interesting info



vnboards so?.. all noobs goes to vnboards or something?


Originally posted by zelur
vnboards so?.. all noobs goes to vnboards or something?

errrr... yes?

but anyway, really old news in the link.

Ckiller ofDust

Originally posted by Pin
errrr... yes?

but anyway, really old news in the link.

Pin thats a newly done test.. Not the old one he did


I thought it was already widely known that the bonus/penalty to defence on a style only applied to PvE and not RvR.

This was certainly stated with reference to some of the style changes in 1.65 i.e. the VW community were worried about their parry opener (high bonus) being moved to second in chain.

Response was that, yes, this was a pve nerf but would have no impact on RvR as the bonus/penalty was not applied. In fact RvR would be improved as the new opener has a slash debuff which only works in RvR, and not PvE.


Originally posted by zelur
vnboards so?.. all noobs goes to vnboards or something?

Yup thats right, but youre back now..


Originally posted by quinthar
Yup thats right, but youre back now..
too late lameass.. duact already made a joke about it. *yawns*


Originally posted by dakeyras
I thought it was already widely known that the bonus/penalty to defence on a style only applied to PvE and not RvR.

it applies everywhere - just only to "MISS" or "HIT"

not to evade/parry/block.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
it applies everywhere - just only to "MISS" or "HIT"

not to evade/parry/block.

I believe some players are under the misconception that a style with a high bonus to defence will give them a greater chance of an evade/parry/block, hence the use of these styles to try and increase the chance of executing a reactionary.

However, in response to the TL's query regarding the use of the bonus during imperfect styling, and the fact that this would now be lost, the response was that although this would impact the solo pve'r it would not impact the player in RvR as the bonus is NOT applied.

Will try and query a definitive answer.


Originally posted by dakeyras
I believe some players are under the misconception that a style with a high bonus to defence will give them a greater chance of an evade/parry/block, hence the use of these styles to try and increase the chance of executing a reactionary.

That depends on how you look at it...

Using a style with a defensive bonus could actually be seen to increase your chance of landing a reactionary, even though it doesn't increase the chance of block/parry/evade.

By using a defensive bonus style, your opponent will miss more of their hits, so you take less damage, so the fight may go on for an extra round, so there is an extra chance to block/parry/evade a swing.

Originally posted by dakeyras
However, in response to the TL's query regarding the use of the bonus during imperfect styling, and the fact that this would now be lost, the response was that although this would impact the solo pve'r it would not impact the player in RvR as the bonus is NOT applied.

Will try and query a definitive answer.

No idea here, sounds to me like some people have wires crossed.

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