Interesting thought about a tank's job in DAoC



How would people feel if taunt styles drew aggro in RvR? Nothing more annoying than someone running stright through you and to the casters and healers you're supposed to be protecting. Collision detection seems not to be an option, probably due to the processing power required, so how about a system which makes /taunt change your target's selected person to you? Maybe make it have an aggro list just like mobs, so that if a second person runs in and starts taunting it doesn't make you suddenly switch between targets mid fight? Anyway it'd probably be annoying if it wasn't done well, but it'd give defensive tanks a real way to protect the healers and casters that normally get mashed in seconds.


bah by /taunt I actually meant taunt styles, not the chicken motion :p

Brannor McThife

A good idea, and something I find amazingly lacking in far too many MMORPG's. You have "taunt" styles, that once you leave PvE and head to RvR are "useless".

I totally agree. A Taunt style should make the attacker's target change to you based on the same type of code used in PvE.



Bad thing about taunt styles is that theyre usually lowlvl, require a lot of end and have lousy attributes. Using a higher level anytime is much better since it's doing more damage. Of course this doesnt apply to some speclines, like Mid Hammer, where Provoke is the best anytime.

And when suddenly your target gets switched, a smart tank could just click back to the healer/caster. Of course if you wouldnt be able to do that, it could be a bit of use. That would render enemy tank a bit useless, since the only one he could hit would be a tank.

Outcome would be that there could be no more tactics in fights like "You go for healer, you go for AE mezzer" etc. It would be like "Hit the one hitting us". Caster would get more free time to cast tho...

I think that would defeat the idea of human players really. No more targetting, just hitting the mob that is closest and free of mez.


Or you could use shield stun to stop them running thru you.


Bad thing about taunt styles is that theyre usually lowlvl, require a lot of end and have lousy attributes. Using a higher level anytime is much better since it's doing more damage

yes, no, no and not unless you have end-regen.

the taunts in every line i've tried use less end than the anytime and do almost the same dmg. I always use snowblind as backup instead of dfrost if I dont have end-regen. the dmg difference is like 3%.

but yeah, most/all of em have penalties to defense.

and no, the /taunt would be too powerful, get a savage to use taunt @ 1.5 swingspeed. you would change targets and get out of view ALL the time. It would be frustrating and moronic.

my 2c


Haha...just what tanks need - another thing they NEVER FUCKING USE BECAUSE THEY ARE MORONS.

There. I said it.

"OMG! I can't just SLAM people! It uses ENDURANCE! I need that to spam Amapissed Slag for UBER 120 DMG!"

I speak, of course, about random RvR group tanks and not decent chums.



Yes it would end up with tanks hitting other tanks, but isn't that more realistic? Casters do damage from afar, healers heal tanks as they fight, assassins and archers attempt to take out the casters and healers using sneaking/arrows. It just seems more like what a fantasy battle should be. As I said it'd be annoying as hell to do it now, it'd ruin the old tactics of go straight for the clothcasters/healing classes, but maybe this is how it should have been from the beginning :/ Anyway it was just a thought :)


Nice idea. Perhaps they should make it automatic via the use of a flag, and not via the use of taunts.

So for example, if you are a tank, you can set your flag to Intercept/Taunt. This means that if any enemy player comes within 2 metres (a sort of real life realistic value for getting too close!) of you, they will automatically target you and run toward you. They cannot then change their target for 5 seconds or something like that and have no choice apart from engaging the enemy....meaning they can't run away - they are effecively locked from any movement control.

This means tanks can form a line and if tight enough, no enemy can run through without taking that 5 second duration battle against the enemy tank. After 5 seconds, they can be free from the taunts for 5 more seconds and can then charge wizards, etc.

If you are a bit of a chicken, you can set your flag so that you basically let any enemy pass you.

Obviously needs more thought, but hopefully the RvR expansion will incorporate things like this....


Originally posted by Arnor
yes, no, no and not unless you have end-regen.

the taunts in every line i've tried use less end than the anytime and do almost the same dmg. I always use snowblind as backup instead of dfrost if I dont have end-regen. the dmg difference is like 3%.

but yeah, most/all of em have penalties to defense.

and no, the /taunt would be too powerful, get a savage to use taunt @ 1.5 swingspeed. you would change targets and get out of view ALL the time. It would be frustrating and moronic.

my 2c

True, with end regen the end cost isnt that a big deal. But using anytime in general is idiotic.

But this idea is dead before implementing. Too many things it would affect negatively, bringing minimal realism to the game.

To be honest, how come it would be more realistic to see tanks bashing other tanks? I mean, normal footsoldier is indeed yes, meant to be cannon fodder in the front lines, distracting other tanks whilst the damage dealers in the backrow whip their ranged weapons. Smart tank would go and flank those people weak in defense and ignore the lesser damage dealers with heavy defense. Then again a normal man wouldnt stand after being hit with a 2 meter long sword to his head but hey, its a game.


Flanking :) this probably wouldn't even be a tactic if we could just straight through an army for the goal :) The best option would be to have collision detection, that way you wouldn't have a choice but to engage the frontline, but without that option I thought giving taunt styles a use in RvR would be more sensible. Bah its not like I'm trying to get Mythic to implement it, but I don't think its a stupid idea, just not necessarily a good one :)


Seems like a great thought but I can't see how it could produce anything but complaints from people - for most of the reasons that people have already mentioned.

If we were to have a successful taunt style in RVR....

lets say a tank taunts me while I'm trying to kick the bjesus out of a caster. That means the tank will show up in my aggro window? Wouldn't it be just as simple to re-target the caster and continue to attack?

Is this what you're saying or am I just too tired now since it's 8am and I obviously need more coffee to get my day rolling?


I suppose you could try to retarget but basically the tank is stepping in between you and the caster, making it hard for you to get to them without taking him out first. Which is really their job when you think about it :)


I use a hammer. I spam provoke. I'm a skald. I go down fast.
I don't want people to target me. :p

Something like what Plebo suggested could work. :)


yeeaahh, so what will happen, according to your vision is that the tanks will be bashing tanks, healers healing and casters nuking. Gee im glad I have 2 casters to play with because playing a tank that does fuck all except standing infront of an enemy tank and twacking him before dying, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FUN FUN FUN!!!!1

I think its a moronic idea which will make casters overpowered again, tanks even more boring to play, tactics non-viable and all that shit.


Don't sugar up your reply, please tell me what you really think ;) :p

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