoG lays into TdC with a hacksaw
[20:29] <TdC> you know I love it
[20:29] <TdC> ooh that stings a bit though
[20:29] * tRoG gets the missus on TdC
[20:29] * Sharma prods TdC harder
[20:29] * Sharma prods TdC harder still
[20:29] <Flimgoblin> woot TdC graces us with his presence
[20:29] * Sharma kicks TdC
[20:30] <tRoG> Ph34r TeH MiSSuS!
[20:30] <Sharma> :p
[20:30] <TdC> yeah, bow down bitches :)
[20:30] * tRoG s MiSSuS gets her PLiERZ
[20:30] <TdC> ooh
[20:30] <TdC> but wait...
[20:30] <tRoG> Run!
[20:30] <TdC> again?
[20:30] <tRoG> Run while you still have the chance!
[20:30] <tRoG> Go!
[20:30] <tRoG> Goooooo!
[20:30] * TdC spreads for twogs missus
[20:31] <TdC> giv meh teh pl13rs
[20:31] <tRoG> She'll attack you with Ring of Marriage (+11 Mind Control)!
[20:31] <TdC> ohoh
[20:31] <TdC> now you're freaking me out
[20:31] <Seel> Whipped...twog...wa-tch!
[20:31] <tRoG> Then lay into you with her UBeR PLiERZ!
[20:32] <TdC> I'll write my name on her back with a soldering iron
[20:32] <TdC> it's pretty, you'll like it too
[20:32] <tRoG> It's not her back you'll be looking at
[20:32] <tRoG> You'll be too busy trying to avoid TeH PLiERZ
[20:32] <TdC> I'll write it anywhere she wants me to
[20:33] <TdC> unless I'll be enjoying that plier trick too much naturally
[20:33] <tRoG> She'll launch a cuning ploy, and get you to bend down to write it on her feet or something, then WHaM!
[20:33] <tRoG> PLiERZ in teh head!
[20:33] * fonzy ( has joined #bwforumites
[20:33] <fonzy> Well f*** me
[20:33] * tRoG is now known as tRoG|BeingWhipp
[20:33] * TdC f***s fonzy
[20:33] <El_Coolio> Hello fonzy

Sarum TheBlack

Ooh, more mocking of me! I shall sit in a corner and plot my revenge.

Just as soon as my PC decides to load my IRC logs quicker than one every 5 minutes.

And, while I'm at home, I don't do my own washing Bels :).. I do do all the ironing (mine and the rest of the family) tho...

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