Invasion of the other realms




I always wondered of it is possible to invade another realm and conquer keeps in the other realms or it is possible to conquer a frontier keep.

I wonder why every keep in the realm has keeplord... Can they be conquered then ?

If a frontier keep can't be conquered, would it be possible to rush urself through it with a great army ?

We could make a deal with the midies and kill some tree-hugging hibbies

Or Am i just dreaming again *g*

Bometal McAyeTee
31th season Paladin


What Bometal asks is whether you can get an entire army through the realm gates to invade the realm itself, whalloping through with your army (or those that are left) to Caer Ulfywych or Humberton Castle and conquer those as well.

You could ask yourself now , how does she know all this.
the answer is simple , i know him in person :)

edit : typoville


Well in theory I think you can get past a realm gate... if someone happens to open the door for you and you don't get wiped by the uber guards... In practice though it's not going to happen. The guards are all silly level and can see through stealth at silly distances (try you can see them they can nuke you through stealth and you're not far wrong). And there are about 30-40 of them in the keep. You'd need about 5000 level 50 people to take a borderkeep minimum.


Sounds like a neat idea. Lets do it.


Dunno bout the other realms but albion looks like it was designed with realm invasions in mind.. the various keeps dotted about, all the guards/towers, the healer and bind stone at north cam gate, those big mysterious double doors im camelot center nr the forge etc etc

Mabe it was planned to be able to then ditched or something, shame :)


I like those super big mages i the centre of Camelot. It are realm guards and the are HUGE. Would love to see one in action :D


My point exactly,

Why are there within the borders of albion patrols of guards, are there realmguards and what are all those keeps doing there with the keeplords (Caer Withrin, Caer Ulfywech) ?

If this game covers full scale medieval warfare, why would they limit the fighting to some borderlands ? imo, it would be much more fun, if u can really invade another realm... this will also motivate more ppl to rvr and will make the lower levels (20 - 35) also more usefull in rvr ( a larger front => more fightings in different places).

Now atm, you can run arround in the albion realm, and u will never encounter a hibbie or a midie... If u want to see them, u must go beyond the frontierkeeps

I think it would make the game more exciter when u can encounter raid partys of other realms within ur borders. (they won't last long anyway :) )

The only thing i wonder : Is this possible or will this become possible in the future ?

It could expand the game even more :)


Why are there within the borders of albion patrols of guards, are there realmguards and what are all those keeps doing there with the keeplords (Caer Withrin, Caer Ulfywech) ?

The Caer's or forts function as cities/towns where the guards/patrols protect the inhabitants of the realm from mobs.

Realmguards however are only to be found in the frontier region.

About the lords in keeps : these are just a piece of scenery/npc you need for a quest.
If this game covers full scale medieval warfare, why would they limit the fighting to some borderlands ? imo, it would be much more fun, if u can really invade another realm

Just imagine you playing your lvl ten minstrel and 10 seconds later you're ganked by a patrol of trollies that feel like shoving that annoying flute up your bum (and the guards won't help you since they're as easily killed as you at that time (eg the guards near vasudheim, the city in front of the capital , ~cottswold , con green to me at 42))

Wait for the pvp server to "invade" other realms

...this will also motivate more ppl to rvr and will make the lower levels (20 - 35) also more usefull in rvr

battlegrounds in 1.48 will make a change to this , since you will be able to fight "reasonably fair" fights there with all players more or less your level.


prydwen and excalibur are RvR servers.
they will add a pvp server later on, and there you will be able to invade other realms....
but the thought of having 800 albs coming to hiberia isnt that fun when they got 400-450 ppl in the realm, well the ending you can come up with yourself,
the guards in realms are for help purpose, if you get a mob and run to a guard...the guard will kill the mob.
how shud ppl that resently started to play the game exp if albs/hibs/mids run around and kill ppl?
i think this would destroy the game, sure maybe if the realms had a equal amount of players, but as for now it wouldnt work.


i agree all that, they cant make it to easy to enter another realm but the real meaning of this thread was, if it is possible now to go with 400 albs to the hibbie-frontierkeep and blast urself through its gates or even conquer it ?

I have heared a rumor that on the US-servers a combine mid-alb force had invaded hibernia and even reached Tir Nan Nog


So my question still remains : Is it possible and if yes, has it been done before ????


ok so with 500+ people yeah it may be possible a few may get through the keep dors and past the guards, question is Will goa handle 500+ people in one place answer we saw on saterday at the dragon :)


Bometal :

In some instances on "normal" RvR servers there were cases of members of an enemy realm invading homelands but ALL those instances were cases of bug-abuse (and in a number of occasions the perpetrators recieved penalties).

Without exploiting bugs you VIRTUALLY can't get past the border keeps, they are designed with that in mind. The border keep guards have been made incredible tough on purpose. I've read they (or some of em) are like lvl 85, which makes them equally highlvled as a dragon or even higher.

So in short : no, you can't without violating the games rules ...


Bugger :(

But i have read somewhere that the Infil classes (infiltrator - Assasin - Nightshade) were designed to infiltrate another realm to steal and spy on the other realm (inside the realm)

It would be with a "disguise" ability or something...

But Mythic scrapped it or something like that...

Could be great fun though :)


Well, Mythic's description of classes is plain ole bullshit since they can't keep up with what they promise in their descriptions.

Another question would be, what would you do in the other realm when you got there?

if you want to gank lowbies head over to yggdra and beat the crap out of graycon middies :flame:


If u wanna invade realms, go to PvP servers.

Although I still think it would be neat for me to go to Nisses lair and have a ball.


im quite certain it would be possible for say (PLZ DONT THINK IM SUGGESTING AN ALLIANCE ITS JUST FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE THREAD)a combined hib-alb army or any other combination to rush a border keep as long as as the opposing kind realm opened the doors for us to rush through :) would be MANY casualties though id say good 90-99% would die and we are talking like 1000+ ppl here still would be funny to try :)


Yeah, then again, lets think about this, 1000 ppl... 380 made Dartmoor crash...

Now I can guess what happens then ;)

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