Interesting read, and in my experience true (long read)



The Biggest Threat to Online Games staff 14:22 14/07/2003
As online gaming continues to experience a growth boom both on consoles and on the PC, the biggest obstacle to its growth may well come down to poor customer service infrastructure, argues Dale Munk.

Online Games Are on a Roll

The online games business is big—and growing. Several consulting firms have predicted growth numbers ranging from millions to billions of dollars of growth per year. Just compare the number of MMOGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Games) available this year with those a few years ago, and you’ll see the increase. And MMOGs are only part of the story. Companies like Wild Tangent, Microsoft and Yahoo! currently sell subscriptions for all sorts of games.

It makes sense that so many companies are jumping into online games. Why put all your resources into developing a game that can only give you one-time revenue when gamers are clearly willing to not only pay the purchase price but also an ongoing monthly fee? Some games companies are even using the subscription model to help curb piracy, as it is much easier to copy a CD-ROM than hack a server. Subscription games looks like it could be the next big step in game distribution.

The Biggest Threat

So what could spoil the party? What is the biggest threat to online games today?

The biggest threat to online games today is not poor games. It is not a lack of customers. Nor is it the threat of unfriendly legislation. It is not competition.

The biggest threat to online games today is the industry’s neglect of the customer—usually a subscriber. How can a group so focused on giving the customer what they want, fulfilling their inner desires and fantasies in an online game be accused of neglecting this customer? It’s simple. It’s the infrastructure. It is all of those “uncool” details like efficient billing mechanisms, tailored marketing promotions, and solid customer service. Many online games companies act like once they have created good, compelling content it is their right to ignore the more mundane needs of their subscribers.

Of course, no one will admit to this, but actions speak louder than our words. How many games companies have done a massive launch of a new multiplayer game with barely a nod to billing – with absolutely no appreciation of the difference between a single transaction customer who buys a stand-alone box and a subscriber who must be constantly cared for and nurtured? “We will keep it simple and just bill their credit card $9.95 a month,” often sums up many a company’s infrastructure planning.

Abusing the Subscriber

The results of having inadequate subscription management often do not make the front pages of the newspaper, but they are very real. A recent online games company launched a very successful game but is now struggling. Tens of thousands of subscribers who preordered the game could not (sometimes for days) create an account and log into the game. Existing customers have protested that they too cannot log into the game. Subscribers have complained that their credit cards are billed twice. Others fume about lost account information or game characters. Angry postings on forums and Web logs have proliferated. The company has issued credits and free time to subscribers, but the infrastructure problems are threatening to completely overwhelm any success that the game created.

Sometimes ignoring the infrastructure does make the news. Microsoft of all companies should be positioned to handle the infrastructure requirements of online game subscribers. Yet in December 2002, Microsoft announced it had excluded Australia from the initial release of Asheron’s Call 2, leaving customers who purchased copies on the Internet high and dry. Reporter Caitlin Fitzsimmons writes that,

Microsoft Australia's product marketing manager for Xbox and PC games, Richard Hirst, says the company is starting a new billing system that supports local currencies. "We hope to roll it out to additional countries but the times have not been announced," Hirst says.

The announcement - a day before the release of the game - sparked outrage on internet discussion boards.

One wit has concluded this must be the first time that Microsoft has refused money.

Caitlin Fitzimmons, The Australian 3 December 2002.

These two examples of losing revenue are fairly obvious. Unfortunately, what are often overlooked are the opportunities to gain new revenue through meeting a subscriber’s expectations and needs.

Infrastructure Vetoes Content

Great content cannot completely make up for a poor delivery mechanism, an ineffective billing system, indifferent customer support, or haphazard marketing to subscribers. Poor infrastructure can and does outweigh good content. This is especially true for online games where much of the value is in the relationship between players and between the player and the game publisher.

People familiar with this industry recognize that the reason someone stays with an online multiplayer game has little to do with the latest gee whiz gaming trick and more to do with a sense of belonging, satisfaction, and success. One of the primary drivers of the success of online games is how they enable social connections. "Human beings want to interact with other human beings," argues Kim Taek Jin, chief executive of NCsoft. "Gaming with another person has got to be more fun than playing against a machine." (Moon Ihlwan, “The Champs in Online Games,” July 23, 2001)

Let’s explore in more detail how poor infrastructure can weaken and eventually tear apart the carefully constructed social fabric of an online game.

Subscription Management is Key

Much of the infrastructure needed to effectively support an online game is associated with subscription management. Subscription management consists of all those functions essential to subscriber relationship including acquisition, interaction, and ongoing maintenance. Specifically this includes marketing, order management, access control (authentication and authorization), billing and accounting and customer support.

The subscriber relationship is a closer, more intimate relationship than that of a one-time sale. This relationship develops over time and either breeds growing trust and respect or contempt and disdain. The subscriber wonders, “How will the company treat personal financial information like my credit card number?” When the company accidentally double bills the card, the relationship sours and weakens. The subscriber wonders, “How much freedom and control will the company give me over the information I give them?” When the company provides self-service Web access so that the subscriber can change passwords, view addresses, see past payments and orders, change their email address and so forth, the relationship grows and strengthens.

So What Can I Do?

So how can an online games company put in place the right infrastructure so that its customers get the treat they deserve?

First, don’t assume you can build the entire game infrastructure. Trying to build it is a symptom of the arrogance referred to earlier. When it comes to subscription management including customer support, marketing, billing, accounting, and authentication find a partner with the appropriate services and software.

Second, do assume it will take some effort.

The Wall Street Journal (700,000+ paying subscribers) spent 28 million and many years developing their online subscription site, but many online games companies assume that it can be done with a couple of cracker jack programmers and 3 weeks of effort. Not every infrastructure needs to cost 28 million, but it should occupy your attention for more than ten days and cost more than a thousand dollars. If not you will spend far more fixing the problem after the fact (if it can truly be fixed).

Some games companies, like Wild Tangent, are finding that getting the right infrastructure makes all the difference. They selected an out-of-the-box subscription management solution and have been able to focus on marketing and selling their games rather than solving operational problems. In fact, they have quickly discovered that their subscribers were interested in much more than they thought. They have been able to market and sell additional games and services that have resulted in a significant gain in revenues. This is the real value of the subscription model. Subscribers are more than customers. They generally have a closer relationship and Wild Tangent is reaping the benefits.


So what’s the moral of all this? Subscribers expect more than other kinds of customers and giving them adequate service is more difficult than many think. Overlooking those operational details that support the subscriber (billing, authentication, marketing, etc.) can mean the difference between disaster and success—even for a very good game. The online games industry can reach its potential only when we start treating our customers like subscribers not addicts.

In short, infrastructure is not a game.

Dale Munk is CEO of subscription management software provider Sandlot -


This infomercial was brought to you by:
Dale Munk is CEO of subscription management software provider Sandlot

But he has a point ;)


Originally posted by scalpy
games companies assume that it can be done with a couple of cracker jack programmers and 3 weeks of effort. Not every infrastructure needs to cost 28 million, but it should occupy your attention for more than ten days and cost more than a thousand dollars.

Only point i disagree, slightly, with. The problem here is time and money. It's because of the publishers that gamecompanies can't make everything shiny and sparkly and have to cut corners. When you have three weeks to launch, you have to fix much larger problems then the account management. Money is also an issue since producers don't work like this:

Gamedev: We need 20k for the account management system.

Producer: Oh suure! Have 40k! And here's a box of donuts.

It goes along these lines instead:

Gamedev: We need 20k for the account management system.

Producer: No you don't, actually we give you 5k less this month and need you to build the graphic system all over.

Gamedev: ...

Producer: Have a nice day.

So most the time gamedevs don't have the time, money or resources in their crew to complete everything. They do what can be done in the given timelimit, especially if the game company isn't some huge thing like Activision who have enough money to do what the hell they like.

On other points...quite true if not so clear.

Roo Stercogburn

I disagree with the conclusion that it is a major threat to the industry but there are fair points along the way.

I also think there is a slight tone of pandering to users because its easy to play on gripes to serve your argument. It reads like, as Flim said, an infomercial.


You think that a continual lack of customer support from all and any MMO game won't affect the industry?

I've experienced poor support from EVE, DAoC and Neocron and that alone has made me think twice about getting another game that involves a monthly subscription, and I think it would any other person.

It's all very well having 'stunning graphics' etc, but if you keep pissing off the paying customer they'll drift away and you're left with a pretty piece of software that no bugger wants to play.

(see EVE)

Customer support for a game that has a monthly subscription should be a priority.

old.Trine Aquavit

For any subscription-based service billing is important, but I've never made any decision as to whether I've continued subscribing to a game based on how good the billing is. That decision has always been based on how much I've enjoyed playing the game. And if I've enjoyed playing a game then I'd be willing to overlook a few oibles with the billing system, etc.

A great game with poor customer service will always do better than a poor game with great customer service. The most important thing is the gameplay.


You may not have upto now Trine, but there aren't really that many monthly sub' games around at the moment.

The number of these games is going to increase a lot over the coming year and I for one would think twice about going down that road based on the bad experiences I've had in the past.

Try using this as an example:

You buy 5 cars from the same company and have problems with all of them, you try to get help from their customer service but it's crap. The company then says they have a spanky new car with lots of gadgets, great economy etc etc.

Now you're bound to be wary of buying another car from them aren't you?

That's the thing I'm trying to put across.

The other thing is of course churn rate, to keep a game popular you have to keep the users happy. Otherwise they'll just get fed-up with the way they're treated and move on, cancelling their subscription.

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