instellingen in q3config.cfg gaan verloren



Very weird probje. Ik probeer in mijn q3config.cfg een rocket jump te setten via "set rjump "etc."" en te binden met "bind q "vstr rjump"". De eerste keer dat ik quake opstart doet-ie het normaal maar als ik exit en opnieuw opstart lukt het niet meer. Als ik daarna de q3config.cfg open zie ik nog wel de "bind q "vstr rjump"" staan maar de "set rjump" is weg. Hoe kan dat nou en hoe krijg ik het weer werkend?


does he mean:

vary wierd probje ik prob3ar in mijn q3Config!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ TgHE1R I SA RATIO DONT RIPE ME 0FF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ cfg een r0Xoet junp tE setten vai set rjump etc EN TE BINDEn MWET BIDN Q VSTR FJUMPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ DE EERSTE KE4R DAR IK QUAK 0PSTART DO3T-EI HET NORMA4L MAAR 4LS IK EXIT EN OPNEIU2W OPT4RT LOUKT HET NDITM EER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ als ik daarna de q3config cfg open zei ik nog wel de bind q vsttr rJump staa|\| maar de set rjump si wweg... hoe kan dat nou en hoe kruijf iK het wear warkend?!?!?!??!?!???!?

thx to:



Hmm, Ok 2nd attempt:

I am trying to set a rocket jump in my q3config.cfg via "set rjump "etc."" and bind it to the q key with "bind q "vstr rjump"". The first time I start quake with this new cfg it works fine but if I close the game and start it up again the jump set doesn't work any more. If I open q3config.cfg I still see the line "bind q "vstr rjump"" but "set rjump" has gone away. How is this possible and how can I fix it?


when you type

\SET rjump "whatever"

into the console, it creates a tempory varibale, which is lost when q3 is shutdown. To makle it "perminant" use

\SETA rjump "whatever"


Originally posted by sukhoi
Hmm, Ok 2nd attempt:

I am trying to set a rocket jump in my q3config.cfg via "set rjump "etc."" and bind it to the q key with "bind q "vstr rjump"". The first time I start quake with this new cfg it works fine but if I close the game and start it up again the jump set doesn't work any more. If I open q3config.cfg I still see the line "bind q "vstr rjump"" but "set rjump" has gone away. How is this possible and how can I fix it?
u set it in ur autoexec.cfg file.
open notepad and type in your vstr command then save it as "autoexec.cfg" (with quotes)

should look like this:
cl_pitchspeed 9999
set rjump "+lookdown;wait;wait;+attack;+moveup;wait;wait;-attack;-moveup;-lookdown;wait;wait;centerview"
bind x vstr rjump

where X is the key u want to bind

[Edited by Conquerer on 22-04-01 at 13:06]

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