interesting thread for minstrels


old.Gombur Glodson

well 1,54 is miles away.
And dont forget how upset everyone got with see hidden, which have had no impact on my minstrel whatsoever.
So better to wait and see for ourselves.


well, something like this wouldnt effect my minstrel since never, from even day one did i roll her to be a primary mezzing class, i'm taking instruments to max but not for mezz, almost the sole reason i made mine was for pets because it offers an interesting and fun way to play that isnt the standard, likewise see hidden didnt effect me either, since i never had any intention of being a stealth charcter...

BUT! considering what this class is supposed to be, nerfing mezz and stealth are bullshit really, my sympathy for all the "normal" misntrels around, next they'll probably nerf your speed too, wouldnt surprise me one bit :(

basically this is just another progression of what's been happening for a long time, archers can no longer function as stealthers, which is what they were designed to be, minstrels can't function as stealthers, which is what they were partly designed to be, now, with the resistance additions to mezz, along with this then they wont be able to function well as mezzers either, and since they can still taxi people, that'll probably be taken next too.

eldtirches who specced void for damgae (since it's the damage spec) no longer out damage the utility spec lines that they could have specced!, assassins will almost certainly feel the nerf bat due to the whines and no longer be able to funtion as assassins either, tanks can't tank because they just get butcherd by DD's, infact this game is very very very messed up :p

leads me to strengthen my view that everyone should just ignore nerfs, because whichever class you chose, no matter how balanced or even underpowered, someday, someone will get killed by you and start whining, then it'll catch on, and you'll get nerfed and wont be able to do the class defining things that you chose the class for... best to just get on with it i think from now on. :(


Well, it's a shame because chasing down 'runners' and stopping them all dead with the mez/speed twist is a lot of fun. (hint, don't run from a minstrel unless you know you have equivalent speed, or are leading them into an ambush)


(But we are resourceful and will cope)

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