IRC Chat with Mythic CEO Mark Jacobs



The log of the chat is right here

Bits I liked the most are
[s}{rike] Despite assurances to the contrary, many believe that patches adding Spellcrafting, Housing, Horses, will not make it as promised (promised to all be included by end of this Spring 02) but will instead be included in the DAOC:IS release. Will all, some or none of these additions be included in DAOC as it stands soon?
[MBJ] No, all of those things will not be part of the expansion pack. I promised that we would add them as part of the subscription content and I intend to keep that promise. It has taken longer than I hoped but there is no plan, inkling even germ of an idea to make them SI only. DONE

[Omni] How will the expansion affect the *performance* of the game? Is the new eye candy going to come with a framerate hit, or will the new engine perform better than the current one?
[MBJ] I expect that players wil see a framerate improvement with the SI pack even without the use of sliders, etc. One of the things we are doing is working on better ways for the player to deal with all the graphical aspects of the game. DONE

[Zek] What does Mythic intend to do about the difficulty melee classes have in RvR, mainly because of the prevalence of mez/stun spells(which continue to be added)? Resistances just aren't enough to make up for the fact that melee classes spend a GREAT deal of their RvR time standing around unable to do anything.
[MBJ] The 1.51 patch was huge as the players know. We will continue to work to balance out the classes in RvR and it is not our intention to have any class stand around the majority of their time. We will continue to improve that. While I know it seems easy, no game to date has tried to do as complex a system for PvP as does DAoC. We've
[MBJ] gained some insight from that and we will continue to do so over time. I expect we will succeed. DONE


[Exitio] Question: Based on the popularity of programs like DAOX (reportedly even among mythic staff), are there any plans to implement abilities like playing in a window or disabling the @#$@#$ Windows key for player convenience?
[MBJ] There is no intention to make DAoC playable within a window. I know a lot of people would like to see this but this is one of the times we just have to say no. DONE
[oO] Why is Mythic against programs like daox that allow you to run daoc in a window?
[MBJ] It is our belief that allowing DAoC to run in a window makes using third-party programs much easier. While we have seen that no matter what you do people can make these types of programs, I don't see any reason why we should make it even easier for them. DONE
[UnknownPlayer] We will be doing a quick Mkick so please feel free to rejoin if you want to talk about the game a bit *** ChanServ sets mode: +i *** ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@* ( Rasputin is using MKICK on *** Marc was kicked by ChanServ (ChanServ ) *** yawnwraith was kicked by ChanServ (ChanServ ) *** Morid was kicked by ChanServ (ChanServ ) *** Galaylia was kicked by ChanServ (ChanServ ) *** DDH|Kaisies was kicked by ChanServ (ChanServ ) *** Kap was kicked by ChanServ (ChanServ ) ***
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Damn the US players get to meet some Mythic folk at a round table on some server :8


well making a game that doesn't die (horribly) when you press the start key would be nice.


It doesn't have to :rolleyes:
Rip out the windows keys, done that pleeeent of times. Some knife, wedge it in and *pop*.


well apart from physically ripping out the keys from my fairly new keyboard (no ta sfx :p ). how about just popping daoc on the taskbar. and upon clicking you go straight back to the game.

you know! just like pretty much any other app/game in existance. ;)


Yup... well... there is a remedy to that, which is very commonly used.
As for the popping the keys out... did you know that they can be removed and put back in? Also used when cleaning a keyboard...

old.Reckless <Lion>

There are certain registry keys that can be altered to stop the windows key functioning. Look them up!


Just rip them out, it's fun too :D

Yes... there are programs which disable them...


If you have a Microsoft keyboard (i have a natural one) the InteliType drivers allow you to disable the dam keys anway in the Keyboard properties.


Helllooo?? You guys never looked at tweak tools? If you want your windows keys disabled you just have to find a nice tweak tool that does it for yah.

Btw nice those questions but will take ages until that expansion gets here ;)

skerit XP

Originally posted by SFXman
It doesn't have to :rolleyes:
Rip out the windows keys, done that pleeeent of times. Some knife, wedge it in and *pop*.

God, I did the exact same thing! But now I use daox, they can detect someone who is hacking the prog, but running in a window isn't bad. NAh :)


Khalen, of course we have but I have gotten so pissed off at times that I popped the keys out... put them back later when I learned not to press the buttons. Now it never happens and they are still in place.
Originally posted by skerit XP
God, I did the exact same thing! But now I use daox, they can detect someone who is hacking the prog, but running in a window isn't bad. NAh :)
Yup, popping them was great fun :)
Mythic actually said there aren't exactly taking any action against daox users so /emote shrugs

skerit XP

Ok, just to say so:
Goa/ Mythic I use it so I cna do other stuff wiht my pc aswell :)
Not only sit on camelot 24/7 :)

yea, ripping them out was fun, but I lsot them :|


You notice that it was all US players
when the have a world fan base how byesed is Mythic???

perhaps one of the questions should have been
"how are you going to address the situation of europe being behind in the patching and are you going to give them a hand by precoding the expansion with the languages already in"

There answer would have been europe wheres that???


Hehe... funny. I think someone SHOULD have asked that question! Damn.

skerit XP

not this again, there are a efw months between the us 1.36 and 1.45 patch aswell, they just got patches between them, w eget one big patch, I like it more thta way


Originally posted by Khalen
Helllooo?? You guys never looked at tweak tools? If you want your windows keys disabled you just have to find a nice tweak tool that does it for yah.

HELLO!!!??? I never said I wanted the start key disabled. I use it quite a bit it windows. eg Minimize, Lock workstation, Load Explorer, blah blah

What I said is I'd like a game that conforms to usual windows standards by not nuking itself when you press the start key. Fair enough it don't work in a window, I don't really want it to. But when the start keys are accidentally pressed it would be rather good if it didn't kill daoc.

However I may look this tweak up, as long as it lets you disable/re-enable the keys without reboot I'll be happy.

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